State Capitol Demonstration Megathread with Pics

Will you Attend/Which State

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ide say between 1000-2000 people throughout the day in hartford. it was great.

our group

NBC's camera guy showed up after the crowd had majorly dissipated taking video, im sure we'll hear the usual "about 100 demonstrators turned out" bullshit tonight on the news.... he wasnt getting any good video though the whole crowd was shouting him down pretty bad.
Looks awesome! How many people do you think.

Comm2A facebook estimates over 500

Unfortunately - I'm out for today. The flu is still kicking my ass. I can't spend more than a minute or two outside without breaking a convulsive fit of coughing. I'll be spending today writing letters to politicians.

I did have contact with a person the other day who has email access to Scott Brown - and they forwarded an email I composed to him, so there is a chance that Mr. Brown knows about this event - and if the gods are with us maybe we'll even get an appearance.

Hope this whole thing goes well.

Scott Brown was pimping his book with Howie Carr somewhere today. I heard Howie mentioning it this week. Besides - Scott believes in gun control. He voted for it here in MAand he has stated he thinks the AWB should be reinstituted.

I saw one AR in concord. Most folks in NH were OC, myself included.

I saw someone carrying an AR on their back (with 30 rnd mag in back pocket), a pistol grip shotgun w/ no stock, and a mosin nagant. Saw several people OCing pistols and revolvers. I carried (as did my brother) but we did not OC.

I imagine at least half of the people were carrying at the NH rally, open or concealed.

The NH rally needed something more than bullhorns. I couldn't hear anything.

My view:

I thought it was a great turnout in Boston today. I was surprised there wasn't more anti opposition there, but better for us that there wasn't. BPD was super professional, too. Many thanks to them. Thanks to everyone who showed up, all the organizers, and all the speakers. A job well done guys!
I was proud to be here today. It was a bonus to meet and talk to so many great people. My thanks to all the speakers and organizers.

Oh, and I think we all sang pretty darn well too!
Concord NH was well attended...far better than I was expecting. Several of us thought there were between 3-500 people there. The next one (the 31st of January) we will have a PA.

Agreed, I was really surprised, the big message was "I didn't hear about it until yesterday" and a good one "Why didn't the NRA e-mail me about this? I heard it from a co-wordker"

WE NEED A GOOD COMMUNICATION METHOD. NRA, GONH, GOAL, Comm2A, PGNH should be e-mailing these events out to their members. ALL of these events, it doesn't matter who is the lead organizer.
Great rally, great speakers. Now we gotta call and visit the lawmakers! I rode in on the two Hopkington/Southboro buses.

I'd guess 800 to 1500 people!
I'm glad to have been a small part of it today. I saw many familiar faces and had a great time.

Someone asked if anyone talked with the BPD. I noticed all the officers near me were carrying 1911's so I asked one of them what model they were, to which he answered Sig. I had a short conversation with him about it and he mentioned he was a Marine and that he never liked the M9. Said he preferred the 1911 because "It's just a superior weapon". Right on brother.

The only people I saw cause any trouble at all were folks driving by. I did catch part of the interaction between that trolly driver and a few guys. I was standing right across the street. The fella that was most loudly responding to that jerk handled himself just fine. Good for you sir, and us more importantly. Really, kudos to every single person that attended. It's critical we show all who were watching that we are courteous, responsible, well-spoken citizens who are not just talking a big game on the internet anymore. Maybe the word "milestone" is too glorious to use for this event but that's how it feels to me. I've never been involved in any type of demonstration. If there were anything worth fighting for it's this.

So my friends, when's the next one?

P.S. - I've never been a city guy and I pretty much avoid Boston at all costs, but after seeing the flocks of really cute girls walking around, I think I'll visit more often.
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... Maybe the word "milestone" is too glorious to use for this event but that's how it feels to me. I've never been involved in any type of demonstration. If there were anything worth fighting for it's this.

And I was thinking "WATERSHED event". For the sake of our state and our country, I hope so!
There were easily 1500-2000 attendees there @ the Boston statehouse today. "Several hundred" reported on MyFoxBoston.[thinking] Geez guys, your bias is not very well concealed.

I was proud to stand with all of you and I was happy to see so many people I knew there.
Great rally, great speakers. Now we gotta call and visit the lawmakers! I rode in on the two Hopkington/Southboro buses.

I'd guess 800 to 1500 people!

I knew the media would under report the number. I counted 25 deep (21 on the Statehouse side, 4 on the sidewalk across the street) by 80 wide = 2000 people!!
The only people I saw cause any trouble at all were folks driving by. I did catch part of the interaction between that trolly driver and a few guys. I was standing right across the street. The fella that was most loudly responding to that jerk handled himself just fine. Good for you sir, and us more importantly. Really, kudos to every single person that attended. It's critical we show all who were watching that we are courteous, responsible, well-spoken citizens who are not just talking a big game on the internet anymore. Maybe the word "milestone" is too glorious to use for this event but that's how it feels to me. I've never been involved in any type of demonstration. If there were anything worth fighting for it's this.

It was a freedom trail trolley driver trollin'. Someone caught the bus number and called in a complaint [rofl]
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