Taking Chance


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
*kleenex alert*

Interesting read here at Xavier's blog.

Chance Phelps was wearing his Saint Christopher medal when he was killed on Good Friday. Eight days later, I handed the medallion to his mother. I didn't know Chance before he died. Today, I miss him.

Over a year ago, I volunteered to escort the remains of Marines killed in Iraq should the need arise. The military provides a uniformed escort for all casualties to ensure they are delivered safely to the next of kin and are treated with dignity and respect along the way.

Thankfully, I hadn't been called on to be an escort since Operation Iraqi Freedom began. The first few weeks of April, however, had been a tough month for the Marines. On the Monday after Easter I was reviewing Department of Defense press releases when I saw that a Private First Class Chance Phelps was killed in action outside of Baghdad. The press release listed his hometown - the same town I'm from. I notified our Battalion adjutant and told him that, should the duty to escort PFC Phelps fall to our Battalion, I would take him.

I didn't hear back the rest of Monday and all day Tuesday until 1800. The Battalion duty NCO called my cell phone and said I needed to be ready to leave for Dover Air Force Base at 1900 in order to escort the remains of PFC Phelps.

Read The Whole Thing. Just have some kleenex handy. I didn't and wish I did. If you'll excuse me, I need to go find some.
I'll have to see that when it comes out. Yeah thanks for the allergies Ross, but then it probably didn't help I just got done talking to a family that lost their son last year and I am cross stitching a memorial for them.
It looks like a truely american story.... and from the read of it, its good to see that in parts of this country there still are true patriots who have enough sense to stop and honor a fallen warrior.
Watched it last night. A very big reminder of the funeral I attended two weeks ago for my friend. Needless to say I feel very blessed to know that there are men and women who give their lives for the greater good.
I happened to catch "Taking Chance" at a hotel while I was traveling last week, and I'm glad I did. It was fantastic and really stayed true to the story. The ending had my wife and I in tears, I'm not ashamed to admit.
This generation of warriors is truly the next greatest generation.
yes, very strong movie. Gave me goosebumps and leaky eyes. Especially when the young soldier was escorting he own brother home. My brother is in the 101st and I almost lost it.
Good Movie, see it if you can.
HQ USMC backed it's making (uniforms are correct; ect.). My wife (a Marine Sgt) cried twice. And yes that is what the Marine who hands over the flag says to the family, I should know for it's part of my job.
Good Movie, see it if you can.
HQ USMC backed it's making (uniforms are correct; ect.). My wife (a Marine Sgt) cried twice. And yes that is what the Marine who hands over the flag says to the family, I should know for it's part of my job.

Ordinarily movies don't really get to me as I always know in my mind that they are just movies, but Taking Chance was definitely an exception. It was truly moving and honestly a little hard to watch.

Smitty, you have my utmost respect for doing that job. I kept thinking while I was watching the movie how hard that must be. My sincerest appreciation to you and your wife.

After reading about it here. I set it to record on the DVR and watched it the other night. It was a really good movie I'm glad I watched it. Probably one of the strongest movies I have ever seen. It's sad.
This is the most moving "film" I have ever seen, HBO did an outstanding job. It should be required viewing for every American, no matter what your beliefs are. Thank you to any one who ever served, and definitely have some tissues.
I have seen the movie and I have to say no other movie in my 61 years moved me so much.Every time I try to tell someone about it I start to cry.Seeing the movie Taking Chance has made me once again proud to be an American.
Great movie. I watched it once and probably shouldn't have done that....reminded me too much of what goes on over there and the good people I will never see or be able to talk to again.

Semper FI
One of my favorite military movies. Right up there with "Gardens of Stone" and "The Long Grey Line".
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