Took my son shooting for the first time!

Going shooting with your kids is always special. When my son asks to go I find the time to take him. He's itching to go hunting with me, so I'm gonna surprise him with an orange hat & vest tonight. We're going after pheasant tommorrow !
That's awesome.

This tread inspired me to talk to my wife about taking my son when the weather warms up (he'll be 6 1/2) and she said "sure, I think it would be great for the both of you"

My little girl is only 4 and doesn't really show much intrest yet.... But I'm working on it [smile]

I still can't convince the wife to go [thinking]
Family time

I'm dying to take my daughter, few more years, she's two. Fun to read the comments as I was thinking about the first sandpit sessions as my dad and I were walking around bird hunting this afternoon. Keep the sport alive!
Good morning all.

Im holding a futur shooter on my knee right now.
She is only a year and a half but her day will come!
Just wanted to say I am glad to have started this thread.
It looks like we stirred up some great memories !

Shoot straight my friends!

That really sounds great, taking your son shooting! Glad he enjoyed it.

I keep an eye out for a small .22 rifle for my daughter who is 5. It'll still be a few years before she's ready for it, but I do look forward to it!
My 16 yo daughter really managed it to get up early this morning and
participate in our club's pin shoot (of course, she's a member).
She did pretty good knocking them pins with the M686 and the .30M1 Carbine,
and we all had a blast.


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