Tax stamp arrived today!!


NES Member
Nov 28, 2009
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I was able to pickup my new SBR today and im gonna break it in this weekend so I am super excited however I have 2 questions...

First, is it recommended that I keep a copy of the stamp with me? I was thinking of making a 50% scale color copy and stuffing it into the bottom of the magpul grip.

Second, since this transfer was a form 4 individual what would it take to transfer or include this into a trust so when I make future purchases I can go the trust route.

Thanks!! and pics will be following shortly.
1.) yes it's a good idea to keep a copy if the stamp on you. The original only needs to be produced if ATF asks. Keep it somewhere safe.

2.) that would require starting the paperwork all over, awaiting a new stamp and another $200.

Thanks! I ended up scanning the original in color and when I made the scaled down version it fit perfectly into the rubber plug in the magpul grip.
I was able to pickup my new SBR today and im gonna break it in this weekend so I am super excited however I have 2 questions...

First, is it recommended that I keep a copy of the stamp with me? I was thinking of making a 50% scale color copy and stuffing it into the bottom of the magpul grip.

Second, since this transfer was a form 4 individual what would it take to transfer or include this into a trust so when I make future purchases I can go the trust route.

Thanks!! and pics will be following shortly.

I'm jealous!!! How long did it take, and did u do a trust or LEO signature??
Close to 7 months. Paperwork went in feb and was approved the 13th. Check out because its a user created database that tracks time from check cashing to receiving the stamp. I had the chief sign off which was good but any future guns will be part of a trust.
Here is a pic.

Remsport lower
Remsport upper
9" Remsport SS barrel
Carlson Comp TacComp
EOTech 512
magpul furniture

Mag and eotech hood are in Magpul FDE cerakote from Business End Customs. (awesome work btw).

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