SR9c barrel after Mothers Mag polish

Jul 24, 2011
North Shore
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My barrel is blinding now that I used Mothers Mag polish and would recommend this to anyone who wants to give their gun a shine. It came out way better than I expected. It looks better in person, the stainless is a mirror.

that turned out wonderfully! i wonder how the slide would turn out on my gun! (have the full size two tone piece) Mothers has always been a premium product and its nice to see they have multiple uses [smile]

I too use mother's polish, did you wet sand before ? I used 800, 1000 and 3000? Grit wet sanding paper before polishing. It's really shinny now!
I want to do that to my GP100, but I am not sure if I want to change the 'satin stainless' look

I hated the satin finish and wanted the mirror finish. And for those who want to know my secret, I used distilled white vinegar. I soaked the barrel for 10 minutes and wiped it clean. I then used the green scotch brite pad and worked for 20 minutes. I then used Flitz and some 0000 steel wool and buffed it out. It then became nice and shiny but I later had some Mothers Mag and wanted to use that. I got some Cheese Cloth and put a little mag polish on it. I buffed for about 30 minutes and wiped it clean with another rag. I repeated it and here it is today. It looks 100 times better in person. Good luck to you all.
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