Where are the lawsuits? Where is suspension of the law? Where are all these "wonderful" pro-2A orgs?! SAF, FPC, GOA?!
Sadly, you'll virtually never hear anything for the most part. What you have is the government using the unlimited resources of the state to create every roadblock, delay, etc that can be legally performed. You have a sympathetic judiciary who will allow all these stalling tactics to continue.
Meanwhile, you need to pay for the talents of legal experts to stay on top, monitor, and verify that nothing is missed. It was because of a missed response back in the 90's that lost the process to fight the "roster". Tiny little legal tricks are where these are lost.
Then, once every possible source of delay is exhausted, the judiciary will rule against the lawsuit. The cases will then move up the chain, again with all the delay tactics and force of power of the unlimited resources of the state. Not until the case reaches the federal level will any sense of actual justice begin to appear.
As we get closer to 2026, these are the things that need to be presented to the public. That, not only is the law terrible, but the state knows it is terrible and is purposely using tax dollars to delay and prolong the legal battle in an effort to bankrupt the citizens.
There is so much regarding this legislation from the method of production to the passage, to the defense that should be abhorrent to any resident regardless of the topic of firearms. Anyone supporting the legislation because "guns" should be publicly shamed for justifying the anti-American tactics used in passing and defending it.
If this law is so good, why was it crafted in secret, rammed through a vote without public hearing or even a public reading, and then forced into enactment when faced with a massively successful citizen recall campaign, all the while the government has had to vote themselves extraordinary exemptions for things that simply can not be complied with?