SSK-50 (T/C Contender clone)


NES Member
Nov 15, 2006
Western PRofMA
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After several years of working on this project, Haus of Arms and SSK Firearms are finally starting to ship SSK-50 frames. They're a clone of the Thompson/Center Contender single shot pistol that Smith & Wesson killed off.


They're working through their pre-order list, then they'll start hitting the waitlist. From their email:

Well, folks, the wait is over--SSK-50 FRAMES ARE SHIPPING!!! Several mentions have been made on various Facebook groups, but I know many of you are not on social media.

Just a reminder that we'll be contacting you when your order is ready to ship. We'll need a fresh copy of your FFL as well as payment if you've not already done so (or received a refund). We are extremely busy contacting customers and shipping these frames so please be patient.

You can also help by not calling to ask where you are on the list. That will just interrupt our flow and slow down the process

Of the 400 orders originally placed and as a thank you for your patience, each customer will be allowed to add one frame (flat side or lynx) that will begin with order 401. Once we fill those orders, we will begin calling those on the waitlist.

You can see the new listings of the flatside and lynx at a price of $395. If you've been watching resale frames for Contender, G2 and/or Encore, this is a great price with an awesome trigger right out of the box. If you don't have an order in place or are not on the waitlist, you can go to the listings and add your name.

We want to say a very big thank you for your patience. These frames are awesome and truly worth the wait!

No idea how long that waitlist is - I know I'm on it, and I'm betting many of the original 400 orderers will add another one.
Is there an update on how fast this is moving?

Are FFL getting priority by ordering 5?
Not moving fast at all - Got this email from Marty Ebbinghaus from Haus of Arms end of Jan:

I want to give you an update on the original SSK50 waitlist that you signed up on. Currently, there are 1151 names on this list from 12/21/21-8/18/23. First of all, thank you for your patience.

Unfortunately, over the past 4+ years, SSK has continued to make changes to their handshake agreement with HOA. I don't want to go into a lot of detail, but the bottom line is, we will only be receiving a limited number of frames per week per their last communication with the balance of their production going to others. As a result, we have decided to handle the waitlist you're on differently, to give everyone the same opportunity.

As we receive tracking for frames being shipped to us and what they are--Flatside, Lynx or HOA, we will send an email to the waitlist, and the first to contact me will be able to purchase up to 2 frames until they're all spoken for. I hope you can understand the need to make this change. We're trying to be as fair as possible. Also, if you've already received a frame, I would encourage you to reach out so we can remove your name from this list. Also, if you have the opportunity to purchase a frame elsewhere, do it.

We want to be clear, this is not about the welfare of HausOfArms. This is about those who have waited patiently being disregarded. We have always tried to do our best to work for the guy/gal behind the trigger.

Since then I've received three emails notifying me of SSK50s in stock at HoA, but I wasn't fast enough to successfully order yet. Note that production is going to other places, so it might be worth keeping an eye out on other sources. I'm not sure who else SSK is shipping to other than EA Brown, who is also out of stock. Didn't see any on Gunbroker yet, either. Perhaps an FFL ordering 5 direct from SSK would get priority, I'm not sure.

ETA: both HoA and EA Brown list them for $395, which seems legit retail. As more become available, perhaps the prices on used T/C Contenders will drop.
Not moving fast at all - Got this email from Marty Ebbinghaus from Haus of Arms end of Jan:

Since then I've received three emails notifying me of SSK50s in stock at HoA, but I wasn't fast enough to successfully order yet. Note that production is going to other places, so it might be worth keeping an eye out on other sources. I'm not sure who else SSK is shipping to other than EA Brown, who is also out of stock. Didn't see any on Gunbroker yet, either. Perhaps an FFL ordering 5 direct from SSK would get priority, I'm not sure.

ETA: both HoA and EA Brown list them for $395, which seems legit retail. As more become available, perhaps the prices on used T/C Contenders will drop.
That sounds like a terrible system.

1. Relies on people replying fast - this probably creates a mess on whoever is receiving the frames.

2. They don't know who received one, they rely on honesty, so someone could buy multiple.

3. They let people buy 2, that is nice, but that means those people could potentially buy over 2K frames before anyone else gets one.

I am fine if there are more going somewhere else, I would love to see them on sale somewhere.
I'm sure SSK isn't going to halt production on them, especially with waiting lists in existence. But yeah, this is going to be messy and long. No idea if there was miscommunication or skullduggery going on between HoA and SSK, but when I read 'handshake agreement' I immediately thought "no wonder this is f***ed up".

I keep reminding myself no matter what's happening, it's better than having none in production. This would be a second one for me, anyway, so the pressure to get one of the SSK50s is somewhat manageable.

As far as the being someone being able to buy 2000 at once, I don't think that's a concern. The last HoA email release had 15pcs each of 2 styles. I don't think SSK is anywhere near large enough to flood the market - their core business prior to this was making barrels for Contenders, not receivers.

ETA - never mind all that, I haven't had enough coffee today. HoA talked about this on one of their posts, their experience with waiting lists they've run is that half the people won't buy anyway, so if they allow 2 they end up at the same numbers. Are they right? Who knows, but it's what they went with.
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I didn't even know of the HOA version until I saw a poster on another forum show his newly arrived frame.
evidently Marty is not a humble man
The lynx cat is cool and the slabside are nice looking
There really remains little sentimentality to the original contender idealism
I believe Smith and Wesson's general disregard and divestment with the product has ruined much
Don't get rid of your originals or G2's, those are frames are to be cherished.
Let's see where the future leads us ...
I didn't even know of the HOA version until I saw a poster on another forum show his newly arrived frame.
View attachment 872798
evidently Marty is not a humble man
The lynx cat is cool and the slabside are nice looking
There really remains little sentimentality to the original contender idealism
I believe Smith and Wesson's general disregard and divestment with the product has ruined much
Don't get rid of your originals or G2's, those are frames are to be cherished.
Let's see where the future leads us ...
Yep, I'm waiting for a Lynx - the HoA left me cold as well. I've got one of the later G1s, with a second frame I can leave the G1 as a pistol grip, rifle stock on the SSK and not have to swap those back and forth anymore. I do hate S&W a bit for screwing up T/C, but not really surprised. Not a market they knew at all.
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