This poor young woman...

I HAVE been stalked before by a nutcase when I was only 20 He even told the police we were MARRIED and I would not go home! Seriously he was a (insert swear here) individual! How did I stop him? It was not asking for a RO, those are useless with stalkers.

The next time he came to my house I locked and loaded a .12 gauge at the door and told him that was the last sound he would ever hear if he did not leave right now. He left.
I HAVE been stalked before by a nutcase when I was only 20 He even told the police we were MARRIED and I would not go home! Seriously he was a (insert swear here) individual! How did I stop him? It was not asking for a RO, those are useless with stalkers.

The next time he came to my house I locked and loaded a .12 gauge at the door and told him that was the last sound he would ever hear if he did not leave right now. He left.

And I take it he NEVER came back again as well! This is why we need less gun control! More and more citizens, especially women and the elderly, should be carrying!
I HAVE been stalked before by a nutcase when I was only 20 He even told the police we were MARRIED and I would not go home! Seriously he was a (insert swear here) individual! How did I stop him? It was not asking for a RO, those are useless with stalkers.

The next time he came to my house I locked and loaded a .12 gauge at the door and told him that was the last sound he would ever hear if he did not leave right now. He left.


I HAVE been stalked before by a nutcase when I was only 20 He even told the police we were MARRIED and I would not go home! Seriously he was a (insert swear here) individual! How did I stop him? It was not asking for a RO, those are useless with stalkers.

The next time he came to my house I locked and loaded a .12 gauge at the door and told him that was the last sound he would ever hear if he did not leave right now. He left.

I like you! (not in a freaky, stalker kind of way)
Might be a cliche but, when seconds counted the police were minutes away. She and her husband should have taken some direct steps to protect her.
Might be a cliche but, when seconds counted the police were minutes away. She and her husband should have taken some direct steps to protect her.

I agree, I wish they had taken preventive measures like purchasing a firearm. I am sorry but if this was my daughter, or sister I would be dropping off a .12 gauge and a .357 at the house for them. One for home and one for abroad. I can only hope this will be a wake up call to others who may be having a problem with someone harassing them. not all stalkers are killers, but why take that chance? I love to play games of chance, but I am not willing to bet my life on someones else's sanity.
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Damn right he didn't! I am still very grateful for my dad lending me that shotgun, I really think it saved my life.

Major props to your dad! And I don't doubt it saved your life as well!

On that father is not really into firearms and often cracks jokes at me for owning them. However...maybe he is starting to come around. My mother informed me that he is planning on taking me to the Smith and Wesson museum tomorrow! Woohoo!!! [smile]
Major props to your dad! And I don't doubt it saved your life as well!

On that father is not really into firearms and often cracks jokes at me for owning them. However...maybe he is starting to come around. My mother informed me that he is planning on taking me to the Smith and Wesson museum tomorrow! Woohoo!!! [smile]

now that sounds like a family fun day!
This statement is stupid. I'll prove it to you:

Do you believe that this would not have happened had the judge granted the restraining order? I bet not. You'd have to be a fool to believe that a piece of paper would protect her.

If the restraining order had been granted, then the killer would not have been able to legally own a gun. You would've got your wish, and he would've killed the girl anyway.

You are a gun grabber, pure and simple. You use a tragedy to try to prove your point, just like the Brady Campaign. I don't know what you're doing here.

Like the farmer said to the IRS agent as the bull was chasing him thru the field: "Show him your badge - show him your BADGE!"
The next time he came to my house I locked and loaded a .12 gauge at the door and told him that was the last sound he would ever hear if he did not leave right now. He left.

^^ This is the way these things *should* work out. ^^

Whackadoodle either backs down or dies and no-longer-victim goes on to live a (I hope) long and happy life.

On the other hand, two-cows would send you and your father to jail for illegal possession and assault with a deadly weapon, but Mr. Stalker - he didn't actually DO anything, so he should go free.
This is what happens when you give the right to own a firearm to a crazy person! The same point I was trying to tell in the thread about the "Manchester- by-the sea" Guy!

When is it justified to take away ones right to carry a Firearm?

Not to pile on here, but I'm trying to figure out if you're really a gun owner or a just clever troll.

First of all, they don't "give the right to own a firearm to a crazy person". We all have that right, it is in the Bill of Rights. What you are advocating is taking away that right from someone that you (or somebody else) decides is "crazy". Let's get that straight right now.

Here's the problem with that.... If someone is really crazy or evil enough to KILL SOMEONE, do you really think that a permit denial will prevent them from doing it? You don't. You can't. So, you're advocating a system that will do absolutely nothing to prevent violence. Not. One. Thing.

However, your system will give a person in authority the ability to deny anybody a firearms permit for any reason. All they have to do is say, "I think that guy/girl is crazy". There are old townies at my gun club that think anybody that wants an AR or AK is "crazy". One of those guys could easily end up as the CLEO. How would that work out for you?

CHIEF: "Do you like ARs?"
CHIEF: "You must be crazy. You're denied."

Do you expect that once denied, the truly crazy or evil person will suddenly lose his/her propensity for violence? You envision some benevolent authority with the magical ability to look into each applicant's soul and accurately detect craziness or evil. IT DOESN'T EXIST!!! This is exactly the kind of Utopian bullshit that the anti-crowd spoon-feeds the sheep, and they (and you apparently) lap it up.

To review... You are advocating a system that does nothing at all to prevent violence, and cedes one of our fundamental rights to the capricious and politically-motivated whims of a government official.

You say you value your rights? Sorry, but you don't.
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Not to pile on here, but I'm trying to figure out if you're really a gun owner or a just clever troll.

First of all, they don't "give the right to own a firearm to a crazy person". We all have that right, it is in the Bill of Rights. What you are advocating is taking away that right from someone that you (or somebody else) decides is "crazy". Let's get that straight right now.

Here's the problem with that.... If someone is really crazy or evil enough to KILL SOMEONE, do you really think that a permit denial will prevent them from doing it? You don't. You can't. So, you're advocating a system that will do absolutely nothing to prevent violence. Not. One. Thing.

However, your system will give a person in authority the ability to deny anybody a firearms permit for any reason. All they have to do is say, "I think that guy/girl is crazy". There are old townies at my gun club that think anybody that wants an AR or AK is "crazy". One of those guys could easily end up as the CLEO. How would that work out for you?

CHIEF: "Do you like ARs?"
CHIEF: "You must be crazy. You're denied."

Do you expect that once denied, the truly crazy or evil person will suddenly lose his/her propensity for violence? You envision some benevolent authority with the magical ability to look into each applicant's soul and accurately detect craziness or evil. IT DOESN'T EXIST!!! This is exactly the kind of Utopian bullshit that the anti-crowd spoon-feeds the sheep, and they (and you apparently) lap it up.

To review... You are advocating a system that does nothing at all to prevent violence, and cedes one of our fundamental rights to the capricious and politically-motivated whims of a government official.

You say you value your rights? Sorry, but you don't.

Eddie, what these guys will never understand is this.......if you are willing to kill or even threaten someone with a gun, are you really going to care about the much less serious crime of carrying a firearm illegally??? That to me is probably the best argument against gun control.

You are absolutely right about the restraining order doing nothing. Even this system isn't working. There have been many cases like this where the order was not issued, despite overwhealming evidence. However, I've seen just as many times where it is used as a revenge tactic and the judge issues the order with no proof or evidence at all.
This is what happens when you give the right to own a firearm to a crazy person! The same point I was trying to tell in the thread about the "Manchester- by-the sea" Guy!

When is it justified to take away ones right to carry a Firearm?

A right is not given.
Do you even have a clue? Why are you on a gun forum when you obviously do not understand the issue? What happened to this woman is very sad. However, like others have said, she behaved as a victim. Instead of hoping the police would save her, she should have been carrying her own gun. This is the fundamental problem moonbats like you do not understand. In almost ever situation the police do not save lives, they are on mop up patrol. Even the Supreme Court has said it is not the role of law enforcement to act as bodyguards. They come AFTER the incident has occured and attempt to solve the crime. Unfortunately, many people discover this just seconds before the lights go out.
Some of you guys are VERY quick to question the motives of anyone who doesn't agree with you.

In fact the question he asks is at the very heart of whether H2259 will move forward. One of the committee chairs has stated several times that as a former Prosecutor, he knows of case where "Even you would agree this person should not be allowed to own a gun" but has had charges dropped, or was found guilty but not sentenced to jail time. In his mind the bill as submitted does not address this question.

Were you at the hearing for H2259? I didn't hear anyone take this issue on, but it is going to have to be resolved to get that bill forwarded with a favorable rating.
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Would I want to live next door to a man who has his own firing range in his attic? Hell no. If I heard gun fire would I have a called the Police? Yes.
Depends. Is the range safe (IE; backstop and ventilation?)? Then I don't care. If I heard gunfire, would I call the police? Hell, no. I'd call HIM and ask if he had two lanes in his range.

Freakin' busybody.
On a side note, can you imagine allowing some guy to stalk your wife?
I can imagine taking care of the problem.

First of all, they don't "give the right to own a firearm to a crazy person". We all have that right, it is in the Bill of Rights.
Well... it's enumerated in the Bill of Rights, but it's given be the fact that we are free citizens. It's protected by the Bill of Rights.
Depends. Is the range safe (IE; backstop and ventilation?)? Then I don't care. If I heard gunfire, would I call the police? Hell, no. I'd call HIM and ask if he had two lanes in his range.


I'll probably get flamed for this but I think there's a wide gulf between the right to keep and bear arms and the right to have an indoor shooting range inside your attached condo.

Am I supposed to trust the person's engineering skills who set that range up to handle whatever round he's shooting in that range when my condo is on the other side of the backstop? There's a balance that needs to be arrived at when considering personal property rights and being neighborly. On the one hand, there are those who would dictate what color curtains you would have and on the other end of the spectrum are those would start an automotive salvage yard on their 1/2 acre lot in a typical suburban subdivision. Someone setting up a firearm range in the attic of a condo falls to the junkyard side of that spectrum IMO. YMMV.

Now, if the person has 20 acres in NH and a proper berm, rock on.
I'll probably get flamed for this but I think there's a wide gulf between the right to keep and bear arms and the right to have an indoor shooting range inside your attached condo.

Am I supposed to trust the person's engineering skills who set that range up to handle whatever round he's shooting in that range when my condo is on the other side of the backstop? There's a balance that needs to be arrived at when considering personal property rights and being neighborly. On the one hand, there are those who would dictate what color curtains you would have and on the other end of the spectrum are those would start an automotive salvage yard on their 1/2 acre lot in a typical suburban subdivision. Someone setting up a firearm range in the attic of a condo falls to the junkyard side of that spectrum IMO. YMMV.

Now, if the person has 20 acres in NH and a proper berm, rock on.

You're absolutely right. We should also make it illegal to burn candles, cook, and smoke, since those are the leading causes of house fires.
There is no "right" to use an attic in a common residential structure as a private shooting gallery. Claims to the contrary are mere cant.

Further, IF this individual was foolish enough to do so, he violated the 500 foot law.
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