NES Member
What takes 18hr to teach? Aspects of gun safety and lawful use of firearms might be a half-day for a raw beginner. Nobody gets "good" at either in another day or two. You get exposed to the proper practices and information, parrot safe gun handling and pass a written test, and retain some to none of what you learned with no further practice and training.Like 18 hrs of training. Missing 2 days of pay and paying someone for that 18 hrs of training on top of that!
It like driving a car - if you pass the mandated content tests, you’re good for life - and may drive well or terribly thereafter. The state‘s role is to make you an accountable driver, not a good driver. That would be the limit of a state’s role in requiring training for licensing. Somebody effs-up with a gun, it doesn’t matter whether they are practicing Constitutional Carry in a state with such an option or whether they passed a star-mandated 18hr class with flying colors - they are fully accountable for what they do with their gun.