Threaded barrel

Aug 10, 2024
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Apparently bc of the new law in Massachusetts you can't buy threaded barrel lol. I have the echelon love it. Its a great tool. Hopefully we will see if the shush bill passes next year.

A threaded barrel on this is one feature. Find a better vendor.

(b) a semiautomatic pistol with the capacity to accept a detachable feeding device and includes at least 2 of the following features: (i) the capacity to accept a feeding device that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip; (ii) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand; (iii) a threaded barrel capable of accepting a flash suppressor, forward handgrip or silencer; or (iv) a shroud that encircles either all or part of the barrel designed to shield the bearer’s hand from heat, excluding a slide that encloses the barrel.
I agree with MAJoe

H4885 Page 8
“Assault-style firearm”, any firearm which is

144 (a) a semiautomatic, centerfire rifle with the capacity to accept a detachable feeding
145 device and includes at least 2 of the following features: (i) a folding or telescopic stock; (ii) a
146 thumbhole stock or pistol grip; (iii) a forward grip or second handgrip or protruding grip that can
147 be held by the non-trigger hand; (iv) a threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash
148 suppressor or muzzle break or similar feature; or (v) a shroud that encircles either all or part of
149 the barrel designed to shield the bearer’s hand from heat, excluding a slide that encloses the
150 barrel.

151 (b) a semiautomatic pistol with the capacity to accept a detachable feeding device and
152 includes at least 2 of the following features:
(i) the capacity to accept a feeding device that
153 attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip; (ii) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can
154 be held by the non-trigger hand; (iii) a threaded barrel capable of accepting a flash suppressor,
155 forward handgrip or silencer;
or (iv) a shroud that encircles either all or part of the barrel
156 designed to shield the bearer’s hand from heat, excluding a slide that encloses the barrel.
Any pistol with a threaded barrel was considered an assault weapon in CT for a while now. Didn't MA just recently copy their law?
Hopefully we will see if the shush bill passes next year.[/B]
Proposed bill HR8306 (aka "SHUSH Act") doesn't quite go far enough to help with the mass law:
HR8306 said:
Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, a law of a State or a political subdivision of a State that, as a condition of lawfully making, transferring, using, possessing, or transporting a firearm silencer in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, imposes a tax on any such conduct, or a marking, recordkeeping or registration requirement with respect to the firearm silencer, shall have no force or effect.
MGL c.269 § 10A is not a tax, marking, recordkeeping, or registration requirement.
Any pistol with a threaded barrel was considered an assault weapon in CT for a while now. Didn't MA just recently copy their law?
No, a pistol needs two features.
Threaded barrel is only one.

And if the firearm was legally possessed in Mass on 8/1/24, then it is exempt so even if the threaded barrel was an issue on a new gun, it's fine for anything exempted
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