US Department Of Commerce Asks Gun Holster Companies For Sales Records

Well this is NOT surprising that Raimondo would find a way to target gun owners from her position seeing that she is a known gun hater and regularly tried everything she could as governor of RI to regularly attack gun rights
One of the other gun forums I visit has this very thing.
I literally have over 60 holsters. It would get hard to ID them if they weren't my EDC's... until I started electro-penciling the gun they mated with on them, or a Sharpie.

The mismatch, hodgepodge would be EPIC here...
Next will be 24/7 265 facial recognition if you even look at any firearm related products.
and stained...
Holsters or coworkers? Reason I asked was I heard Bill Clinton had a stained employee...

Can't help myself but to drive off the rails. Keeping a list of holster purchases is about as absurd as keeping a list of Hoppes no. 9 purchases.
They better be looking at sweats sales or I'm calling bollocks

Keeping your weenie Hostage. at gun-point?

And put some boots on... your feet are turning blue. [rolleyes]
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