NES Member
Ok, but same result as reasonable restrictions, i.e. a mechanic by which states can deny your ability to bear arms outside the home. SCOTUS is always narrow, just like in Heller, which is why we have so much BS to this day.Because unlike simple ownership of a gun in the home, "reasonable restrictions" on carrying a gun outside it opens up a huge can of worms. What's a reasonable reason to deny someone a carry license/permit? That they don't know how to shoot accurately? Great, now EVERYONE has to spend 50 hours of classroom instruction and pass an annual range qualification of hitting a quarter... make that a dime at 50 yards 100 times in a row. Any misses and you fail the qualification and you are denied the permit.
This is how Democrats operate. Unless SCOTUS says that unless a person is otherwise barred from owning a gun under state/federal law, the state cannot deny you a license to carry.
SCOTUS isn't going to make that ruling because it's not narrow enough, they'll say states can't deny you for no reason and the states will take that and make up ridiculous standards that nobody would be able to pass and few would be able to afford to pay for. They will be shall issue states in name only.