The Glock really is perfection, in terms of simplicity of design.

Jul 11, 2012
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If there is a simpler pistol to work on, take apart, modify, I'd like to know. The Glock is brilliantly simple in it's design. This is what gun engineering should be about.
you should put Cat somewhere in the title of this thread, and PM about it to Eddie Coyle.


Not a fan of Glock. Never have been. Not only do they look horrible I shot better with my Hk and Sig.. If you are on a budget go Glock. If the sky is the limit go with something else. LMAO!
Mechanically you may have a point. However, ergonomics is also a function of engineering. Holding a Glock is like squeezing a brick.

dafaq is wrong with you? [rofl]Glock did start from scratch and determined after trials for this to be the best angle to hold a gun. I know some people hate it, some modify Glock grips but overall, I think it works for most people. You will have your favorite gun one way or the other.

I looked through Glock patents and don't see anything spectacular. Glock, not a firearms designer by trade, looked through various designs himself and locking barrel, for example, was borrowed from Browning.

In terms of use of plastics and polymers, again, this wasn't a new or revolutionary.

My summary of Glock's success is being in the right place at the right time (i.e. Austria looking for a new service pistol and preferring local mfg) ... also connections and sucking commie cock is a big factor here. What's legend, what's truth, who knows? It's a decent gun, some strong points, some weak points.

Like most firearms, it has its niche and perfect purpose. May be good for something but not everything. There is no such thing as a perfect firearm that's perfect for all tasks.
Mechanically you may have a point. However, ergonomics is also a function of engineering. Holding a Glock is like squeezing a brick.

Yes, the Glock's ergonomics make it worse than useless.

I like my Glocks but I believe they are pretty tasteless. They're just a tool, no fun to look at. But ny SR9c is a classy looking girl and the XDs has better lines and is pretty simple to strip and the internals are similar.
I have a G20 that I love but I have big hands so its comfortable for me but just about everyone ive gone shooting with that uses it hates it. 15 rnds of 10mm takes up alot of space in your hand. But it can be field stripped in 10 seconds. Everyone has there own favorite handgun. There is a pretty good book about Gaston by Paul Barrett called simply Glock. From how he started making door knobs in his garage to knives then guns. Its like someone else said already he was in the right place at the right time then went trhough other firearm patents and used what he liked from other manufacturers to make his own.
Trying to think what is worse than a glock-fanboi-fest. Maybe an Obummer love in. Tough to decide...

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how about a glock-hater-fest? If you don't like the gun because of the ergos or looks fine, but why all the hate towards extremely reliable, fairly lightweight, proven guns? There are personally a bunch of guns that I don't care for because of looks, ergos, weight...etc, but I don't go around hating on them for no real reason. Not every gun is going to fit your hand perfectly unless everyone had the same size hands.
Not a fan of Glock. Never have been. Not only do they look horrible I shot better with my Hk and Sig.. If you are on a budget go Glock. If the sky is the limit go with something else. LMAO!
I was given an HK for free to carry everyday. If I had a choice, I would buy a Glock out of pocket and carry it instead.

Blame Forum Runner for any typos and such.
I love all of mine even when the casings hit me in the head. I just throw it in the mud then I pick it up and everything is good.
No hate. Owned a Glock 19 but never carried it, preferring SA only guns (1911, P938). Still have a perfectly good Glock 17 which has a purpose in IDPA. Just not a fanboi. Its a tool.

how about a glock-hater-fest? If you don't like the gun because of the ergos or looks fine, but why all the hate towards extremely reliable, fairly lightweight, proven guns? There are personally a bunch of guns that I don't care for because of looks, ergos, weight...etc, but I don't go around hating on them for no real reason. Not every gun is going to fit your hand perfectly unless everyone had the same size hands.
When They first came out I hated them, boxy looking, no refinement, but they've proven their worth and reliability over the years. and they're cheap to manufacture- comparatively. It's no wonder everybody has copied them, from the polymer frame to pretty much duping their mechanism- with slight variations. G27, My carry gun for the last 15 years:
g27-1.jpg g27-2.jpg
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