This makes me sick watching the forced blood samples at checkpoints

I think a real solution for this is to get a very large group to purposely go thru one of these. Make sure nobody has any drugs or alcohol what so ever in their system. Be violated and start a massive lawsuit all the way to the Supreme court. Lets see 50 people violated nobody with anything in their system. What was the valid reason for these warrants? Oh, thats right, refusal to voluntarily have their rights violated. Which would be proven to be true. **** the police state!!
forced blood samples? for real? where the **** is the supreme court?
The very foundation of this issue is wrong. .08 is under the influence of alcohol but there are often no outward symptoms of dangerous driving at the blood alcohol level.

BTW. NY wants to lower the legal limit to .05.
If that's me both the judge and cop get a bullet. Judges rubbering stamping is beyond the pale. Don't care if I would die, this shit needs to stop.

Would you stop talking out your ass about what you "might" do, the internet tough guy act gets old.

Yeah, this sucks. Yes, it should be fixed.
A bloody search warrant. Now they can take your blood sample to prove that you're implicated in whatever they see fit. Remember the chemist at the mass crime lab? Had she not been exposed after the millionth falsification, who would have known? Power, corruption, lies, police state.
What will future-world sci-fi authors write about when 1984 is reality? Maybe the good old days when a man could say - “I won’t be wronged, I won’t be insulted, and I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”
Well I would say something about this, but I don't want anymore negative hits or comments that I'm just a troll!

F it, I need to see if I can reincarnate Christopher Dorner and Dominic Cinelli!!

Charles. they'll be holding you down to give you your permanent bar code.

if you are a police officer and you participate in this then you are a piece of shit, that's really all I can say.
if you are a police officer and you participate in this then you are a piece of shit, that's really all I can say.

Police officers? They're the lowest indians on the totem pole!
What about the JUDGES who approve this, DA's who pad their numbers with more convictions, and the local governments / citizens who pass laws enabling this? It's all for the children remember? It's for your own protection.

"L'enfer est plein de bonnes volontés et désirs"

I'm outraged by this. [mg]
F it, I need to see if I can reincarnate Christopher Dorner and Dominic Cinelli!!

If you find a way, I hope they end up whacking someone you care about. Haven't you seen Pet Cemetery??? Re-animation never ends well.
@ 4:08 - "In Douglas County, more people die from DUI accidents from murders. So three years ago, authorities tried something new."

Yeah, they tried serving and protecting the shit out of people. Someone needs to tell these people that getting a win in court does not justify the means.

Yup, I hate drunk driving as much as the next guy but if you can't prove it without strapping a person down and removing a part of their body, you aren't very good at your job.

As for "License Check Points", GMAFB. That means driving a car is reason enough to stop and search someone. Not speeding, or a broken tail light, just driving down the road.
@ 4:08 - "In Douglas County, more people die from DUI accidents from murders. So three years ago, authorities tried something new."

Yeah, they tried serving and protecting the shit out of people. Someone needs to tell these people that getting a win in court does not justify the means.

Yup, I hate drunk driving as much as the next guy but if you can't prove it without strapping a person down and removing a part of their body, you aren't very good at your job.

As for "License Check Points", GMAFB. That means driving a car is reason enough to stop and search someone. Not speeding, or a broken tail light, just driving down the road.

We're talking about DUI here, not necessarily drunk driving.
Police officers? They're the lowest indians on the totem pole!
What about the JUDGES who approve this, DA's who pad their numbers with more convictions, and the local governments / citizens who pass laws enabling this? It's all for the children remember? It's for your own protection.

"L'enfer est plein de bonnes volontés et désirs"

I'm outraged by this. [mg]
yes, all of them as well

this was not a law that was voted on, this is backwards interpretation of search and seizure by AG's and judges

you say the officers are the lowest on the totem poll, they are the ones enforcing it, what happens to these ridiculous stops and blood tests if no one is there to carry them out?
I'm pretty sure that not everyone who refuses is forced to give a blood sample. These checkpoints are strictly regimented, and must still establish probable cause before escalating. So Joe sober driver can most likely sail on through. The guy with bloodshot eyes, reeks of booze, has empties on the seat, and refuses a breath test....he's the one that's going to get blood drawn. Same as any other suspected DUI traffic stop, only here they have the judge and the medical personnel present to take a sample.
Doesn't make it any less infringing or offensive, but its not what its made out to be by the usual rabblerousers.
If that's me both the judge and cop get a bullet. Judges rubbering stamping is beyond the pale. Don't care if I would die, this shit needs to stop.

Though I disagree with half of your statement, I agree that it's disgusting, unreasonable, and needs to stop. Not that anything should be forced.....a breathalyzer certainly seems less intrusive.
I can't even imagine a LEO and Judge on the side of the road forcing me to stop then sticking a needle in me to grab blood.

Would make for an interesting evening, I need to carry more than two mags.
We're talking about DUI here, not necessarily drunk driving.

I hadn't thought of that. Sometimes I find myself driving under the influence of some kick ass "Free Bird" or a Chili Peppers song catches me the right way and I'm all over the road. Some times Dr. Dre gets my head ringing and the next thing I know my Jeep is up on someone's porch. I didn't know I could be stopped for that, though. I'll have to be more careful from now on.

I'm not sure how music would show up in a blood test, but maybe that shit is more advanced than I thought. Will the weed that Snoop smokes show up in my blood?
Funny if you watch the whole video, I think around 11:30 the voice in the video starts describing the police shift as a "TOUR"!

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