So Ive Narrowed it down to 2 choices.. help me decide, i tried th usp lem , the glock 17, and 19 gen 4's and came out glock 17 on top, i tried the marlin 22 as well, i love .22's easy to shoot, and its the caliber i'll be sticking with in the rifles , i tried the 223 and it was too much for me, so 22 it is . so its down to the glock 17 gen 4, or the GSG PK, i already know i want both, but im thinking i should hold out on the gsg pk and check out other .22's for now, and buy the 17 as my HD gun. the other option for a rifle, more likely a pistol carbine i would go for , maybe in the future when i have money falling from the heavens, a mp5K, or a Kriss Super V, in my future. and im hoping the recoil from those would be less than a .223 caliber.