
Things are not getting any better in that socialist utopia.

Their newest emerging industry is piracy, or as Cheech & Chong call it, "Thuggery on the High Seas":

Unemployed fishermen in Venezuela become pirates, terrorize coastal towns

Once home to the world's fourth-largest tuna fleet and a thriving fishing industry, the catch in the Venezuelan state of Sucre is down to less than a third of what it produced in 2004.

That trade has collapsed, along with virtually every industry across Venezuela.

As a result, gangs of out-of-work fishermen have started to prey upon those who still venture out into the open sea, stealing their catch and their motors, tying them up, throwing them overboard, and sometimes shooting them.

The robberies have taken place daily this year, and dozens of fishermen have died.

"People can't make a living fishing anymore, so they're using their boats for the options that remain: smuggling gas, running drugs and piracy," said Jose Antonio Garcia, leader of the state's largest union, to the Associated Press.

Families along the coast got through the summer by eating "dog soup," a broth made from seawater and the small fish that are usually thrown back.

"Those little sardines saved all our lives," said Efren Pares, who lives in Punta de Araya village.
Took longer than I thought but they are eating each other in the prisons now....

And America dumped 40,000 gallons of milk to keep prices up...
At least they had a cannibal to show them how to properly hang the bodies to bleed them out before they ate them. Tough as hell if you don't properly drain them.

Somebody asked if we can learn any SHTF prep tips from the situation... I'd say having access to a cannibal is a good lesson learned.
Notice how the MSM has a complete blackout of what's happening down there. Goes against all their Commie and Socialist buddies in the democrat party and Hollywood.

It's probably less dangerous to send news people to Somalia right now than it is to go to Venezuela. When all that exists is a shitty mc shit commie government and a bunch of extremely poor people you can't even really buy safety.

The problem is it's a lawless country, where the police have gone totally corrupt because they are starving due to runaway inflation. The bad guys, and this now includes a lot of police, will always have guns. The sheep will be eaten.

If it was completely "lawless" the situation would probably sort itself out eventually to some platform of stability. The problem is that there's a minority with power/guns/whatever little food exists and they've basically terrorized the populace. Not much different than North Korea, really. (well, except that DPRK is adept at trying to keep more cameras out.)

It would be a "fun social experiment" to drop like 100 cases of AKs and ammo, and some crates of MREs etc. on a really pissed off city down there. Couldn't possibly make anything worse.

If it was completely "lawless" the situation would probably sort itself out eventually to some platform of stability. The problem is that there's a minority with power/guns/whatever little food exists and they've basically terrorized the populace. Not much different than North Korea, really. (well, except that DPRK is adept at trying to keep more cameras out.)

It would be a "fun social experiment" to drop like 100 cases of AKs and ammo, and some crates of MREs etc. on a really pissed off city down there. Couldn't possibly make anything worse.


Wait until the US (under the flag of some coalition) gets involved to try to "restore order," aka hand select a new government for them and dictate the way things are going to be.
Wait until the US (under the flag of some coalition) gets involved to try to "restore order," aka hand select a new government for them and dictate the way things are going to be.
You would think that eventually we would stop ****ing around with Latin american countries. It hasn't exactly worked out well in the
Why haven't these people stormed the castle yet? Why isn't all the government buildings burning? It's time to really fight!

No food = people are scrambling for survival, never mind fighting. No guns. Plus a lot of these people are part of the problem, they keep voting for socialists.

Supposedly the socialists in Venezuela also have some kind of band of thugs/brownshirt types that probably rat on dissidents.

Plus a lot of these people are part of the problem, they keep voting for socialists.

These people, presumably the majority down there, are of the belief that the government is in the best position to give them what they need, whether food, water or security. They'll believe it right up until they or their family members starve to death.
These people, presumably the majority down there, are of the belief that the government is in the best position to give them what they need, whether food, water or security. They'll believe it right up until they or their family members starve to death.

I feel bad for the moderates who voted against Maduro. Then again, that country is so ****ed I would not be surprised if the last election was rigged, too.

Venezuela pulls highest-value banknote 'to strike against mafia'

The Venezuelan government has announced it will remove the country's highest-denomination banknote from circulation within 72 hours to combat contraband.

Central bank data suggests there are more than six billion 100-bolivar notes in circulation, making up almost half of all currency.

Venezuelans will have 10 days from Wednesday to exchange the notes for coins and new, higher-value bills.

President Nicolas Maduro said the move would stop gangs hoarding the notes.

In a surprise announcement, Mr Maduro said on Sunday that the 100-bolivar note, worth about 2 US cents (£0.015) on the black market, would be taken out of circulation on Wednesday.

He said part of the plan was to block any of the 100-bolivar notes from being taken back into the country so the gangs would be unable to exchange their hoarded bills, making them worthless.

Analysts say the move is likely to worsen the cash crunch in Venezuela, where people have already been limited in the amount of cash they can take out at automated teller machines.

Venezuelans have only been given 10 days to exchange their 100-bolivar notes for new coins and bills ranging from 500 to 20,000 bolivars due to be introduced from 15 December.
I'm going to guess that the fish are rotting on the docks because there's no markets still open for them, no fuel for trucks to get them there, and no customers with enough money to buy them. Just a guess, but it seems a likely scenario.
I propose we colonize Venezuela, install a government led by Bernie, and send a bunch of his supporters down there. They can see how well their version of socialism works and are benefited by having a head start as the people there already have somewhat of an understanding so this new government won't be entirely foreign to them.
I propose we colonize Venezuela, install a government led by Bernie, and send a bunch of his supporters down there. They can see how well their version of socialism works and are benefited by having a head start as the people there already have somewhat of an understanding so this new government won't be entirely foreign to them.
I want to take over Mexico and rename it Old Mexico.

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It's really looking like SHTF time is due anytime now in Maduros Socialist Paradise.

Nice to see the good citizens of Venezuela have properly prepared for the apocalypse by acquiring gas masks.

Venezuela: Violence flares at anti-Maduro motorised protests

Thousands of Venezuelans in cars and motorbikes have filled roads across the country in motorised protests against President Nicolas Maduro.

Riot police on motorbikes fired tear gas against opposition demonstrators and blocked their motorcade in the capital, Caracas, where a bus was also set on fire.

There were clashes in Valencia and other Venezuelan cities.

Nearly 40 people have been killed since the unrest began six weeks ago.

Mr Maduro has accused the leader of the opposition-led National Assembly, Julio Borges, of inciting violence by calling people onto the streets.

Wow! I spent a week in Caracas on business a bunch of years ago. It was dangerous then but nothing like today. I wouldn't even THINK of travelling there now for any reason. All of the nice houses in the city had walls around them topped with broken glass sticking out of the mortar. (Cheap barbed-wire replacement)

Even then, I was strictly warned to NOT leave the hotel compound at night unless escorted by a local from the company I was working for.
More news from our favorite failed communist country:

Venezuela dares US to 'send in the Marines'

Venezuela scoffed at the US Tuesday for trying to forge a regional plan to address its raging crisis, saying the only way to make it comply was to "send in the Marines."

"The 'contact group' you're proposing is completely useless and unnecessary," Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez fumed at a meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Cancun, Mexico.

"The only way you could impose it would be to send in your Marines -- who would meet with a crushing response from Venezuela if they dared make such a misstep."

The outburst came as US Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan tried to rally support for an OAS resolution to send regional mediators to Venezuela, where running street battles at anti-government protests have left 74 people dead since April.

Sullivan responded to Rodriguez -- who called him "el jefe" (the boss) -- with a three-word rebuttal: "Distractions, distortions and irrelevancies."

The tense exchange came a day after OAS foreign ministers -- divided between allies and critics of Caracas -- failed to agree on a joint response to the Venezuelan crisis.

The draft resolution backed by the United States fell three votes shy of the 23 it needed to be adopted by the 34-nation group.

Sullivan is now pushing to take the matter up in the OAS General Assembly, which is also convening in Cancun this week, and where the vote threshold is lower: a simple majority of 18 votes.

But Venezuela has repeatedly said it will not respect decisions taken by the OAS, which it is in the process of quitting -- a procedure that will take two years.

Rodriguez also lashed out at other countries that supported the US-backed proposal.

She referred to Peru as a "lapdog of imperialism" and called Costa Rica's foreign minister a "political illiterate who knows nothing about Venezuela."

Pummeled by the plunge in oil prices since mid-2014, Venezuela is in the grip of an economic and political crisis that is causing desperate shortages of food, medicine and other basic essentials.

Protesters want elections to remove President Nicolas Maduro from power.
More news from our favorite failed communist country:

Venezuela is like Sweden imo. Both exist to show us what happens when you go full retard.

We should leave Venezuela alone. In a year or two some entrepreneur will be able to film a show called Cannibal Island using camera drones from a well-armed ship a few miles offshore.

[Yes, Venezuela is not an island. You come up with a better title.]
While I do feel for the innocent citizens of Venezuela we have a horrible track record assisting with regime changes. It is a no win situation. They have the richest oil reserves on the planet not to mention a temperate climate to grow just about anything they want. It should be fixable. Same for Africa, huge natural resources and opportunities yet they cannot seem to progress.

I never fully realized how fortunate we are that our continent is united under one rule (well, two if you count the Canadians). Looking at a map of the U.S. and all the other continents on the planet and thinking that if all of South America or all of Africa could unite under one system they would be formidable. It gives me a new appreciation for what our founding fathers foresaw and were able to accomplish.
While I do feel for the innocent citizens of Venezuela we have a horrible track record assisting with regime changes. It is a no win situation. They have the richest oil reserves on the planet not to mention a temperate climate to grow just about anything they want. It should be fixable. Same for Africa, huge natural resources and opportunities yet they cannot seem to progress.

I never fully realized how fortunate we are that our continent is united under one rule (well, two if you count the Canadians). Looking at a map of the U.S. and all the other continents on the planet and thinking that if all of South America or all of Africa could unite under one system they would be formidable. It gives me a new appreciation for what our founding fathers foresaw and were able to accomplish.

Even better imagine the WHOLE WORLD under one system. /sarc.
While I do feel for the innocent citizens of Venezuela we have a horrible track record assisting with regime changes. It is a no win situation. They have the richest oil reserves on the planet not to mention a temperate climate to grow just about anything they want. It should be fixable. Same for Africa, huge natural resources and opportunities yet they cannot seem to progress.

Why does this task always fall to me? I blame the public schools.

For a country GDP per Capita is a linear function of average IQ on a log scale. Each blue dot is a country. And yes it's not current data as this kind of research is now haram.

I still think we should ship all the liberal democrats down there who push the Socialist agenda in this country. Give them a 6 month all expenses paid trip to their utopian paradise. They wouldn't last 6 hours let alone 6 months. While we're at it, let's ship all the snowflakes down there too so they can possibly wake up and smell the coffee.
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