Take Back America

The soft war is on...

Time to re-oil the letter writing machine.

And time to free up some cash supporting the causes that impact our liberty.

I'm in.
We get the GOP in leadership of Congress in 2010.

That should be fairly easy, as the Extreme Leftists in the DNC have a stranglehold on Congress and their party right now. They will do most of the work for us. We just need to make sure the public knows it. They will, because when taxes go up, campaign promises aren't met, "Mr Change" becomes "Mr Business as Usual" and together they get absolutely nothing done (as they haven't in the past 2 years they've had Congress), the American Public will see the luster gone from the Socialist "Swan Song".

Then, for 2012, we get some DECENT Conservatives, not "Neo-Cons" to run. Men like Ron Paul, Jim Douglas and maybe even Fred Thompson.

I can't stress this enough, become active in the Repub Party at the local level (or Dem. or Libertarian).

When I was talking to the local office manager basically told me the party can not listen to you if you don't speak to the party.

In order to attend the Executive Meeting you HAVE to be a sworn member of the GOP (at least here in Florida). Actions speaks louder than words, and a group of 10-20 ppl signing up with the intention that they want their voice to be heard carries a huge amount of weight more than a simple email or letter.

You will never win over the moonbats to our way of thinking and viewing the country, but as Nickle said our target audience is the middle of the road American when they think of Republican Party they think the neocons etc.

And +1 for Nickle for suggesting this.
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I'm interested, but would like more details. I would love to have a plan if the SHTF. It would be great to know a group to get together if the worse ever happens. There is always safety in numbers.
I'm in.

I think I'm going to actively pursue any opportunity to write about firearms rights.

I might even contact Jim Wallace, John R. Lott and Chris Cox.
Wet blanket on.

I think the tide of history has turned against liberty in the United States. The new administration sees free enterprise as the enemy of "economic justice", and the majority of Americans seem to agree. This administration will solidify its position by packing the Supreme Court with left wing judicial activists, encouraging the entrance into the US of millions of immigrants from the south while legalizing those now here illegally, by creating and implementing programs to further encourage dependence on the Federal government, and by further Balkanizing the country by pandering to class resentment and identity politics.

The fight is over. We've lost our country. No letter writing campaign will return us to Reagan '84. Moderating Republican positions on abortion, gay marriage and other issues will not win converts from the hard left nor the hypnotized and dependent masses.

Look, Bush had eight years of acting like "Democrat Lite", or as he called it, "compassionate conservatism". No one bought it, on the left OR the right.

Social conservatives won't get ahead by forming a new party. We tried that in 1971 with the formation of the Libertarian Party, which was born in large part in response to President Nixons imposition of wage and price controls, seen at the time as a shocking statist intervention in the free market.

Well, now we have a real live Marxist taking office after a Republican president and Democrat Congress have already nationalized a huge sector of the economy.

We know the new administration will seek to silence opposition with a new "Fairness Doctrine" and we know he will seek to make illegal the guns we all own. We suspect that even worse things will follow.

And we're going to ... write our Congressman? Please.

Start a new political party? The Libertarians won one electoral vote ... in 1972. Today, most kids signing on as Libertarians think it has something to do with pot, and maybe guns. Conservative hippies.

The Nixonian ecomomic policies that gave impetus to the Libertarian Party now pale in comparison to the imminent conversion of the US to a socialist state, not just economically but socially.

Social conservatives, wherever they may be found, need to take stronger action. We could try using the proven techniques of Saul Alinski, and his descendants, ACORN. We are, afterall, now the marginalized radicals of the new age. But I don't see that as happening, and we no longer have the time to spend infiltrating the "establishment". Nor can we expect the leftists in power to be as tolerant of an insurgent right as the right was of leftist agitation. This orthodoxy of "tolerance" will not tolerate us.

Or we can seek secession.

In the latter instance we need a strong political leader and an organization. We need to take the Constitution, and start again.

Alternatively, we can fulminate ad nauseum until the darkness comes and our freedoms are finally gone.

Cuba got "change" in 1959. They're still living in that hell. The Soviet Union got the change that the Bolsheviks promised, and it cost them dearly for 70 years. Communist China, North Korea .... and the socialist hell of Great Britain ... It happens. And it's happening to us, now.

Another poster reminded us of this quote, a while ago. Keep it in mind. Our grandchildren will judge us on what we do next:

"How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every police operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive? If during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever was at hand? The organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt."
— Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prize winner and author of The Gulag Archipelago, who spent 11 years in Soviet concentration camps.

Wet blanket off.
I'm in on one condition. I want to DO something. I want to be standing shoulder to shoulder with the people that agree and stand on common ground, and protest against what is being done.
I've made clear that talk on a forum, or talk online in general, doesn't mean much to me. Someone could call me whatever they please online, it means nothing. The same goes for getting all riled up about changing things and fixing things. It it just text, not even talk, as it isn't even coming from the mouth. I place little to no weight on things that don't equal an action.
I hate to say it, but I think theGringo is right; writing letters is not going to be a successful approach. I'm not saying we should do something crazy, but if we made things difficult enough for the government, if such a thing can be done, then they will listen. I don't even know if this is the appropriate approach, but something needs to be done.
All this sounds like something you'd read in a book. The wierdness of this thread is overwhelming.

Regarding the 'hearings' the hill will have on the biy's death and restricting guns further.

Read this and make sure your voice is heard by your local representatives. Maybe we could have some representation there?

I have a fealing that if they don't find a law that says children cannot fire machine guns even with permission and supervision, they'll try to make one.

I don't feal that this incident and the proceedings are currently a threat to gun rights. Although, they may use this as a reason to ban machine guns. THAT would be something to act against.
I think the tide of history has turned against liberty in the United States...


I'm going to re-read your post. Excellent points.

I'm coming to the realization isn't necessarily the Republican Party or the Democratic Party or whatever. It's the system. The system is rigged so only the empowered get more power. Every four to eight years we choose who we should rob. Obama got the nod this time, and it's time to hang the super-rich, $120,000+ wage earners upside-down by their ankles. We'll do it again in 2012.

The system is flawed.

Ron Paul had the right idea. Try to piggyback on the system as a Republican in order to restore liberty, freedom and sound, free markets.

Sadly he failed.

The system is flawed. I could go on, but I don't want to come across as long-winded and I frankly don't have the time.

We're perhaps past the precipice and falling into the void. The sheep just don't know it yet.
"Americans who have read their history and understand that the true struggle is not between Democrat and Republican, Right and Left, or Conservative and Liberal, but between government power and individual liberty."

This is the most cogent line I've read on these forums. -Right on.
"On Nov. 17, the state Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security will hold a morning hearing in the Statehouse. They'll hear testimony on current gun laws and gun club shows, and are also expected to consider new, more restrictive laws." from the wbztv website

My understanding is that these hearings are open to the public. I live in Westford and would love to attend. I can arrange to have the day off from work. Anyone want to carpool? My van can hold 8. Anyone know if GOAL is sending anyone? I am also writing and calling each and every representative I can (starting with my own). Who will be heard at these hearings?
I also agree with theGringo...we are very far down the rabbit hole..
but I am in to do whatever I can.
If freedom is taken, make the takers bleed for it.
I typically read a lot of libertarian leaning writers. One whom I read often is Bill Anderson who writes on LewRockwell.com.

He thinks that Congress will become even more subservient to the president under Obama - this is a trend that has been going on for a long time.

We will have to fight to gain back power in Congress, and we will have to do something to show that there are other "powers" out there than the president. The million man march - which would hopefully be a multi million person march - is something that probably NEEDS to happen. It must be shown that there is MASSIVE opposition to what may be coming down the pike.

Bill Anderson's comments:

Lew Was Right: The Executive Branch Will Become Stronger
Posted by Bill Anderson at November 9, 2008 06:27 AM

Bob Higgs, in his excellent Crisis and Leviathan, points out that during crises (almost always caused by government) the government will become stronger. That is true, but the real issue is that the executive branch generally grabs most of that power, as frightened people want action NOW, and the presidency seems to be qualified to act quickly, versus the slower, deliberating Congress.

The choice of Rahm Emmanuel to be Obama's point man in the new administration sends the clear message that Congress will become even more subservient to the executive branch. The process that started in 1861 and then really moved during the Progressive Era, World War I, and the Great Depression, will move again with great speed.

Ironically, the coming power grab (of what is left of the legislative branch) by Obama will be done in the name of moderation:

Pollster Doug Schoen, who helped Bill Clinton win re-election in 1996 over overwhelming odds after the 1994 Democratic debacle, recently warned in a Journal op-ed: "If the Democrats govern as if there is no Republican Party, they are likely headed to the kind of reaction that Bill Clinton faced when he made the same misjudgment after the 1992 election victory." Mr. Schoen cites specifically a meeting in Little Rock after the election with Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell and House Speaker Tom Foley, when Mr. Clinton agreed to defer to Congress on key elements of his legislative agenda. The subsequent lurch to the left did incalculable damage to his presidency.
That may be one reason why Mr. Obama has chosen Rahm Emanuel, a respected member of the Congressional leadership, to become his new White House Chief of Staff. Mr. Emanuel has a reputation as a tough partisan, but he has also exhibited impatience with left-wing members of his party who have overly ambitious ideological agendas. A likely first assignment for Mr. Emanuel will be reminding House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that, after only two years of Democratic control, Congress already has a lower approval rating than even President Bush's.

To the extent Mr. Obama becomes a successful president, it will be because he remains his own man and trusts the brilliant political instincts that have gotten him this far, this fast.

You have to appreciate the irony of this. We are to view the presidency as the agency that moderates the reckless nature of Congress, just as we are supposed to view the courts as the last line of defense against the predations of Congress and the president.

The framers of the U.S. Constitution saw Congress as the leader, not the presidency and certainly not the courts. Lew Rockwell has been one of the few people I have read who understands that the real blow to freedom has been through the growth of the executive branch. With Obama being hailed as a proto-Messiah by many, and with real crises on the horizon, his administration will be grabbing what is left of the powers delegated to Congress.

It is quite clear to me that Obama sees Congress simply as a mechanism to rubber-stamp his own agenda. The Messianic theme of his campaign and the worshipful way he is treated in the media will mean that anyone who objects to his presidency is going to be treated quite harshly.
I'm in. This election was a wake-up call. Hell, it's one of the main reasons I'm here. I've always been a supporter of RKBA, and I've been a member of the NRA even though I've never owned a gun or had a license. That's about to change - my wife and I are taking the class this saturday and we'll be applying for our LTCs.

During election seasons obviously we need to actively support conservative candidates. Beyond that, as a community we need to ride our representatives in a coordinated fashion. Petitions, mail barrages, melt their phone lines, etc.

We saw what being complacent gets us. No more.

I'm going to re-read your post. Excellent points.

I'm coming to the realization isn't necessarily the Republican Party or the Democratic Party or whatever. It's the system. The system is rigged so only the empowered get more power. Every four to eight years we choose who we should rob. Obama got the nod this time, and it's time to hang the super-rich, $120,000+ wage earners upside-down by their ankles. We'll do it again in 2012.

The system is flawed.

Ron Paul had the right idea. Try to piggyback on the system as a Republican in order to restore liberty, freedom and sound, free markets.

Sadly he failed.

The system is flawed. I could go on, but I don't want to come across as long-winded and I frankly don't have the time.

We're perhaps past the precipice and falling into the void. The sheep just don't know it yet.

It sounds like I have pretty much come to the same conclusion that you have come to. It's not necessarily either party - it is a system that has become really just a charade to keep those who are already in power - in power.

The hard part about all of this is that there are so many people who don't realize just how rigged the system is - and worse yet: don't realize just how badly they are getting screwed over in comparison to their forefathers.

I also agree that Ron Paul had the right idea, I can't say I know what is in the man's head. But it looked to me like he had a real comprehension of how the system is rigged - so he made a strategic choice on the best way to get his message out there.

I don't agree that he failed - he in fact was more successful than he ever thought he would be - he has come right out and said so. The thing is to realize what it was that he was trying to achieve: he was not necessarily trying to win the presidency. He was trying to wake people up. If you see that as the true motive behind the campaign - then I think that he was very successful.

One thing I think we REALLY need to avoid is making this all about saving our guns. If that is what this whole effort morphs into - then we have essentially already lost.

Guns are nothing more than a tool - a tool to defend liberty. If you give up all the liberty - then you might as well get rid of the tool because it has no purpose any more. Sadly there seems to be far too many people who don't even know what true liberty is. The govt. schools and socialist attitude of our society as a whole has done a damn good job of wiping the comprehension of what liberty truly is from peoples' minds.

It this effort to take back this country is to have any wings at all it must begin with education - and an effort on each person's part to realize that the govt. is not there to do ANYTHING for you other than the very few powers outlined in the Constitution. As soon as you cry to the govt. for healthcare, maintaining the roads, defending you from terrorists, giving you a job, fixing the economy, bailing out your failing business, schooling you, legislating "safety", etc. etc. etc. - you have already lost.

We didn't get this far down the poop chute by not having guns. There are 250 million guns in this country - and we are still pretty much a socialist country. Look at Iraq - they had guns everywhere - and they were ruled by a brutal dictator. In the end the guns mean absolutely NOTHING if people's minds are corrupted and they don't realize that they have already given up their freedoms piece by piece.

While the sheep were busy trying to avoid getting cut by dodging the the shearing shears - they didn't even notice that somebody was pulling their hairs out one by one. The end result was they were naked anyway because they hadn't been paying attention.

That is where we are today. Maybe there is still enough time to fix the problem because it seems that more and more people are waking to find a cold wind blowing up their ass. Maybe not - I don't know.
Calsdad gets it. It isn't about guns, no sir. It's about CONTROL. Congress is supposed to work for US. Sadly, these days, they pursue their own agendas, and forget about US.

Well, time to throw the bums out.

And, to anybody out there that thinks "Take Back Vermont" was about civil unions, I've got a surprise for you. It wasn't, but civil unions was the trigger event, the "straw that broke the camel's back". Act 60 was one item that did cause part of it, too.

Runaway politicians that were voting how they pleased, not the way their constituents wanted, then crying because we booted them out of office.

That Million Person Pro-Gun March sounds good in principle, but, think it through first. If you go armed, you're asking for trouble, becuase the JBT's will do ALL they can to provoke an incident.

Better to put all the Congress Critters on notice to do their jobs RIGHT, or retire by non re-election. Got to make sure the Voters know, though, so it's got to be done publicly.

Here's ONE thing to remember. The Politicians aren't likely to change their ways any time soon (if ever). We've got to through the bums out of office.
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That Million Person Pro-Gun March sounds good in principle, but, think it through first. If you go armed, you're asking for trouble, becuase the JBT's will do ALL they can to provoke an incident.

Yeah, marching as an armed mob in Washington D.C. would be a VERY bad idea. It would have to be a peaceful, unarmed protest. It's not that hard to see how the Secret Service would see the situation if the protesters were armed.
Yeah, marching as an armed mob in Washington D.C. would be a VERY bad idea. It would have to be a peaceful, unarmed protest. It's not that hard to see how the Secret Service would see the situation if the protesters were armed.

Blackhawks with hellfires and snipers. APC's with ma-duece and bushmaster cannons.
It's not just being unarmed for the march guys. You need to remember one thing - it won't matter that we aren't armed. What will matter is that we are gun owners and ANYTHING that's said, HOW it's said has to be watched so it's not taken as a threat to anyone. Do you understand? No hot heads. No "cute" jokes. Nothing said in sarcasim. Anything along those lines that could be overheard by someone not friendly will most certainly make the papers, tv and radio. Think twice before speaking, typing or txt'ing. [grin]
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