The law of unintended consequences -The 17-year-old defendant was alleged to have had three prior gun possession charges within the past year.


NES Member
Feb 23, 2017
Nashua, N.H.
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"But the real impact of the RTA is with guns. According to a seasoned Family Court prosecutor, “I have never seen so many guns.There are more gun cases than ever before.”
The NYPD says that following the passage of RTA, {Raise the age] gun crime has increased 200%.
"Simply put, the [N.Y.] state Legislature has decreed that you cannot know what happened to the person who mugged you."
Sometimes (mostly) the conspiracy theory proponents are on the mark.
it is not a conspiracy when young gangsta are specifically allowed to continue their activities to do maximum harm to the community around them.
it is a policy.
Absolutely intended consequence.
Disarm the good people and then declare that juveniles will not be prosecuted. That guarantees that criminal, organized and disorganized, will use juveniles all the more for the most violent attacks.
love the picture and the caption - saying those like him are responsible now for 20% of all crimes.
awesomesouce. keep pushing it higher, those are rookie numbers in this racket.
it is time now for those brave enough to take - to go ahead and take it and not look back. the society is on your side.
"But the real impact of the RTA is with guns. According to a seasoned Family Court prosecutor, “I have never seen so many guns.There are more gun cases than ever before.”
The NYPD says that following the passage of RTA, {Raise the age] gun crime has increased 200%.
"Simply put, the [N.Y.] state Legislature has decreed that you cannot know what happened to the person who mugged you."

Well, if the person that mugged you is dead on the ground, you can assuredly know that they'll be on a slab in a morgue with a tag on their toe and a cotton ball in their a$$. [laugh]
In surprised any of the guns displayed in that article actually were capable of firing bullets. Two janky revolvers and a pink semi?
love the picture and the caption - saying those like him are responsible now for 20% of all crimes.
awesomesouce. keep pushing it higher, those are rookie numbers in this racket.
it is time now for those brave enough to take - to go ahead and take it and not look back. the society is on your side.
Kid has EXCELLENT trigger discipline.
Still not convinced that the left is so racist that we need to invent a new word in the english to describe them? Add on their notions of population reduction and where does it end up?
love the picture and the caption - saying those like him are responsible now for 20% of all crimes.
awesomesouce. keep pushing it higher, those are rookie numbers in this racket.
it is time now for those brave enough to take - to go ahead and take it and not look back. the society is on your side.
In NYC, according to victim and witness statement data, over 90% of all violent crime in the city is committed by young black and Hispanic men. That doesn't mean that 90% of young black and Hispanic young men are violent criminals. It is a fairly small percentage doing nearly all of the crime.
It's intended , very intended .
That's the liberal troops in the war against America.
Indeed. Leftists have always used criminals as the "arm's length" enforcers. The ones that ever get prosecuted are those who don't kick up enough the controllers. Xi Jing Ping-pong Pooh Bear does the same. But he executes the ones that don't kick up enough in the name of "combating corruption."
“Experts believe that gangs have younger members hold onto guns, knowing they can’t be prosecuted. By “Raising the Age,” legislators have lowered the age of the average hardened criminal.”

Interesting point. Honest, law-abiding folks need to carry a gun 24x7 as they never know when a criminal will intersect their path. Gangbangers can leave guns with younger gang members and retrieve them when they choose to commit crimes. Among NYC gang members, they never know when their gang rivals might be carrying, but know that their intended victims among the public at large will not be carrying.
"But the real impact of the RTA is with guns. According to a seasoned Family Court prosecutor, “I have never seen so many guns.There are more gun cases than ever before.”
The NYPD says that following the passage of RTA, {Raise the age] gun crime has increased 200%.
"Simply put, the [N.Y.] state Legislature has decreed that you cannot know what happened to the person who mugged you."
it is not a conspiracy when young gangsta are specifically allowed to continue their activities to do maximum harm to the community around them.
it is a policy.
And progressives want to move those gang bangers out into the burbs and countryside to spread the misery.

Nowhere to hide is becoming a reality.

Since all of us are automatically racists, we all need to take our punishments like men!!!
And progressives want to move those gang bangers out into the burbs and countryside to spread the misery.

Nowhere to hide is becoming a reality.

Since all of us are automatically racists, we all need to take our punishments like men!!!
It's been in progress for a long time thanks to Fat Teddy Kennedy .
Force quiet suburban towns to build low income housing and then ship in every shit bag you can find from all over the state.
The town I'm from had a developer build a large development .
Around 20 of those units were designated low income.
The last stats I recall seeing was around 2018.
Those 20 units were directly linked to 97% of the police calls for that year.
Breaking and entering.
Car theft.
Armed robbery.
Domestic violence
Sexual assault.
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