Remember if you get into a gun fight in your home at 3am you want the most reliable and efficient platform you can have. You have the rest of your life to win that gun fight..
Amen to that.
In fairness, that link discusses police-involved shootings and high rounds counts. I would argue that non-LEO CCW carriers have a different priority than LEO's, and with regard to the linked encounters, non-LEO's would have either 1) not found themselves in that situation (trying to apprehend a violent, armed felon); or 2) would have been working to extract themselves from the situation rather than getting deeper into it.
I agree with you that cops & civilians generally carry to meet different tasks, but police shootings are the only kind of shootings in the US that are regularly studied and closely examined. Most civilian shootings barely make the news, and even the ones that do rarely include many details. Occasionally gunwriters will take an in depth look at a civilian shooting like with Gary Fadden, Harry Beckwith or others, but for the most part, what we know about defensive handgun shooting in the US comes from cops.
But if your life is put in danger by a violent felon, your life is in danger. If someone is breaking into your home, trying to carjack you, anything like that, you're in it with them until they (and all their friends) stop. No, you're not pulling over cars or kicking in doors, but when the guns come out, it's all the same, you're both shooting until they stop. People without drugs in their system can absorb some amazing injuries and continue fighting, with drugs it gets even more amazing.
There are very few scenarios I can come up with where my immediate goal is not exfil, other than, say, if terrorists take over the Nakatomi Plaza and my wife is working there, but how often does that happen?
Often enough for 3 sequels and a videogame.
i cant condone the hearing protection during one of these incidents either, but i do believe Massad Ayoob does advise the use of electronic muffs in home defense. Last thing you want is to forget to turn the muffs on or batteries to die. just my $0.02
If you clicked the link that I posted above, you'll also see that Massad Ayoob suggests that you keep a copy of the gun porn his article was printed in to demonstrate your "knowledge."
Do not lose this issue of this magazine. The fact that you have read these things beforehand creates a pre-existing knowledge of dynamics of violent encounters. This knowledge can, and should be, discoverable evidence if a shyster who can't make a living with honest cases, sues you for shooting in self-defense a criminal predator, and doing so with a gun that fires more than five or six shots without a reload.
I remember the first time that I was cross examined in court regarding my use of force, and how hard the defense attorney worked to make me look like an idiot. Oh boy, waving an American Handgunner around to justify my actions...that sh*t wouldn't fly, let me tell you. Ayoob has a lot of good info in general, but yeah, he and I disagree on a few matters.
Anything can fail; guns, lights, cell phones, etc. I don't believe that is a good reason not to take advantage of their capabilities.
I can hear everything I need to in my house just fine on my own, even in the middle of the night. The last time I had an adrenaline dump while my ears were ringing from up close & personal gunfire I could still hear very well, despite the pain. I'm not going to trust my life to an electronic contraption over my ears that alters sounds and sound levels in a gunfight or other violent encounter. If there's a problem with those muffs it might block a noise that I would otherwise hear, or might amplify an already loud noise and take out my hearing altogether. Depending on the layout of a house and the acoustics of the room, a gunshot can seem very loud, or not very loud at all. This will further be changed by how your perceptions and senses are altered during an adrenaline dump, which happens differently every time, and that's assuming you go through the dump at all. Every encounter is different, but I like sure things, and electronic muffs aren't IMO.
These guys don't seem to have an issue protecting their hearing with electronic muffs; or integrating their radios with such...
Those guys are also using graphite lubricant in their guns & FMJ ammo in their magazines, but that's not what I'm using in my guns.
It's a different ballgame when you're raiding houses every night with a SAW in your hands, a radio to listen to a team of guys shooting alongside you. But still, not all soldiers use those, I know Iraq war vets who were at the dirty end of the stick all the time who didn't, who also didn't use weapon mounted lights, which is a whole other can of worms.