Sportsman's Trading Co in Amherst, NH

Is this the theme song for the store? [rofl]

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Like most days I go by there, Al Reedy's car sits there all by it's lonesome. Wonder what keeps him going?

Wish I had read this forum before shopping there:
As a new shooter I found out after making my purchases from the large slick talking man at Amherst NH's Sportsman's Trading Co that I was charged much more that retail price. I verified this on line and at two other gun shops. I feel very ripped off and have no other recourse that to warn other shoppers. Price check before you spend a penny at this store.
The lady there was very nice.
The guy is an ass, lied to me, misled me, and I just felt wrong being there, I feel even more stupid not listening to my instinct.
Sorry to hear your blight with Al. It is too bad too because Merrimack,NH now has two Gun Stores on the DWH that just opened up on October 1st.
Sportsmans Trading co

I first checked out Sportsmans Trading co because I had heard they were an authorized dealer of Benchmade knives. I walk in and the owner tells me that he knows the ceo of Benchmade. I then ask him if he can help me get a discontinued model, the 630 Skirmish. Big mistake. He tells me he can, so I pay $280 up front for it. I call him the next day and he quotes me the shipping date and the shipping time, adds up to 3-4 weeks. A bit long, but im getting a discontinued model, so yeah, Im good with that. I check back at that time, and nothing. He tells me to check back in a week. Next week, nothing. At one point he got very rude and defensive, saying "Were doing an f***'in favor for you, Im hardly making any money off this anyway, so Ill just cance the order and give you your cash back." Ok, not the best way to deal with a customer. So this happens a few more times, then after TWO MONTHS, I ask for my money back. So he has to get his supplyer to refund his account, this was on friday, so he tells me to check on tuesday. Tuesday, nothing, check back friday. Friday, nothing, theyll credit me monday at midnight, come in tuesday. So tuesday they try to run it back to my account, i give it about a week and a half with nothing. At this point, Im considering going to Amherst PD, because for all I know he never ordered the knife and hes just playing games. So my dad and I go in, and right there he refunds my account, and its in there the next day. So why couldnt he have done that the first time? Cause Im 19 and he thinks Ill just give up and let him keep my money? Nope, not me.
Moral of the story? Dont give this guy the time of day. Patriot Arms is right on the Milford oval, never dealt with them, but a co worker of mine has had good experiences with them (after a bad one with Al). Also SL gunshop in Mason is pretty good to, its a ways away, but worth checking out.
Oh, one more thing. I bought the Benchmade 42 balisong (butterfly knife) Al had selling for $295. He sold it to me for $280. These are discontinued and in high demand, used ones can fetch $350-$400, new in box like this one can go $500-$600. Sold it that night for $525. So I guess in the end, checking out Sportsmans paid off, i made $245 hahaha.
My first and last time with this crook was last week. He sold me a gun for way over MSRP. I guess I should have done my homework. I have had good experience from other shops and just liked to convenience of gun shopping while my wife was junk (antique) shopping.
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My first and last time with this crook was last week. He sold me a gun for way over MSRP. I guess I should have done my homework. I have had good experience from other shops and just liked to convenience of gun shopping which my wife was junk (antique) shopping.

When first got back into guns, i bought a couple there, he nabbed me on a $499 gun for $599 because I didnt do my homework. the other purchases were not terrible. Anyway, I always do my homework,,,as far as Al,,,,,never again. won't even go in the store.
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I bet he gets quite a few walk-ins like that. When next your wife is antique shopping around there, you can head just a mile west and go to the new Lee's in Amherst.
>>I bet he gets quite a few walk-ins like that.<<

Although when I go by there it's usually only his car that's in the lot! :-)
The one and only time i went in there a few years ago to get my hunting license and he was sleeping in a chair. When he finally woke up he told me he was all out of licenses and to come back another day, haven't been back since.
I stopped in there this past weekend just for kicks...I recall hearing about some grumpy guy in there but never made the connection. First thing I noticed was the WIPE YOUR FEET sign on the door. I wiped lol and proceeded in....was greeted by a pleasant clerk behind the counter...seemed nice enough and tried to answer any question I had. Al was negotiating with someone over the purchase of a .44 magnum. Didn't actually see it but prices being thrown around were in the 1100 dollar range. The prospective buyer didn't like the pricing and walked out of the store. Al jumped up and chased the guy outside. Whatever he said must have worked as the guy came back in and bought it.

The clerk was helpful but couldn't answer any pricing questions...he had to wait on Al. I did ask what the pricing was on a Shield and I will say he stopped what he was doing with the .44 buyer and punched in some stuff on his PC. Quoted me 450 which is MSRP and in line with what I've been hearing other local shops charge. Whether the transaction would go that smooth or not is another thing but I will say he was actually sort of polite to me and answered my questions he did have quite a few firearms in the case I will say though.

I prefer Merrimack Firearms (Steve is great!) or the other place seems ok to deal with (Collectable?) Other than that I'll stick with these 2 or Rileys and or Shooters Outpost

Rileys seem like the have the biggest buying power in the area and able to get the harder to find guns (ie Shield)
I stopped in there this past weekend just for kicks...I recall hearing about some grumpy guy in there but never made the connection. First thing I noticed was the WIPE YOUR FEET sign on the door. I wiped lol and proceeded in....was greeted by a pleasant clerk behind the counter...seemed nice enough and tried to answer any question I had. Al was negotiating with someone over the purchase of a .44 magnum. Didn't actually see it but prices being thrown around were in the 1100 dollar range. The prospective buyer didn't like the pricing and walked out of the store. Al jumped up and chased the guy outside. Whatever he said must have worked as the guy came back in and bought it.

Probably said something dumb like "Oh wait I have another model like that in the WAREHOUSE and I can get you one for $900!" or some bullshit like that. [rofl]

crook doesn't even describe him. ive been waiting a month for mags, that were "in the ware house" and "going to be here in 3 days". Found the same oners in stock at Blue Northern in Ayer cheaper.
Seems like most people do their research right after getting ripped off. Human nature and how this guy seems to stay in business.
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