Ladies and Gentlemen - The By Laws for my fellow members - James (Jim) Sheppard:
Ames Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc.
By Laws
Section 1
The name of the organization shall be AMES RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB, INC.
Section 1
The object of the Organization shall be to encourage as well as train rifle and pistol shooting among citizens with a view towards a better knowledge on the part of such citizens of the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship. It shall also be our further object to develop character, honesty, good fellowship, self discipline, team play, and self reliance, which are the essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of good patriotism.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Section 1
Any citizen of the United States 18 years of age or over may become a member of the Organization on a vote of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and on payment of the usual initiation fee and dues and proof of membership in the NRA.
Section 2
Associate members will consist of sons, daughters, or spouse of a member in good standing. Sons and daughters shall be eligible from their 15th to their 18th birthdays and may become regular members at that time without payment of the initiation fee. Associate members will have no vote, no key, and must be accompanied by a member in good standing when on the Organization premises. The fee for associate members will be set at the annual meeting.
Section 3
Any member that has had his membership revoked or an individual refused membership as a result of action taken by the Executive Board can never re-apply. 10/14/2002
ARTICLE IV: Officers
Section 1
The officers of the Organization shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six Directors. 9/13/2004
Section 2
The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected for a term of three years. The Directors will be elected for a term of two years. Two of the six Directors will be elected every year.
ARTICLE V: Meetings
Section 1
The Annual Meeting of the Organization shall be held on any day in September of each year. If the Annual Meeting shall not take place at the time fixed, it shall be held within a reasonable time thereafter and the Officers shall hold over until their successors have been elected. The elections at the Annual Meeting will proceed as follows:
First year elect the President, Vice-President, and two Directors;
Second year elect the Secretary and two Directors;
Third year elect the Treasurer and two Directors;
Fourth, fifth, and sixth years repeat cycles.
Section 2
A quorum for legal transaction of business at any general or annual meeting shall be twenty members in good standing.
Section 3
General meetings shall be called by the President on any day of any month he so designates.
Section 1
The dues of the Organization shall be as designated by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and may change from time to time at any meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The membership shall vote on any such change in the dues structure made by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE at the next scheduled meeting of the Organization. The current dues structure shall be announced at the Annual Meeting. No member of the Organization in arrears shall be eligible for any of the benefits of the Organization.
ARTICLE VII: Executive Committee
Section 1
The affairs of the Organization shall be managed by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and shall be composed of the officers and directors. Meetings shall be held at any time on the call of the President, and five shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2
The Secretary shall notify the members of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of all meetings and send each member of the Organization notice of all membership meetings and Annual Meetings. He shall keep a true record of all meetings of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE and regular meetings and have custody of the books and papers of the Club and conduct all correspondence of the Organization.
Section 3
The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Organization and place the same in such bank or banks approved by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Such money shall only be withdrawn by check signed by the Treasurer, President, or Vice-President and for payment of such bills as shall have been approved by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE with the exception that no approval will be needed on payment of property taxes, fire or liability insurance, utilities, heating fuel, and postage. He shall keep an account of all his transactions and make a detailed report with vouchers at any meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE when requested and a report at regular meetings. The Treasurer’s books shall be subject to audit by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE at any time.
Section 4
The Executive Officers (captains, co-captains, or any other such appointment as the President deems necessary) for Rifle, Pistol, Range Officers, and other Organization activities shall be appointed by the President at the Annual Meeting or from time to time as deemed necessary by the President. They shall have charge of the ranges of the Club, be responsible for range safety, the printing of the score cards, the arranging of competitions, etc. No bills shall be contracted without the authorization of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
Section 5
The Vice-President shall preside over the meeting in the absence of the President and shall have the power to vote in case of a tie.
Section 6
The position of Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer shall, at the discretion of the President, be appointed at any time which the President deems necessary.
Section 7
Motions proposed from the floor, voted on and passed at the monthly meeting concerning expenditures exceeding two hundred dollars must be approved by a majority of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE at the next scheduled meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
Section 8
Any EXECUTIVE BOARD member (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) who is absent 8 times from the general meetings and/or EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meetings, due to loss of interest could be asked to give up their position. Any member of the Board of Directors who is absent 4 times from the general meetings and/or EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE meetings could be asked to give up their position.
Any member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE that is viewed as non-productive could be asked to give up their position. All of the above requires a majority vote by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. All decisions are final. 10/14/2002
Section 1
Any member whose conduct shall be decided by a majority vote of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to have been injurious to the interest and welfare of the Organization shall forfeit his membership and rights. Such vote shall not be taken without giving the offender two weeks notice of the charges against him and affording him the opportunity to be heard inn his defense. He may appeal the decision of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to the Organization’s General Membership at a special meeting called for that purpose. It shall require a two thirds vote of the General Membership present at said meeting to reverse the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE’S decision.
ARTICLE IX: Amendments
Section 1
Any amendments to these By Laws must be submitted to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE for its approval. If such is given, it may be presented to any general meeting of the Organization after sending notice to each member at least ten days prior to a vote. A two thirds vote of the members in good standing present will be necessary to pass it.
ARTICLE X: Nominating Committee
Section 1
A three person Election Committee will be appointed by the President at the June meeting.
Section 2
All persons interested in running for election must notify one of the Election Committee members one week prior to the date of the election.
Section 3
The names of the nominees in good standing will be placed on the ballot. It is not mandatory that nominees whose names appear on the ballot be present at the time of the election.
Section 4
The Election Committee must leave sufficient space on the ballot for nomination from the floor. Nominees from the floor must be present to accept the nomination.
Section 5
In the event of a tie, a runoff election will be held between those nominees who are tied at the next scheduled meeting.
Section 6
All those wishing to participate in the election process must be present in good standing and must show proper identification before receiving a ballot, nominating a candidate, or being a nominee.
Section 7
In the event an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE member leaves their post prior to completion of their term, the Board of Directors may appoint a member to fill that position. The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE must ratify this appointment. 12/10/2001
ARTICLE XI: Senior Membership
Section 1
Members who have reached the age of sixty five years and have been a member in good standing of the Organization for five previous consecutive years will be granted by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE free membership dues in the next and all calendar years following their sixty fifth birthday year providing that they have met the provisions of ARTICLE XI, Section 2.
Section 2
Members who have achieved the status of Senior Membership must provide to the Secretary or the Treasurer by the end of each calendar year proof of current membership in the National Rifle Association of America in order to maintain their dues free status.
ARTICLE XII: Organization Property
Section 1
All records and property of the Organization shall be kept on the premises of the Organization.
Section 2
All property, books, records, or other items of the Organization held by any member of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE which by its nature may not be kept on the premises of the Organization shall be returned to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE within thirty (30) days of any individual being voted out of office, being removed from office, or upon request by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. All property of the Organization lent or held by Members of the Organization shall be returned immediately upon request by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
Any questions? There was NO noted Presidential Election for September 2011 (per September 2011 Newsletter) as Ira stated at Monday nights meeting. There are many examples of "good ol boy" politics at work here, where members are not able to vote and accountability of SOME elected officials is lackluster at best. With the help and support of the membership we can change the leadership and rescue our club, increase membership, safety, enjoyment and perhaps even improve the facilities with out knee-jerk reactions that hinder members enjoyment here.
James (Jim) Sheppard