The most important footnote in the Bruen decision, footnote 9,spells out the constitutionality of objective licensing requirements. Subjectivity is NOT allowed. Letters of reference are used to determine suitability and good moral character, therefore they are unconstitutional be definition:
To be clear, nothing in our analysis should be interpreted to suggest the unconstitutionality of the 43 States’ “shall-issue” licensing regimes, under which “a general desire for self-defense is sufficient to obtain a [permit].” Drake v. Filko, 724 F. 3d 426, 442 (CA3 2013) (Hardiman, J., dissenting). Because these licensing regimes do not require applicants to show an atypical need for armed self-defense, they do not necessarily prevent “law-abiding, responsible citizens” from exercising their Second Amendment right to public carry. District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 635 (2008). Rather, it appears that these shall-issue regimes, which often require applicants to undergo a background check or pass a firearms safety course, are designed to ensure only that those bearing arms in the jurisdiction are, in fact, “law-abiding, responsible citizens.” Ibid. And they likewise appear to contain only “narrow, objective, and definite standards” guiding licensing officials, Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, 394 U. S. 147, 151 (1969), rather than requiring the “appraisal of facts, the exercise of judgment, and the formation of an opinion,” Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U. S. 296, 305 (1940)—features that typify proper-cause standards like New York’s. That said, because any permitting scheme can be put toward abusive ends, we do not rule out constitutional challenges to shall-issue regimes where, for example, lengthy wait times in processing license applications or exorbitant fees deny ordinary citizens their right to public carry.
The text above is ironclad. Only narrow and objective and definite standards may be applied, PERIOD.
So no letters of recommendation, no suitability hurdles, and no good moral character assessments are allowed.
This is the law of the land!
The letters are not unconstitutional. USING the letters is unconstitutional.
I'm not saying I disagree with you. But the enemy of civil rights, under Bruen, is subjective discretion. There can be none, going forward. You and I understand that there's no point in even asking for letters unless the town plans to be subjective, but when Bruen defended the right of the states to have any gun licenses at all, it defended MA's right to define the process by which those licenses would operate. And if MA says letters are okay, letters are okay AS LONG AS they are not used in a subjective determination to deny an LTC. And if they are?
That's what lawsuits are for.
I agree the letters are stupid. I agree they open the door to abuses. I don't agree that Bruen precludes them. And if it does, that would need to be tested in court.