Time for some changes at Ames

I was at the meeting less then 24 hours ago where all this happened. There where at least 50 other people there and some must be members of this site. I hope they will post here and back up my account of what happened. Otherwise I don't expect anyone but Jim to know if I'm telling the truth or I'm being biased.

You really are making the club look bad, regardless of your intentions or at what capacity you are involved.

My mistake, I wanted some information on this topic and was surprised to find a thread on it the night it actually happened.

You aren't surprised. You ran here as fast as someone told you about it, because the bad PR made you angry. If you wanted some information you could just read about it elsewhere. Instead you you jumped the fence, registered for an account, and decided to slander Jim for his simple statement about him wanting to make some changes. He didn't go into details at all, and you have now dragged in everything he didn't want to include.

Solid work.

PS. You are a troll for negative repping me too. Enjoy.

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As far as I can tell the big problem is that people don't like the inconsistent rules and want the club bylaws posted on the website or someplace easier to find. There was also talk of people being treated unfairly when they ran afoul of a rule they dint know about or that was just made up. I can sympathies with that and I think those issues should be raised at the next meeting.

You accused Ira of shady gun deals, taking liberties with the club money and ignoring elections rules. You also said he was running hundreds of people out of the club and that you had no problem spending 50K "To make this right". I assume you ment getting a lawyer.

I'm willing to have an open mind about this despite what happened at the meeting. You are obviously very passionate about this and I want you to back up the accusations you made. Give me and the other members some proof, especially new people like myself.

PS: This is the Ames website. http://www.amesriflepistolclub.com/news.html It has meeting notes going back to last September posted as well as club rules, but no bylaws. I only post this here because other people in this thread where saying that the elections where not held last year (they where in Septemeber) and that the meeting notes where only found in the clubhouse.

Sir, the proof is on the BOD. Why you may ask? Well, there has NEVER been a financial statement presented to the membership. Save for the treasurer saying "we have lot's of money, never been better". Pursuant to the by-laws, all expenses over $200.00 require a membership vote. Have you ever voted on any expenditures?

Also, you mentioned the notes on the website, those are newsletters abundant in redundancy. You will notice however that in the September 2011 there were was no presidential election. Tony was elected to the board for the second year in a row though. Since you are new, I will fill you in what happened the year of 2010, the treasurer was reelected without a vote. The year prior the VP was elected. The secretary and the president have not been elected for years and years. Find me notes to prove otherwise. You won't find those notes because no notes are kept for meetings or BOD meetings. If you don't believe me track down the phantom election committee and ask them. Good luck because no three person committee is appointed every June per the bylaws.

You are new at Ames so I will afford you your naivety. But ask around a bit. Many people have been thrown out of the club for dubious reasons. One person for asking where the property lines were and another for asking why the taxes were not paid and a lien was placed on parcels of property.

Brazen, I caution you not to be too brazen with your questions because you will soon receive a letter from an attorney and a non trespass order because that's how this game has been played.

It is the right of any member to ask questions and be provided answers. That is not shameful. Hiding behind threatening attorney letters and informing members that if they turn over too many rocks, they will have their licensing authority contacted is.

Good luck on your search for truth grasshopper.

P.S. The shady gun deals are legendary at the club. So much so it's a running gag. I will admit myself to being ripped off when I was a new cool-aid drinking member such as yourself.
Sir, the proof is on the BOD. Why you may ask? Well, there has NEVER been a financial statement presented to the membership. Save for the treasurer saying "we have lot's of money, never been better". Pursuant to the by-laws, all expenses over $200.00 require a membership vote. Have you ever voted on any expenditures?

Also, you mentioned the notes on the website, those are newsletters abundant in redundancy. You will notice however that in the September 2011 there were was no presidential election. Tony was elected to the board for the second year in a row though. Since you are new, I will fill you in what happened the year of 2010, the treasurer was reelected without a vote. The year prior the VP was elected. The secretary and the president have not been elected for years and years. Find me notes to prove otherwise. You won't find those notes because no notes are kept for meetings or BOD meetings. If you don't believe me track down the phantom election committee and ask them. Good luck because no three person committee is appointed every June per the bylaws.

You are new at Ames so I will afford you your naivety. But ask around a bit. Many people have been thrown out of the club for dubious reasons. One person for asking where the property lines were and another for asking why the taxes were not paid and a lien was placed on parcels of property.

Brazen, I caution you not to be too brazen with your questions because you will soon receive a letter from an attorney and a non trespass order because that's how this game has been played.

It is the right of any member to ask questions and be provided answers. That is not shameful. Hiding behind threatening attorney letters and informing members that if they turn over too many rocks, they will have their licensing authority contacted is.

Good luck on your search for truth grasshopper.

P.S. The shady gun deals are legendary at the club. So much so it's a running gag. I will admit myself to being ripped off when I was a new cool-aid drinking member such as yourself.

Finally some actual answers! Thanks. You have given me a lot to think about. This is the second gun club I joined and it has been much better then the first one, but this is making me question everything. Do you know where I could get a hold of these bylaws?
Finally some actual answers! Thanks. You have given me a lot to think about. This is the second gun club I joined and it has been much better then the first one, but this is making me question everything. Do you know where I could get a hold of these bylaws?

Read the thread.

And if you want to get along here I suggest you try and figure out WHY your posts aren't passing the smell test.
I joined the club at the start of the year and so far I've had no trouble with Ira or any board member. In fact they have gone out of their way to chat with me when I run into them and to help me out when I had questions. I thought everyone at the club was very polite and that there where no problems until you made that scene at the last meeting (was that part of your 100% drama free guarantee?). So I went online to try and find out more since half the stuff you where saying was about people I have never met. I ran unto your post here and the general Ames thread here.


As far as I can tell the big problem is that people don't like the inconsistent rules and want the club bylaws posted on the website or someplace easier to find. There was also talk of people being treated unfairly when they ran afoul of a rule they dint know about or that was just made up. I can sympathies with that and I think those issues should be raised at the next meeting.

Having said all that, the way you handled yourself at the last meeting was shameful.

You accused Ira of shady gun deals, taking liberties with the club money and ignoring elections rules. You also said he was running hundreds of people out of the club and that you had no problem spending 50K "To make this right". I assume you ment getting a lawyer.

I'm willing to have an open mind about this despite what happened at the meeting. You are obviously very passionate about this and I want you to back up the accusations you made. Give me and the other members some proof, especially new people like myself.

Three people I know were there last night and backed up what was posted by Brazen and said by Jim. It did get hostile, nasty, and personal which is totally unnecessary and unprofessional. Let's just say the pot was stirred and things hopefully will change for the better instead of remaining the same regardless of the outcome of this heated discussion.
Time to get that "regime" out of ames! Then I will join again. I never renewed my membership because I didn't want to fund another purchase for Ira's personal benefit
My mistake, I wanted some information on this topic and was surprised to find a thread on it the night it actually happened. I assumed NES posters where more then trolls who would make personal attacks on my profile's credibility as opposed to my questions. I posted nothing but my first had observations and links to information on the club's website. I'll go look for information elsewhere.

I was there. The conversation was heated on BOTH sides. Which is not as it should be at all. Ira made some statements that seemed accusatory as well. As someone said to me, he didn't get a copy of the bylaws when he joined, nor an opportunity to see them. Which Ira clearly stated was routine.

Ira puts a lot of work into the club, but that doesn't mean it's HIS club. It's the members club, or should be. The BOD shouldn't be imposing new rules without notice or discussion among the members. I don't think Jim is the only person who feels that way. Others here have told their stories of problems with Ira or other members of the BOD.

Maybe it's not the intent, but there is sense among some members (and former members) that process needs to be improved. One good thing would be to post the bylaws on line.
Inbox is cleared, ask away. I am only going to say that it is in fact time for a change at that club. It is a nice club but the old boy network of if you dont like what I say then get out is not right.
Ira has gone way above and beyond by throwing people out who disagree with him personally and even though some people may have done something wrong it was never brought to a vote wich it should have been.
I hear complaints on almost a weekly basis from so many people who have problems and are almost frightened to say anything because of the whole "ill report you as unsafe to the police" and I'm taking you plate number and reporting you. It's foolish.
I think we all make mistakes, and sure, if you shoot when the buzzer is turned on you should be reprimanded or maybe even kicked out but not by a dictator by a VOTE.
One of the examples that has happened countless time with only a few getting tossed, only by you know who's choice.

This club would be so great if it is run by the members not by some one person as it is now.
I wish I could vote for Jim but I was 1 of the banished evil doers. I asked for property lines so I could hunt legally, never got them. I asked a money question and was scolded. I tried to form a comittee and be more involved and was told Ira does not approve of that. Tony was put for election the last 4 years I know of, I was nominated by my fellow members to run against Tony at the meeting and that was the final straw. Things got ugly fast after that. I went against the mighty Ira and the BOD. I left along with a dozen or so gret members that cared about that club. I hope enough sheep come to the meeting and Vote for Jim, he is a great man and is what Ames needs, a change and some answers.
Inbox is cleared, ask away. I am only going to say that it is in fact time for a change at that club. It is a nice club but the old boy network of if you dont like what I say then get out is not right.
Ira has gone way above and beyond by throwing people out who disagree with him personally and even though some people may have done something wrong it was never brought to a vote wich it should have been.
I hear complaints on almost a weekly basis from so many people who have problems and are almost frightened to say anything because of the whole "ill report you as unsafe to the police" and I'm taking you plate number and reporting you. It's foolish.
I think we all make mistakes, and sure, if you shoot when the buzzer is turned on you should be reprimanded or maybe even kicked out but not by a dictator by a VOTE.
One of the examples that has happened countless time with only a few getting tossed, only by you know who's choice.

This club would be so great if it is run by the members not by some one person as it is now.

I'm all for the voting to ban people but if someone is shooting with the buzzer on and people down range then I don't want to wait until the next club meeting to take care of it. I would say the BOD should be able to suspend/ban without a vote and that person should have a chance to appeal and have their ban/suspension overturned at a full member meeting.
Ira and Tim get a laugh out of the CMP. Their idea of this is " Cash, Money, Profit" Show me the money, ammo, and rifles. All belong to the club.
Hi everyone! Remember me? Michelle, the former secretary at Ames. I wish I could vote for Jim as well. I hope the members show up for the election! All of you Ames members, tell your friends...show up at the meeting...and VOTE!!! You can still email me at mmalone67ink@aol.com
I hope to hear from you...I miss the club and the members!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I believe that this thread speaks for itself. It is not we, the membership in general, but rather a few select people who are tailoring OUR club to THEIR wants and desires. I have been approached by numerous members who are not happy with the direction our club and organization has been heading in. It is time for new leadership so that we can have our club brought to it's fullest potential, where the By Laws are adhered to ALL the time, not just when they suit or benefit a select few. Nobody should be made to "go away" just because it is what a person or persons want. Brazen - 1) read the By Laws concerning conduct and procedure, 2) the member in question stated that the buzzer was not working correctly at the time of the alleged incident that you mentioned...where is the accountability of the BOD for failing to maintain safety equipment (a MAJOR part of the BOD, wouldn't you agree?) 3) There is always 3 sides to a story - that guy - this guy and then the truth...without ALL the facts I would not rush to judgement on a member who was given no chance to exercise the provisions granted to him within OUR By Laws.

James (Jim) Sheppard
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Ladies and Gentlemen - The By Laws for my fellow members - James (Jim) Sheppard:

Ames Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc.
By Laws


Section 1
The name of the organization shall be AMES RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB, INC.


Section 1
The object of the Organization shall be to encourage as well as train rifle and pistol shooting among citizens with a view towards a better knowledge on the part of such citizens of the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship. It shall also be our further object to develop character, honesty, good fellowship, self discipline, team play, and self reliance, which are the essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of good patriotism.

ARTICLE III: Membership

Section 1
Any citizen of the United States 18 years of age or over may become a member of the Organization on a vote of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and on payment of the usual initiation fee and dues and proof of membership in the NRA.

Section 2
Associate members will consist of sons, daughters, or spouse of a member in good standing. Sons and daughters shall be eligible from their 15th to their 18th birthdays and may become regular members at that time without payment of the initiation fee. Associate members will have no vote, no key, and must be accompanied by a member in good standing when on the Organization premises. The fee for associate members will be set at the annual meeting.

Section 3
Any member that has had his membership revoked or an individual refused membership as a result of action taken by the Executive Board can never re-apply. 10/14/2002

ARTICLE IV: Officers

Section 1
The officers of the Organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six Directors. 9/13/2004

Section 2
The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected for a term of three years. The Directors will be elected for a term of two years. Two of the six Directors will be elected every year.

ARTICLE V: Meetings

Section 1
The Annual Meeting of the Organization shall be held on any day in September of each year. If the Annual Meeting shall not take place at the time fixed, it shall be held within a reasonable time thereafter and the Officers shall hold over until their successors have been elected. The elections at the Annual Meeting will proceed as follows:
First year elect the President, Vice-President, and two Directors;
Second year elect the Secretary and two Directors;
Third year elect the Treasurer and two Directors;
Fourth, fifth, and sixth years repeat cycles.

Section 2
A quorum for legal transaction of business at any general or annual meeting shall be twenty members in good standing.

Section 3
General meetings shall be called by the President on any day of any month he so designates.


Section 1
The dues of the Organization shall be as designated by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and may change from time to time at any meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The membership shall vote on any such change in the dues structure made by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE at the next scheduled meeting of the Organization. The current dues structure shall be announced at the Annual Meeting. No member of the Organization in arrears shall be eligible for any of the benefits of the Organization.

ARTICLE VII: Executive Committee

Section 1
The affairs of the Organization shall be managed by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and shall be composed of the officers and directors. Meetings shall be held at any time on the call of the President, and five shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2
The Secretary shall notify the members of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of all meetings and send each member of the Organization notice of all membership meetings and Annual Meetings. He shall keep a true record of all meetings of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and regular meetings and have custody of the books and papers of the Club and conduct all correspondence of the Organization.

Section 3
The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Organization and place the same in such bank or banks approved by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Such money shall only be withdrawn by check signed by the Treasurer, President, or Vice-President and for payment of such bills as shall have been approved by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE with the exception that no approval will be needed on payment of property taxes, fire or liability insurance, utilities, heating fuel, and postage. He shall keep an account of all his transactions and make a detailed report with vouchers at any meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE when requested and a report at regular meetings. The Treasurer’s books shall be subject to audit by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE at any time.

Section 4
The Executive Officers (captains, co-captains, or any other such appointment as the President deems necessary) for Rifle, Pistol, Range Officers, and other Organization activities shall be appointed by the President at the Annual Meeting or from time to time as deemed necessary by the President. They shall have charge of the ranges of the Club, be responsible for range safety, the printing of the score cards, the arranging of competitions, etc. No bills shall be contracted without the authorization of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

Section 5
The Vice-President shall preside over the meeting in the absence of the President and shall have the power to vote in case of a tie.

Section 6
The position of Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer shall, at the discretion of the President, be appointed at any time which the President deems necessary.

Section 7
Motions proposed from the floor, voted on and passed at the monthly meeting concerning expenditures exceeding two hundred dollars must be approved by a majority of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE at the next scheduled meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

Section 8
Any EXECUTIVE BOARD member (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) who is absent 8 times from the general meetings and/or EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meetings, due to loss of interest could be asked to give up their position. Any member of the Board of Directors who is absent 4 times from the general meetings and/or EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meetings could be asked to give up their position.
Any member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE that is viewed as non-productive could be asked to give up their position. All of the above requires a majority vote by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. All decisions are final. 10/14/2002


Section 1
Any member whose conduct shall be decided by a majority vote of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to have been injurious to the interest and welfare of the Organization shall forfeit his membership and rights. Such vote shall not be taken without giving the offender two weeks notice of the charges against him and affording him the opportunity to be heard inn his defense. He may appeal the decision of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to the Organization’s General Membership at a special meeting called for that purpose. It shall require a two thirds vote of the General Membership present at said meeting to reverse the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE’S decision.

ARTICLE IX: Amendments

Section 1
Any amendments to these By Laws must be submitted to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE for its approval. If such is given, it may be presented to any general meeting of the Organization after sending notice to each member at least ten days prior to a vote. A two thirds vote of the members in good standing present will be necessary to pass it.

ARTICLE X: Nominating Committee

Section 1
A three person Election Committee will be appointed by the President at the June meeting.

Section 2
All persons interested in running for election must notify one of the Election Committee members one week prior to the date of the election.

Section 3
The names of the nominees in good standing will be placed on the ballot. It is not mandatory that nominees whose names appear on the ballot be present at the time of the election.

Section 4
The Election Committee must leave sufficient space on the ballot for nomination from the floor. Nominees from the floor must be present to accept the nomination.

Section 5
In the event of a tie, a runoff election will be held between those nominees who are tied at the next scheduled meeting.

Section 6
All those wishing to participate in the election process must be present in good standing and must show proper identification before receiving a ballot, nominating a candidate, or being a nominee.

Section 7
In the event an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE member leaves their post prior to completion of their term, the Board of Directors may appoint a member to fill that position. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE must ratify this appointment. 12/10/2001

ARTICLE XI: Senior Membership

Section 1
Members who have reached the age of sixty five years and have been a member in good standing of the Organization for five previous consecutive years will be granted by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE free membership dues in the next and all calendar years following their sixty fifth birthday year providing that they have met the provisions of ARTICLE XI, Section 2.

Section 2
Members who have achieved the status of Senior Membership must provide to the Secretary or the Treasurer by the end of each calendar year proof of current membership in the National Rifle Association of America in order to maintain their dues free status.

ARTICLE XII: Organization Property

Section 1
All records and property of the Organization shall be kept on the premises of the Organization.

Section 2
All property, books, records, or other items of the Organization held by any member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE which by its nature may not be kept on the premises of the Organization shall be returned to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE within thirty (30) days of any individual being voted out of office, being removed from office, or upon request by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. All property of the Organization lent or held by Members of the Organization shall be returned immediately upon request by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

Any questions? There was NO noted Presidential Election for September 2011 (per September 2011 Newsletter) as Ira stated at Monday nights meeting. There are many examples of "good ol boy" politics at work here, where members are not able to vote and accountability of SOME elected officials is lackluster at best. With the help and support of the membership we can change the leadership and rescue our club, increase membership, safety, enjoyment and perhaps even improve the facilities with out knee-jerk reactions that hinder members enjoyment here.


James (Jim) Sheppard
Jim you are a man of your word. I have been a customer of Zero Hour for a few years and you run a top shelf business, I do not doubt you can Turn Ames Around. I would love to be able to vote for you but I too was discussed by the actions of the President (Ira). I might come to the meeting as a new/old member and renew as soon as you are elected. Michele were have you been, you were one of the reasons I left. I thought the President (Ira) treated you like shit, and the way he ran you out was wrong.
Michelle once tirelessly looked for my wedding ring that I thought I lost there. I ended up finding it a few months later under a pile of wood pellets in my garage. Thanks again Michelle!
Hi everyone! Remember me? Michelle, the former secretary at Ames. I wish I could vote for Jim as well. I hope the members show up for the election! All of you Ames members, tell your friends...show up at the meeting...and VOTE!!! You can still email me at mmalone67ink@aol.com
I hope to hear from you...I miss the club and the members!!!
Dammit ... I was looking to get out of AFS and join this place or Mansfield.
Message to Brazen. You are obviously an Ira supporter, good for you, vote your way Sept 10th.
That said, there are ways that things need to be done, safety or not I am not saying to ignore things, hell, I was there one time Ira forgot to turn on the buzzer and walked down to change a target and someone was shooting, does that mean he was to be thrown out??????

There is NO possibility of you winning any argument in regards to the current administration of that kangaroo court at Ames, It will come to light just how far this goes soon enough.

I look forward to seeing the good people who were thrown out re-join as soon as he is deposed.

Michelle was one hell of a good person and was slandered by some of those folks to my face, I will not believe she did any of the things they said she did.

Nuff said.
Jim Thanks for posting some of the by-laws. This could have saved me and many others headaches if they were abided by as stated. Ira makes the rules as he goes, Weak rules Weak club. I wish you the best, and if I can do anything to get your message out let me know. The president was never voted on as long as I was a member, secretary was appointed as well as VP. Treasurer was never voted and BOD was appointed cronies with tony being the sacrificial lamb 3 years in a row.
Message to Brazen. You are obviously an Ira supporter, good for you, vote your way Sept 10th.
That said, there are ways that things need to be done, safety or not I am not saying to ignore things, hell, I was there one time Ira forgot to turn on the buzzer and walked down to change a target and someone was shooting, does that mean he was to be thrown out??????

There is NO possibility of you winning any argument in regards to the current administration of that kangaroo court at Ames, It will come to light just how far this goes soon enough.

I look forward to seeing the good people who were thrown out re-join as soon as he is deposed.

Michelle was one hell of a good person and was slandered by some of those folks to my face, I will not believe she did any of the things they said she did.

Nuff said.

I was a supporter to begin with but having read what the people in this thread have been saying has me questioning that. If so many people have been kicked out I have never seen (or read in the meeting notes) anyone appeal their ban in the 8 months I have been a member, this makes me think that the people banned where not given the option as the bylaws state. Having said that, I don't see anywhere in the posted bylaws for a way to call a vote of no confidence like Jim tried to do at the last meeting. At this point I would welcome a vote, but I haven't received anything from the BOD saying there will be one for a new president.
I was a supporter to begin with but having read what the people in this thread have been saying has me questioning that. If so many people have been kicked out I have never seen (or read in the meeting notes) anyone appeal their ban in the 8 months I have been a member, this makes me think that the people banned where not given the option as the bylaws state. Having said that, I don't see anywhere in the posted bylaws for a way to call a vote of no confidence like Jim tried to do at the last meeting. At this point I would welcome a vote, but I haven't received anything from the BOD saying there will be one for a new president.

Read the bylaws section pertaining to elections. Then read the September 2011 news letter to see what officers were elected.
Some of the key provisions of our By Laws -

ARTICLE VII: Executive Committee
Section 8
Any EXECUTIVE BOARD member (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) who is absent 8 times from the general meetings and/or EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meetings, due to loss of interest could be asked to give up their position. Any member of the Board of Directors who is absent 4 times from the general meetings and/or EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meetings could be asked to give up their position.

***********Any member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE that is viewed as non-productive could be asked to give up their position.***********

All of the above requires a majority vote by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. All decisions are final. 10/14/2002

--- The elected officials work for the membership and will do the bidding of the membership body. If the MEMBERSHIP views a member of the EC as non-productive that member of the EC can be removed. Anyone that you can think of as "non-productive"? see below for more.

Section 1
Any member whose conduct shall be decided by a majority vote of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to have been injurious to the interest and welfare of the Organization shall forfeit his membership and rights. Such vote shall not be taken without giving the offender two weeks notice of the charges against him and affording him the opportunity to be heard inn his defense. He may appeal the decision of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to the Organization’s General Membership at a special meeting called for that purpose. ***************It shall require a two thirds vote of the General Membership present at said meeting to reverse the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE’S decision*****************

----Again, key word here are "injurious to the interest and welfare of the organization" i.e. decline in membership, lack of confidence in the current leadership, safety equipment in poor repair, failure to adhere to the By Laws, no accountability, etc, etc. Furthermore, notice that "..a two third's vote of the general membership present at said meeting to reverse the EC's decision." A reversal of the EC'c decision is an override, which we the membership can use to override the EC's decisions on any matters. The General Membership has the power ESPECIALLY if some exigent circumstances have arisen, which the By Laws as written, have failed to address.

If we know our By-Laws then we can make the changes that are needed. People are already stating on this thread that they will join again if the leadership changes so my examples are accurate.

Please, let's continue the conversation

James (Jim) Sheppard

MANY thanks for publishing those elusive bylaws.

Having just read them I have an interesting observation . . .

Checking my records, I was the GOAL club rep and legislative chairman at Ames back in October 2002 when some of the revisions to the bylaws were "passed". My notes (copies of my legislative reports that I gave at the meetings each month) show that I indeed did attend all the meetings back in the August to December 2002 timeframe.

- Article IX Section 1 says that the general membership must vote to ratify any amendments to the bylaws.
- Article III Section 3 and Article VII Section 8 and are noted as having been amended on 10/14/2002 (that date was a general membership meeting).
- However since I know that I never received a copy of the bylaws during my years as a member . . . I kept asking the numerous secretaries for them (and the range rules) and I'm sure that there would have been considerable discussion about these amendments prior to any vote and I would have remembered a contentious discussion at the very least, I can only conclude that the membership was not given a copy of the bylaws and a chance to actually vote on these changes. [An example is . . . 8 or 4 absences over how long a period of time . . . one year, one term, over many years if the person held that office for numerous elections, etc. Someone would have requested some quantification of that criteria for sure.]

Go Jim and good luck!
The American culture of respect for the democratic process and elections is so ingrained that even private organizations tend to respect votes, and the leadership quietly step aside if they lose an election.

I wonder, however, as a practical matter what happens if the leadership of a club loses and election and responds with "We are not leaving office, turning over keys, or changing signatures on any corporate documents or bank accounts, and have declared the election void".
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