The truth about lined holsters

This one looks really good and checks most of the boxes. Cant will be adjustable with the 2 clips. It doesn't come with anything to change camming angle, and it looks like the clips are plastic. The Kydex shell is a single sheet that covers both sides.

43x iwb. 4:00 NOT appendix. Kydex and mesh for Georgia/summer carry.
Is that a DeSantis?

I have a Garret Industries leather lined kydex holster mentioned above. I bought it because it was the only holster I could find for a beretta centurion. It is Ok. Nothing special.
Well, that rules them out for me, at least for now. Thanks.

I'm looking at the Tenicors too. To me the plastic construction techniques they use look like many of the cheap amazon brands like DeSantis and CYA. For example, they use ridges in the plastic to increase stiffness. These raised areas are often the site of a failure. The holes where the clips are screwed in tend to crack. Maybe Tenicors don't cuz they use thicker/better materials, idk tho.
This one looks really good and checks most of the boxes. Cant will be adjustable with the 2 clips. It doesn't come with anything to change camming angle, and it looks like the clips are plastic. The Kydex shell is a single sheet that covers both sides.
That's not going to work for AIWB. That cant is designed for strongside hip carry.
I'm looking at the Tenicors too. To me the plastic construction techniques they use look like many of the cheap amazon brands like DeSantis and CYA. For example, they use ridges in the plastic to increase stiffness. These raised areas are often the site of a failure. The holes where the clips are screwed in tend to crack. Maybe Tenicors don't cuz they use thicker/better materials, idk tho.
All holsters are made out of some form of plastic. All holsters have some holes in them. I've never had a holster crack, but then I don't buy cheap crap.
This one looks really good and checks most of the boxes. Cant will be adjustable with the 2 clips. It doesn't come with anything to change camming angle, and it looks like the clips are plastic. The Kydex shell is a single sheet that covers both sides.

Is that a DeSantis?

Well, that rules them out for me, at least for now. Thanks.

I'm looking at the Tenicors too. To me the plastic construction techniques they use look like many of the cheap amazon brands like DeSantis and CYA. For example, they use ridges in the plastic to increase stiffness. These raised areas are often the site of a failure. The holes where the clips are screwed in tend to crack. Maybe Tenicors don't cuz they use thicker/better materials, idk tho.
Re 43x hybrid. Yes it is a DeSantis.
Just a syggestion.....don't just learn to live with finish wear on guns that get used and carried....learn to love it.

My favorite shotgun was pristine perfect when I bought it 10 years ago.....almost bnib browning a5 made in 1969. I hunt with it alot.....I mean alot.......the bluing has worn off the bottom of the receiver from loading shells and same with the back of the receiver from where I hold it when walking. I love that shotgun.....even with the finish wear. It gets oiled every time I put it rust at all
My o/u looks like i threw it out of a moving car lol...i dig it
I've been carrying glocks and other guns in either regular leather or regular kydex for years with minimal wear. They are carry guns are going to get banged around a little bit but none of mine hardly look "abused" not even my first g19 which probably has over 10,000 rounds through it and probably years of carry on it... and I'm a minimal maintenance guy.
I've been carrying glocks and other guns in either regular leather or regular kydex for years with minimal wear. They are carry guns are going to get banged around a little bit but none of mine hardly look "abused" not even my first g19 which probably has over 10,000 rounds through it and probably years of carry on it... and I'm a minimal maintenance guy.
Sorry but we are transitioning to g speak carrying a glock is now referred to as packing glockses
Do soft lined kydex holsters put less wear on the gun? I am looking at the Safariland Species IWB holster. It has a Kydex exterior and a suede inner lining. At first thought this seems like it should be better for the finish. Is there a catch, does it trap dirt and actually scratch your gun more than an all plastic holster?

Safariland Species:

I've also seen Garrett being recommended, they have leather lined Kydex shell holsters:

I have several Garrett holsters, I just like the sound it makes when you holster but the main benefit I think is the leather combined with adjustable retention lets you find a really good retention level.
Food for thought.... I have at least one handgun that cost like $1800. If I ever carry it, it's going in plain kydex unless it rides in a shoulder rig. If it leaves marks, I don't care. Lined holsters are like a product for the retards that take the wiper arms off their sportscar because they don't want it to make marks on the windshield. 🤣
Certum 3 put some instant marks all over my glock. But with a pillow, camming bar and f***ing with the clips got it to where I think the concealment is passable. Desantis was useless, no retention in comparison. Vedder LightTuck is also light on retention, not enough adjustability compared to the Tenicor.

Gonna try the Velo 4 next. I am pretty sure the bigger wedge on that vs Velo 5 is gonna work for me better.

Boomers 1 - Millennials 0
Certum 3 put some instant marks all over my glock. But with a pillow, camming bar and f***ing with the clips got it to where I think the concealment is passable. Desantis was useless, no retention in comparison. Vedder LightTuck is also light on retention, not enough adjustability compared to the Tenicor.

Gonna try the Velo 4 next. I am pretty sure the bigger wedge on that vs Velo 5 is gonna work for me better.

Boomers 1 - Millennials 0
My Vedder lightTucks have plenty of retention and the adjustability is super easy.
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