TacTissy now a DV victim

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why do you know her personally and know her situation and know that she's telling the truth or are you guys in the camp of "women never lie"
maybe she was in a bar fight
maybe she got too close on a big gun and it would ruin her you tube career
was there a police report
was there an arrest
would she put out a video to talk about what she doesn't want to talk about but I'll talk about it after it goes viral
do you know her?

off to work be back l8r

Do I know what happened? No.
Yet you seem to be inclined to assume she's making sh!t up.
The "big gun" theory is just silly, no recoil would do that much damage unless the scope was against her face, and I doubt she's that careless from the videos I saw.

Do us a favor and don't come back after work.
that means nothing

she could have been beat by her father, a brother, any number of people she was close with and trusted.
right. not her sister her mother or her aunt and women never lie
women are the perpetrators in 11 percent of reported physical domestic violence
do you think men are more likely to report being victimized or women

Do I know what happened? No.
Yet you seem to be inclined to assume she's making sh!t up.
The "big gun" theory is just silly, no recoil would do that much damage unless the scope was against her face, and I doubt she's that careless from the videos I saw.

Do us a favor and don't come back after work.

who assumed
i asked if it was possible
that is exactly the kind of injury one would get wearing her style glasses if she was using the scope left eye for some mindless reason
the crying at the end of the video was left in on purpose to increase sympathy
the injury appears to be a single blow across the bridge of the nose and the inside orbital socket
something across the face like a pool cue or a beer bottle swung from the side or shooters glasses perhaps not a fist.
the whole thing smacks of an attempt to get it to go viral
is it true or not I have no idea but just because she is pretty I dont take her word for it automatically
women are the perpetrators in 11 percent of reported physical domestic violence

The number when you include unreported incidents is estimated to be much higher than that actually. Like 30-40%. It's makes the lefty lunatic's "stop violence against women" campaign kinda ****ed up actually. I want to ask these people, "so, it's perfectly acceptable to hit men? Under what circumstances is this?" Hollywood still features women slapping men as a punishment for real or perceived slights against their virtue or when they cheat on them, etc.

Remember, Ray Rice (ravens dude if I have the name wrong) was getting hit by a woman while in a confined space where he had no possible exit and she was never charged. I am not saying his response was proportional, but the people who only see one person's guilt in that situation are deluding themselves.

ETA: In no way am I suggesting DV is right, Rice was right, nor what happened to this person in the OP did or didn't happen, was right, etc. I just want an equal bar, and not this rather corrupt double standard that is being foisted upon society.
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I can't believe this thread seems to go this direction. There is no reason at all to raise your hand on a woman, unless it is to stop an attack that puts you at risk of SERIOUS bodily harm. People who know me on here may confirm that I'm not exactly the "curl up and take it" kinda guy. But I'd take some hits from a woman without fighting back. It's part of my very few morals that I have. "I will not raise my hand on a woman, a child, a pet, or anyone who's obviously weaker than I am". Call me crazy, but that's how my father raised my brother and I, and I can live with people thinking of it as weakness. If you come at me with a weapon (edged, blunt, or firearm) I will try my hardest to end your life, regardless of your gender, your race or your religion.
I can't believe this thread seems to go this direction. There is no reason at all to raise your hand on a woman, unless it is to stop an attack that puts you at risk of SERIOUS bodily harm. People who know me on here may confirm that I'm not exactly the "curl up and take it" kinda guy. But I'd take some hits from a woman without fighting back. It's part of my very few morals that I have. "I will not raise my hand on a woman, a child, a pet, or anyone who's obviously weaker than I am". Call me crazy, but that's how my father raised my brother and I, and I can live with people thinking of it as weakness. If you come at me with a weapon (edged, blunt, or firearm) I will try my hardest to end your life, regardless of your gender, your race or your religion.

I was raised the same way. Never, ever raise a hand to a woman. Protect women when needed.
This got to me. My daughter is getting to the point where she's going to start dating and if this happened to her, I'm not sure how I would handle it.
The number when you include unreported incidents is estimated to be much higher than that actually. Like 30-40%. It's makes the lefty lunatic's "stop violence against women" campaign kinda ****ed up actually. I want to ask these people, "so, it's perfectly acceptable to hit men? Under what circumstances is this?"

ETA: In no way am I suggesting DV is right, Rice was right, nor what happened to this person in the OP did or didn't happen, was right, etc. I just want an equal bar, and not this rather corrupt double standard that is being foisted upon society.
this is exactly what I meant if iraqveteran8888 was crying on camera about being hit by someone who loved him while begging for privacy the vast majority of you wouldnt believe him because most of you are being sexist and dont realize it

I can't believe this thread seems to go this direction. There is no reason at all to raise your hand on a woman, unless it is to stop an attack that puts you at risk of SERIOUS bodily harm.
I can live with people thinking of it as weakness.
you can have your own sexist morals and assumptions but equal treatment under the law doesnt happen because of societys perverse belief as demonstrated by this thread that only women are victims they never lie about it and only men are perpetrators
the whole thing smacks of an attempt to get it to go viral
is it true or not I have no idea but just because she is pretty I dont take her word for it automatically

I appreciate the fun in being a snarky contrarian, especially about institutions, politicians, and dipshit celebrities. Hell, that's 90% of NES posts I read.

But if an individual (who has a reputation for being serious, competent, and conscientious in his/her work) has no reason be suspected of crying wolf, or shirking personal responsibility, or trying to capitalize on people's emotions, it's pretty poor form for lying when they claim they have been victimized.

If you are right and this gal is BS'ing people, I'll eat crow and call you a genius for being a skeptic. But I'll continue assuming individuals are innocent, truthful, and worthy of the benefit of the doubt until they do something to lose that.

Oh, and I have no bias about who did it (man or woman). Could have been anyone, and I hope she brings that person to justice. I just don't think it was a range accident.
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If you are right and this gal is BS'ing people, I'll eat crow and call you a genius for being a skeptic. But I'll continue assuming individuals are innocent, truthful, and worthy of the benefit of the doubt until they do something to lose that.

Oh, and I have no bias about who did it (man or woman). Could have been anyone, and I hope she brings that person to justice. I just don't think it was a range accident.
no need for crow its just a discussion a bunch of opinions and what ifs
want to believe her without question go right ahead
I question everything and it just set off a bs detector in me and fed right into a pet peeve

if someone did batter her they should be fully prosecuted
no need for crow its just a discussion a bunch of opinions and what ifs
want to believe her without question go right ahead
I question everything and it just set off a bs detector in me and fed right into a pet peeve

if someone did batter her they should be fully prosecuted
Fwiw, your post set off a few bs detectors too.

Women can and do falsely accuse men of horrible things, all the time. Men do the same. People suck.

Of course, sometimes they are stalked and beaten by sadistic pricks, too. People suck.
Fwiw, your post set off a few bs detectors too.

Women can and do falsely accuse men of horrible things, all the time. Men do the same. People suck.

Of course, sometimes they are stalked and beaten by sadistic pricks, too. People suck.
what is the meaning of your picture
she looks like a toothless wonder in the middle.of a swordfight
you guys claim to be for equality but are in fact nothing but the mirror image of the left.
taught to never raise a hand to a woman implies you were taught it is a bad thing to strike a woman but hey its perfectly OK to strike a man
justified to use force is justified to use force man or woman
unjustified to use force knows no gender
you decry the soft racism of the left with thier lower expectations for minorities
while you defend philosophies of soft sexism for women
you are on the wrong side of history with this old outdated neanderthal thinking
peace out
I'm sure most men don't report domestic violence against them do to fear of being arrested.
i say alot of things that come off wrong, Alot of what RicoShay says does ring true, except for the entire premise of his first post and i don't believe anything i read and only half of what i see, I doubt she's lieing.

When i was 21 i had an 18 year GF break my face almost as bad as TacTissy. I was concerned for over a week that i would never see from the eye again. Ever since then i will absolutely defend myself from a women.
Hope and pray for witnesses, run if you can, because a jury isn't going to be as equal opportunity as I.

I'm no expert but by looking at the cuts i want to say she may have been hit with something or hit her face falling down (Whilst being assaulted, not like she tripped)
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you guys claim to be for equality but are in fact nothing but the mirror image of the left.
taught to never raise a hand to a woman implies you were taught it is a bad thing to strike a woman but hey its perfectly OK to strike a man
justified to use force is justified to use force man or woman
unjustified to use force knows no gender
you decry the soft racism of the left with thier lower expectations for minorities
while you defend philosophies of soft sexism for women
you are on the wrong side of history with this old outdated neanderthal thinking
peace out
If my opinion and attitude make me a sexist Neanderthal, then so be it. I'm good with that. If inot hitting women makes me a leftist, then call me Commy. I have to look in the mirror (which is already not a pleasure). One day, I will meet my father again, and the old man would kick the piss out of me for hitting a woman.
If my opinion and attitude make me a sexist Neanderthal, then so be it. I'm good with that. If inot hitting women makes me a leftist, then call me Commy. I have to look in the mirror (which is already not a pleasure). One day, I will meet my father again, and the old man would kick the piss out of me for hitting a woman.

I've met Frenchman and he isn't kidding. It can't be a pleasure. (Just kidding, big guy)

I'm in the same camp. Raised not to hit girls, etc. Although my dad probably would have lectured me rather than whacking me.

Nothing was said about giving the Lady free reign to go off on me though.
I'm sure most men don't report domestic violence against them do to fear of being arrested.
i say alot of things that come off wrong, Alot of what RicoShay says does ring true, except for the entire premise of his first post and i don't believe anything i read and only half of what i see, I doubt she's lieing.

When i was 21 i had an 18 year GF break my face almost as bad as TacTissy. I was concerned for over a week that i would never see from the eye again. Ever since then i will absolutely defend myself from a women.
Hope and pray for witnesses, run if you can, because a jury isn't going to be as equal opportunity as I.

I'm no expert but by looking at the cuts i want to say she may have been hit with something or hit her face falling down (Whilst being assaulted, not like she tripped)

sorry you got nailed by a woman
maybe when more men are as brave as you are to speak out we can be truly equal with women and the crusade against men in the courts can stop
the word of a women will be equal to the word of a man and restraining orders will be handled judiciously and not based upon public opinion and hysteria
sorry you got nailed by a woman
maybe when more men are as brave as you are to speak out we can be truly equal with women and the crusade against men in the courts can stop
the word of a women will be equal to the word of a man and restraining orders will be handled judiciously and not based upon public opinion and hysteria

Ya, she was a gymnasts. i've never had a man hit me so hard. Domestic violence is just like gun violence....it's just violence period. While it is surprising someone you know and love out of nowhere can just snap and visioulsy attack you, in my case completely unprovoked. There alot of people who just get off on beating each other up... just like me i doubt TacTissy will be taking the person back. I am sure the guy will show total remorse, maybe even be disgusted with their actions.. people like that don't change. they mask it but they are still the same loose cannon waiting to go off.

it should be the same crime/sentence regardless of your relationship or lack there of.
Like some girl i slept with one night that i don't remeber shows up drunk 12yrs later trying to break into my house, and now somehow it's domestic violence?
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