That was weird

Aug 28, 2005
My house and gun shop in NH
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I was in my house tonight and I look out the window and there are two guys coming up my driveway (I only have.3rd of an acre of land and live in the city) and start looking at my old Caddy and boat that are in the the back part of my property. It just seemed weird, so I grabed a gun and had it under my shirt and went outside to see what they wanted. They said that some guy down the street sent them up here because some old guy had a stroke and needed to get rid of things that where in the yard. I told them that they are misinformed and I have no clue as to who the person is who sent them. I'm just iritated because they never came to the door first to see if it was ok to look at the things. Isn't it comin curtise to ask permition before going on to someones property? I can see if it had a for sale sign on it, but they are in the back part to the property. I don't know if this is some new way to case a home out to see if anyone is home? Anyway just wanted to rant for a bit. Thanks
It sounds like your BS meter should have pegged!


They said that some guy down the street sent them up here because some old guy had a stroke and needed to get rid of things that where in the yard.

Translation: "We just wanted to see if you were asleep in front of the TV and had anything worth stealing here."

Now they know you're watching out for them.
Sounds like a BS story to me.

Probably casing your place for a heist . . . indoors or outdoors!
Did one of them look like this:


Was the Beethoven music playing in the background?

All kidding aside.. F'em. Put on a pissed off to be bothered demeanor, hunch yer shoulders, and send them off.
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