Picked up an SR22 just today from Four Seasons so I can blow off [cheap] steam after work. The .40s get expensive during extended range trips -- especially since the range I go to is .5 miles from my house. I've read a bunch of reviews (the good, the bad, etc.) and figure for $300, why the hell not?
I shot about 150 rounds of Federal Champion Bulk (
seen here) and was pretty shocked. I had 4 double feeds, 4 FTE, and 8 FTF. Shot the firearm right out of the box. As others have mentioned, the pull feels very long and heavy.
If it weren't for the DFs, FTEs, and FTFs, I'd say I was pretty happy with the experience. It's a fun little piece. I think it's a good way to introduce the Mrs. to firearms. I think the Glock 23 would scare her at first.
I hope to put another 200 rounds through it this weekend. I'll update the thread after doing so. Hopefully it's an ammo issue.