Tierney "Town Meetings" this Sat. and next

Apr 27, 2005
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If Rep. John Tierney (6th Middlesex) is your Congressman, you may want to attend one of his upcoming "Town Meetings":

Burlington: Saturday, 6/11 at 10 AM - Human Services
Building, Murray-Kelly Wing, 61 Center Street
Wilmington Saturday, 6/11 at 1 PM - Buzzell Senior Center, 15 School Street
N. Andover: Saturday, 6/18 at 10 AM - Stevens Memorial
Library, 345 Main Street

The purported reason for these is "to discuss the future of Social Security and ideas to strengthen and preserve it."

I attended one of these once, and it's really more of a Bush-bashing pep rally for those who have drunk the Kool-Aid.

It doesn't do any harm to have some "diversity" in the audience, so people can ask some unscripted questions, say, about the Second Amendment.
I wouldnt be able to handle being stuck in a room full of liberals. I would eventually snap and start chuckin' knuckles. [twisted]
In my experience, maybe 50% of the audience consists of well-meaning-but-clueless citizens who have heard about the meeting and feel that they are performing their civic duty by attending. They don't realize that they are walking into a choreographed and scripted pep rally. They probably attend once, and never show up again. Another 25% consists of party faithfuls -- I disagree with them, but they know why they are there and sincerely believe in what they are doing. The remaining 25% are the true moonbats: people who are still pissed that George McGovern lost and who believe that Karl Rove is irradiating their granola. They are great for entertainment value if nothing else. But if you have a sensitive gag reflex, they're the ones that will get you retching.

But this starts to stray from the purpose of this board. In closing, let me just say: I love my SW1911, and my Ruger MK III is much more reliable than the S&W 22A that I traded in for it. :D
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