They actually pay these ladies to be idiots.

Unfortunately you can't protect the second amendment by banning free speech no matter how malicious and/or retarded. The framers of the constitution wanted every American to have a fully automatic suppressed HK MP7 just as they wanted David Hogg to post daily on Twitter/X.
Actual weapons of WARRR!!!!

Things i don't understand why anyone cares about... the view all 4 of them could call my mother a whore and i wouldn't know or care
Ah, "The Spew". Amoebae have more brains than these idiots...
They realize that untruths can be more effective in manipulating public opinion that truth, and are acting in the best way to further their goal.

In politics only two things matter: (a) Winning, and (b) Not getting indicted

It is not how you play the game that counts, but whether you win or lose that counts when adults play with the law.
"Ladies"? You mean "water buffaloes"?
“Are you ladies from England?”


“I’m sorry, are you whales from England?”

But seriously, stop posting shit like this OP. Nobody cares what these mongoloids have to say. My day was just fine. Now I want to punch the next woman I see.
No, they pay them to spread misinformation to single digit IQ woman. That's their target audience and they do it well. People who watch Nitwit Network and local TV news swallow that like Kamala swallows, uh, you know.

Even people who are not total Left Wing 'tards believe about half of what is on TV and in the Boston Glob. I have a friend who is pretty conservative about most things. The other day he told me that he will vote for Biden (again) because Trump is such a homophobe and racist. I've given up trying to convince him as has his father. It's just no ruining a friendship over politics.
We were all ignert once. All of us. It's like people who say, "Oh these kids these days are so stupid. The cash register glitched at the store and the damned kid behind the counter couldn't count up my change. He had to get out his calculator. WTF?"

Well. . . . if you've never TAUGHT them the count-up method, they wouldn't know it. They also can't use a slide-rule.

Ditto for ignorance. I remember in Collitch when Sen Daniel Patrick O'Shannaussey Steven Harold Blarney Moynihan was railing on DatelineNBC or something about Black Talons. This has to be 1989 or so. The most deadly bullets in the free world. I ate that S-word up. "ZOMG!!!!! They're gonna kill people. And these bullets jump out and attack doctors when they are working on the patient. ZOMG ZOMG!"

So I don't feel anger toward ignert women. Most will just live a small life of ignertz. But some. Some will pick their sorry little heads up, realize the bullspit that is being shoved in their ears and fight back. I won't dismiss an entire group because some of them will become our most vocal allies.
Ditto for ignorance. I remember in Collitch when Sen Daniel Patrick O'Shannaussey Steven Harold Blarney Moynihan was railing on DatelineNBC or something about Black Talons. This has to be 1989 or so. The most deadly bullets in the free world. I ate that S-word up. "ZOMG!!!!! They're gonna kill people. And these bullets jump out and attack doctors when they are working on the patient. ZOMG ZOMG!"
Take the scary black coating off of them and you have the kid and kitten friendly SXT.
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