Target sports fake reviews

Gun owners absolutely incorrectly write the names of cartridges. I see it all the time. Let's talk about .28 and .12 guage. Or 9 lugar. Really want to confuse people? Get into the old .38 and .32 cartridges in cheap old guns. And I see this in all kinds of places where you'd expect people to know better, like a shotgun-specific forum in reference to shotgun cartridges.

Some people shoot the wrong ammo in guns - a guy I know's friend was shooting 7x57 in a 7.65x53 rifle.

I'm not debating whether TSUSA is spamming reviews by bots because I'm not a customer (never had a reason to be, I used to live in RI and I live in NH now). But never underestimate the ignorance of others. Add on top of that how amazingly bad many people are at writing.
You're absolutely correct, would some of the customers misspell words or refer to the cartridge incorrectly - yes. Would the reviews on every single listing go from normal looking reviews referring to the ammo correctly, to all of a sudden everyone is referring to it incorrectly - absolutely not.

It's not just a joe schmo who doesn't know how to type or spell properly. All the reviews in question (the recent reviews), follow the same structure, and all of them refer to it as .9mm. Go spend about 30 seconds looking at the review sections on a few listings of ammo that's in stock
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I'm torn because people are absolute idiots when it comes to caliber sizes but everything else is very unusual. I don't know if TSUSA is doing this but many places will prompt you with what to write in your review because it helps get the numbers up.
Yes, but no one writes a review the way those are written.
So, if you go back far enough you can see what looks like genuine reviews/comments.

This is from page #79 on the Federal American Eagle 9mm 147gn FMJ...

It’s just ok. Nothing special. It shoots fairly well, but DIRTY.

I'd call that "Authentic"...

One more point; Check the names of the Reviewers. They're all very made-up sounding. No foreign first names of any real ethnic variety. Not all customers can sound this "white"... [rofl]

From Page #1 of the same listing:

Scott L.
David N.
Matt G.
Alex O.
Gary B.

"Come on man..."

One more point; Check the names of the Reviewers. They're all very made-up sounding. No foreign first names of any real ethnic variety. Not all customers can sound this "white"... [rofl]

From Page #1 of the same listing:

Scott L.
David N.
Matt G.
Alex O.
Gary B.

"Come on man..."

View attachment 582824

Must be one of those white supremacist terror cells we keep hearing about. Gotta give em credit they got their hide n seek game locked down tight. lol
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