TV Docudrama about Presidential Assassination


Retired Zoomie
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Apr 29, 2005
Western Mass
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I first heard about this on Rush today. Seems that no subject is too out-of-bounds for some people.

President Bush 'assassinated' in new TV docudrama

Held up by a secret service bodyguard in his dying moments after being shot in the stomach, this is President Bush being assassinated.

Surrounded by a crowd of panicking onlookers, the American leader is pictured just seconds after being gunned down by a sniper following an anti-war demonstration.

But rather than a repeat of JFK's shooting or Ronald Reagan's attempted assassination, this shocking image is part of a new Channel Four show.

The dramatic scene, which has caused outrage among Americans, has been created by a British film company for a programme about the effect of the War On Terror.

In Death Of A President, which will premiere at the Toronto Film Festival later this month (SEPT)before being shown on Channel 4's satellite channel More4 in October, the assassination is a starting point for a retrospective fictional documentary about what happened next.
$20 sez cheers erupt from that commie-audience when the shots are fired.

The director gives all those artistic reasons for why he made the flim, but I know the REAL reason. [rolleyes]

Imagine if one of us made a documentary on Ted Kennedy getting assassinated (or hell even falling down a flight of stairs after one to many G&Ts)

I'm not the hugest Bush fan, but there are certain things you don't do.

-Weer'd Beard
I've been wondering just how long it would take for the vicious hatred of President Bush by liberals to surface with something like this.

As someone commented in the comments column, Thanks, you just gained the Republicans a million more votes.

There are no limits to the stupidity of the left.
I've been wondering just how long it would take for the vicious hatred of President Bush by liberals to surface with something like this.

As someone commented in the comments column, Thanks, you just gained the Republicans a million more votes.

There are no limits to the stupidity of the left.

As has been noted of some on the other side of the divide, for them it's not really about accomplishing anything in the political arena; it's all about celebrating your individual freedom while feeling morally superior to both the other side and the more controlled (and more effective) people on your side.

It's disguting to me that the making of a "film" like this could even be considered, much less brought to fruition!

If someone had made a film about the mock assasination of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, or Tony Blair, the elitist left would be insane with anger and be calling for the banning of the film about 1/2 a second after the project was greenlighted.

Or, God forbid, the film depicted the assasination of Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. There would be blood running in the streets of London, and every other western city.

The far left freaks should put their crazy political views aside, and have a little respect, and some common sense.
its wrong, on many different levels, but it still doesnt disgust me merely as bad as Oliver Stone and Nicholas Cage recreating the WTC attack and profiting off of the death of thousands..some things are just sacred..

and the thought of nick cage portraying himself as an American hero is about as appropriate as Tom hanks playing the role of kunta kinte..
I was trying to refrain from posting on this one, but it's bugging me.

I'm all for artistic expression, but this goes above and beyond. Kind of like the guy who put crap (literally) on a painting of the Virgin Mary, it goes beyond expression into offensiveness and poor taste.

I went to the Toronto Film Festival last year and had an awesome time. I am shocked that they would give entrance to a piece of crap idea like this. It would be one thing if it were a fictional President in this hypothetical situation, however, it isn't.

I don't even like the guy, but allowing a movie like this to be seen in public, in an allegedly "decent" and neighboring country is unacceptable. If I were Bush I'd seriously consider imposing all sorts of new taxes and tariffs on Canadian goods and charge $1000 per person per crossing for each Canuck that wanted to get into the US... If I didn't "accidentally" bomb the theater first...
I must be one of the few people who does not think this is a big deal.

Likewise, man. I'm not seeing what's all that offensive about it. Bush has been lampooned to hell a thousand times over, and this surely isn't the most "offensive" of them.

And SiameseRat... that's all absurd hyperbole, right? You can't actually believe we should ban a movie from another country.

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