USMC Humor: New Navy Regulations on Quarters for Female Sailors aboard Aircraft Carriers

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
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The Department of the Navy is now assigning female sailors to quarters in a separate private "OFF Limits" area on all aircraft carriers.

While addressing all personnel at Pearl Harbor, CINCPAC advised, "Female sleeping quarters will be "out-of-bounds" for all males. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be fined $50 the first time." The Admiral continued, "Anyone caught breaking this rule a second time will be fined $150. Being caught a third time will cost you a fine of $500."

"Are there any questions?, the Admiral asked

At this point, a US Marine from the security detail assigned to the ship stood up in the crowd and inquired: "How much for a season pass?"

God bless the Marine Corps!
The Department of the Navy is now assigning female sailors to quarters in a separate private "OFF Limits" area on all aircraft carriers.

While addressing all personnel at Pearl Harbor, CINCPAC advised, "Female sleeping quarters will be "out-of-bounds" for all males. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be fined $50 the first time." The Admiral continued, "Anyone caught breaking this rule a second time will be fined $150. Being caught a third time will cost you a fine of $500."

"Are there any questions?, the Admiral asked

At this point, a US Marine from the security detail assigned to the ship stood up in the crowd and inquired: "How much for a season pass?"

God bless the Marine Corps!

Way to adapt, improvise and overcome Marine. Outstanding!
I never understood why the Navy had to have Marines for security on their ships.

Sure you do. Marines put the secure in security for the sailors. At least that's what I always told my WW11 Navy dad. Then he would remind me that the Marine Corps was a dept. of the Navy and I would remind him that the Marine Corps is the men's department of the Navy. Lol.
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I would remind him that the Marine Corps was the men's department of the Navy. Lol.

Coming from multi generations of Navy and referring to Marines, I always said that we paid them, fed them, took care of their medical needs even under fire and gave them a free ride to the beach. Remember that the Marines only had to hit the beach one time under fire and the Navy had to make multiple runs to and from.
Sure you do. Marines put the secure in security for the sailors. At least that what I always told my WW11 Navy dad. Then he would remind me that the Marine Corps was a dept. of the Navy and I would remind him that the Marine Corps was the men's department of the Navy. Lol.

This. The men's department. /thread
Coming from multi generations of Navy and referring to Marines, I always said that we paid them, fed them, took care of their medical needs even under fire and gave them a free ride to the beach. Remember that the Marines only had to hit the beach one time under fire and the Navy had to make multiple runs to and from.

No question that the Navy does a top shelf job at all things you mentioned. Gave me a hell of a ride from Nam to Okinawa back in 1969. Hit a typhoon a half day out to sea and rode it for three days all the way to Okinawa. Beat that converted air craft carrier all to hell and broke the main beam thingy so badly that is was in dry doc being repaired for months. Marines were relegated to staying below decks during the storm, but the sailors even provided entertainment in the form of a poker game, during which they donated greatly to my $3,150.00 winnings. Yes, the Navy knows how to host a hell of a party.
the sailors even provided entertainment in the form of a poker game, during which they donated greatly to my $3,150.00 winnings.

You obviously never sat at "My" poker table.

We are very pleased you made the return trip regardless of your take away.
You obviously never sat at "My" poker table.

We are very pleased you made the return trip regardless of your take away.

smokey - seven, you'll be welcomed at my table any time and thanks for the safe ride to Oki, under the most difficult of conditions. You guys really know how to float a boat.
Coming from multi generations of Navy and referring to Marines, I always said that we paid them, fed them, took care of their medical needs even under fire and gave them a free ride to the beach. Remember that the Marines only had to hit the beach one time under fire and the Navy had to make multiple runs to and from.

Would you rather Marines drive the boat and you Sailors get to hit the beach, only one time? Lol.
Would you rather Marines drive the boat and you Sailors get to hit the beach, only one time? Lol.

LOL. You mean fight?! [slap] . If they wanted to do that, they wouldn't have joined the Navy. Except the SeaBees. I loved those f***in guys. And yeah yeah, Seals...but there are not many of them.
LOL. You mean fight?! [slap] . If they wanted to do that, they wouldn't have joined the Navy. Except the SeaBees. I loved those f***in guys. And yeah yeah, Seals...but there are not many of them.

I've known some pretty gutsy Corpsman. One Corpsman from my hometown won the Medal Of Honor During the Vietnam conflict and they also named a ship after him. God bless all Corpsman.
Good luck with that. I was stationed on the USS J. F. Kennedy CV67. We were a coed ship, the female berthing areas were already off limits. You would not believe the things that happened when we were underway.

On the 2005 CVN-70 deployment a "couple" were caught in the anchor windlass and in a berthing multiple times - even on the day of the Captains Mast underway. They didn't learn from my fellow nuke couple who were caught in a fan room by the ships store by a MAA at 1AM...
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