NES Member
That's what it would look like if I was aiming for themBoy you did a great job shooting around those nickels... I'd of hit them by mistake.

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That's what it would look like if I was aiming for themBoy you did a great job shooting around those nickels... I'd of hit them by mistake.
This. You can definitely get primers but you have to work at it and you have to be willing to dig deep into that walleti am probably an exception then - as i got my 750xl setup this year, got all the primers i need and all the powders i need. it did cost plenty, true, but with the price on match grade 6.5CM going up to $4.50 per round and the lowest price to be, still, at $2.15 per round - it is way cheaper to reload.
but, yes, takes some effort to hunt down primers and popular powders like varget or reloder16.
CMP indeed had good match ammo - and groups above are good for CMP. but it is not clear what the 2022 prices on their 6.5CM match will be.For those shooting 6.5 (or .308, or .223) if you haven't set up an account on CMP, now's the time to do so! The ammo comes and goes, and some calibers (6.5 and .30-06) don't last long. Shipping times are lagging about 6-8 weeks, but what you get is great ammo at a price no one else comes close to.
View attachment 558076
This 6.5C sells for $1.10 per round, and includes Hornady brass and bullets.
A few weeks ago I shot three 3-round groups of this ammo at 100 yards out of my Savage Axis. Here are the three groups, compared to a .75 inch nickel. Sub MOA out of a $250 rifle at only $1.10 per round delivered?! I plan to get at least one more case the next time they pop up.
View attachment 558082View attachment 558081View attachment 558080
CMP was a good way to get brass for reloadingCMP indeed had good match ammo - and groups above are good for CMP.
here is a group of your own 6.5CM reload:
View attachment 558143
I thought the link was going to be a little more risquéVacancy here.
CMP indeed had good match ammo - and groups above are good for CMP. but it is not clear what the 2022 prices on their 6.5CM match will be.
here is a group of your own 6.5CM reload:
Couldn't find a pix with 2 chicks?You busy?
View attachment 558148
Sneaky MF. I have refused to view that thread, look what you have done!
The CMP house offering of 22, which is rebranded Eley, is the balls. I hope they get more of that in. I believe it was around .08 a round.Prices on everything I have been watching and buying stayed pretty stable during the last year. The 55 gr. .223 has been $.65 per round delivered, and CCI SV $.07 per round when you buy a case of 5k.
View attachment 558223 View attachment 558225
As for perfecting handloads to shoot out of a Cabela's $250 special Axis XP (with 3-9x Weaver scope!), I think I'll stick with these factory rounds for now. I'm saving the Hornady brass in case I do decide one day to upgrade the rifle and invest in reloading equipment. Before that happens, I'll need to know primers and other components are readily available though.
Oh, and because no one else has posted this, here's my favorite 6.5 meme:
View attachment 558237
Found one for you.
View attachment 558322
One of the funniest movies ever. Steve Carell is so natural as that goofy, awkward nerd. That chest waxing scene looked real?1.) For some reason I thought you were way older. I thought you were the old man who reloads in his sleep, brings the hand cannon to the range, i.e. "this bad boy sleeps next to me!"
2.) That 40 YOV bit was one of the funniest freggin things I've ever seen in my life. I've watched that movie so many times hungover. "You using too many big words so imma take that as disrespek....BOTH yall getting clapped!"x10000
For a small fee, I can selectively edit your browser historySneaky MF. I have refused to view that thread, look what you have done!
This is some of my favorite ammo for my vp9For those outside MA or those who ship to a friend or UPS Store in NH, Norma is having 10% off through this weekend. Can get 9mm 124 gr for $15.30 per box shipped. Coupon code 2022.
Norma's 9mm 124 Gr FMJ - Range and Training - Norma Shooting
SKU - 620340050 - $17.79 | 9mm 124 Gr FMJ (Full Metal Jacket ) - Range and Training Ammo. Free shipping on orders over $
S*rbian made 9mm, dirty burning and had a few duds out of the few hundred I shot. Decent range fodder - agreedBelom 9mm is back at .29 per. Definitely good to see brass below .30 finally but belom isn't my personal favorite. Quite a few fte, seems a bit weak. decent enough range fodder though.
Belom 9mm Luger Ammunition 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket - BELOM9A
Belom 9mm Luger Ammo 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket at Target Sports USA. Enjoy free shipping on bulk 9mm Luger ammunition for sale online.|^||^|
Looks like it. Although I've seen those new counters reset themselves a few times and last longer.ZP has Winchester 9mm 124 gr 1k round cases for $337 shipped. Looks like a special tonight?