Trigger job on a S&W Bodyguard 380?

If you're slow firing the gun and I mean really slow it's probably not going to do much to negatively impact accuracy... it's actually relatively smooth it just stacks like a motherf***er and it pulls forevvvvvvvvvver. 🤣
I've been there, the 96D we carried, I had multiple people tell me there's something wrong with the trigger. It's just about as long as Texas is wide.
Installed the Galloway trigger. It definitely shortens the extremely long pull. Pull weight doesn't change. Not by any means my favorite gun, but it functions reliably. I hold no illusions about it and have no argument with previous assessments of it. It's a tiny last-ditch pocket pistol. They all have their limitations. If things go south it'll rot in an evidence locker and I'll have bigger concerns, so I'll pass on an engraved PPK.
Lets see 130$ trigger job on a 200$ gun why not spend 200 more and buy a 380 that's worth the buy
I’m a fan of the Ruger LCP for a pocket .380 myself. I have two of them and they don’t have awesome triggers, but for what they are, I don’t mind it.

Get the LCP Max if you can find one.
New Bodyguard 2.0 looks drastically different than the old Bodyguard. Wondering if it will be readily available in Massachusetts
I almost bought one the other day but decided to wait. I don’t like being a beta tester and it seems there are some minor issues that need to be sorted out. Several reports of guns needing to be sent back to S&W due to the rack not going far back enough to eject a round if the magazine is removed. In order to unload you need to rack every round in the magazine.

My opinion of the gun overall based on my 5 minutes of finger f***ing it, I like it.

- 10 round flush magazine, 12 round extended magazine, both are comfortable for me and I can get a good grip on it.

- The trigger is significantly better than the gen1.

- It is striker fired instead of hammer fired. This prevents a lot of dust and lint from getting into the hammer to keep the gun cleaner. The caveat is with the gen1 hammer fired, you could pull the trigger multiple times if the round didn’t fire. Now you need to rack the slide like any other semi auto.

- The sights are a major upgrade even though it’s a 3-7 yard point and shoot gun. The gen1 sights are laughable pathetic.

- Magazine release is significantly better. Larger and easier to press.

- The slide has front serrations and is very comfortable to manipulate.

For $400, I will buy one but I’ll give it time.
I almost bought one the other day but decided to wait. I don’t like being a beta tester and it seems there are some minor issues that need to be sorted out. Several reports of guns needing to be sent back to S&W due to the rack not going far back enough to eject a round if the magazine is removed. In order to unload you need to rack every round in the magazine.

My opinion of the gun overall based on my 5 minutes of finger f***ing it, I like it.

- 10 round flush magazine, 12 round extended magazine, both are comfortable for me and I can get a good grip on it.

- The trigger is significantly better than the gen1.

- It is striker fired instead of hammer fired. This prevents a lot of dust and lint from getting into the hammer to keep the gun cleaner. The caveat is with the gen1 hammer fired, you could pull the trigger multiple times if the round didn’t fire. Now you need to rack the slide like any other semi auto.

- The sights are a major upgrade even though it’s a 3-7 yard point and shoot gun. The gen1 sights are laughable pathetic.

- Magazine release is significantly better. Larger and easier to press.

- The slide has front serrations and is very comfortable to manipulate.

For $400, I will buy one but I’ll give it time.
I EDC a Glock 42 carrying 7 rounds with the aftermarket magazines…..10 rounds is a big consideration, I think you are right though wait for it to be out for a while
G43 is small enough to pocket carry. Or a Sig P365.
I agree that the G43 & P365 are far better guns but they're not "close enough" size wise to match the BG. The BG is far smaller and lighter and for that reason alone, it has it's place for some applications.
I agree with Buck F. The 365 is a great gun, and I might want one, but too big for pocket carry for me. If the G43 is the same size, then same applies there.

I have the Ruger LCP II .380, and the only 9mm that comes close that I've found so far is the PM9/CW9, and that is what I'm looking for. Otherwise, maybe a "j-frame" S&W.
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I used to do trigger jobs on the 380, the replacement triggers didn't really solve any of the underlying issues, which was friction. The factory trigger was better when doing a real trigger job, which is correcting all the imperfections, would smooth out the trigger nicely making it an acceptable trigger, slightly dropping the weight, with a clean pull, vs the janky yank it comes with.

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