ok first off, I have no idea how Paul got a AK from a mini14 too, he said it was from stress, things are going good and his hand needs some rework, surgery due in Boston next Monday.
He told me that the known suspect come in asked for the money at which time the person cocked the gun which ejected a unspent case onto the ground, when Paul took the muzzle into his hand and went to pull in a downward motion the suspect then fired, and started to yell "why the f*** did you do that?!?! why!!! he then left the store and then came back in for a pack of cigarettes.. below is a photo of the impact hit onto the safe at the store
I am not saying more since the case is in court.
I will say that I have noticed more patrols of both local and state in the area and I have talked to a state unit the other night at which time he explained to me "I don't f***ing blame you Bill for you legal use of CCW, if you ever need me, flag me and I will be at your back" at which time he got a call and I told him to be safe, he said the same in return.
Well since playing BF2 game I have not been on much in the forums so let me end this so I can go read other posts.