My brother in law passed away a few days ago. He has a few shotguns and one ar15. It’s an Anderson am with a serial number starting with 14, which I believe is the year of manufacture.
The in-laws don’t want them at the house (they aren’t comfortable near firearms) so we are transferring them to my wife’s name and bringing them to our house for safe keeping right now.
I know we can transfer them but I don’t have any records of purchase or registration. I believe he built it. I found his shotgun purchase records but not the ar but I’m pretty sure he’s had it for many years. I remember seeing it a few years ago. But without proof that it was here and registered before the big ban, is there any legal repercussions that could affect my wife?
The in-laws don’t want them at the house (they aren’t comfortable near firearms) so we are transferring them to my wife’s name and bringing them to our house for safe keeping right now.
I know we can transfer them but I don’t have any records of purchase or registration. I believe he built it. I found his shotgun purchase records but not the ar but I’m pretty sure he’s had it for many years. I remember seeing it a few years ago. But without proof that it was here and registered before the big ban, is there any legal repercussions that could affect my wife?