Taser inventor won't be down for breakfast

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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Jack Cover, inventor of Taser stun gun, dies at 88

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Jack Cover, who invented the Taser stun gun now used by thousands of police agencies as a better way to subdue suspects, has died. He was 88.

Cover, who had Alzheimer's disease, died of pneumonia Saturday at the Golden West Retirement Home in Mission Viejo, according to a statement from Taser International, the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company that now makes the stun gun.

Rick Smith, Taser International's chief executive, called Cover "one of the most influential inventors of modern times."

The Taser issues darts attached to wires that deliver electric shocks that temporarily subdue aggressive suspects. While the device has become a common tool for police officers, it is still controversial because it has been linked to a number of deaths.

Cover, a one-time NASA scientist, began developing the Taser as a nonlethal weapon to combat the hijackings and riots that were happening in the 1960s, Smith said.

He derived its name from a fictional weapon in a favorite childhood book, "Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle," one of a series of adventure stories by Victor Appleton.

"What an amazing thought, stunning people with blue balls of electricity," Cover told The Washington Post in 1976, recalling his fascination with the book. He added that an "A" was added to the name of his invention because "we got tired of answering the phone `TSER' for Tom Swift's Electric Rifle."

The Los Angeles police department began using the devices, still somewhat of a novelty, in 1980, and other departments also began using them. More than 13,400 law enforcement, correctional and military agencies in 44 countries now use Taser guns, according to Taser International's Web site.

The Taser's popularity grew after Smith and his brother Tom contacted the inventor in the early 1990s. Working together, they developed a new version that used compressed air, rather than gun powder, to propel the darts.

But critics note that numerous suspects have died in confrontations in which the Taser has been used. The American Civil Liberties Union is pressing to have it classified as a deadly weapon. Others say the suspects' deaths are really linked to drugs or an underlying health problem.

In 2007, Taser International said that had won more than 60 wrongful death cases, either beating the lawsuits in court or getting them dismissed with no payout or penalty.

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That invention has saved MANY more lives that it has taken

A TASER has never ever been proven to be the cause of any death in history (dispite what the media may lead you to believe), one great feature is that if a tasered suspect passes away, TASER international will send their own experts to prove that the taser's effects were not the cause of death.

A great american company that rightfully demonstrates the capability of american enginuity [halfmast]
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A TASER has never ever been proven to be the cause of any death in history (dispite what the media may lead you to believe), one great feature is that if a tasered suspect passes away, TASER international will send their own experts to prove that the taser's effects were not the cause of death.

A great american company that rightfully demonstrates the capability of american enginuity [halfmast]

dont get me wrong, I fully support taser, but do you really think all the people who have dropped dead after getting tased is a matter of coincidence?
A TASER has never ever been proven to be the cause of any death in history (dispite what the media may lead you to believe), one great feature is that if a tasered suspect passes away, TASER international will send their own experts to prove that the taser's effects were not the cause of death.

A great american company that rightfully demonstrates the capability of american enginuity [halfmast]
I don't want to speak for quik6, but I would hazard a guess that this is sarcasam.
BTW, I'm out of the corner.
dont get me wrong, I fully support taser, but do you really think all the people who have dropped dead after getting tased is a matter of coincidence?

No I do not think it is a coincidence, its very often the when pcp, amphetamines etc that cause the body to function at many many times the normal rate are in the suspect's system. When the Taser is deployed, it essentially brings their body from driving 100mph to locking up the brakes. Vital organs arnt built to function like that and the body shuts down resulting in death. The death is actually just a result of the drugs effects being interupted by an outside force.

I hope no one here reads this witht he wrong tone or interprets this as me being upset or argumentitive, I am neither. I just enjoy discussing different perspectives.
A TASER has never ever been proven to be the cause of any death in history (dispite what the media may lead you to believe), one great feature is that if a tasered suspect passes away, TASER international will send their own experts to prove that the taser's effects were not the cause of death.

When I got certified with OC the instructor explained how of all of the in-custody deaths of suspects involving OC, not one of them were caused by the OC. Most cases were people who already had fatal amounts of cocaine/drugs in their system, and a few others were caused by positional asphyxia.

When tasers work, they work remarkably well. But like any other less-lethal force option, it gets a lot of media attention because there's more discretion in it's use than with lethal force options.

With that said, don't use PCP and fight the cops, and your risk of a TASER related death should be slim to none. [laugh]
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