Wally World is done

I picked up some 45ACP last week in Epping. The price is the same as a few months ago which I found surprising.....

The same rifles and shotguns are still in the display area. Giving up those sales isn't a big deal.
Used 2 boxes of WWB last night that I got from the Walpole Wally World.
I asked the clerk that has been there for what seems forever in the sporting dept. about the lack of guns in there now. He said that the guns didn't sell, they would sit there for months so they got rid of them. He did say that the ammo should be around there for a long time because it is a good seller in the store.
edin508 said:
He said that the guns didn't sell, they would sit there for months so they got rid of them.
And that, ladies & gentlemen, is the REAL reason - no sense tying up $$$ in inventory that doesn't sell.

So we have no one to blame but ourselves - every person who said "Oh, don't buy at Wally World, buy at the small stores" and every person who listened to that is to blame. No evil conspiracies here... unless it was ours. [thinking]
And that, ladies & gentlemen, is the REAL reason - no sense tying up $$$ in inventory that doesn't sell.

Business 101. Makes sense. Concentrate on what you do well.

So we have no one to blame but ourselves - every person who said "Oh, don't buy at Wally World, buy at the small stores" and every person who listened to that is to blame. No evil conspiracies here... unless it was ours.

Suppose the opposite happened. We all bought our guns at Wally World and the local Mom and Pop gun stores, not to mention Uncle Carl in Woburn went out of business. Do you think Wally World is going to remember that Ross likes this and FPrice likes that and they would call you if they ever got a used gun in that we really wanted? Oh, wait a minute, Wally World would probably not deal in used guns, just new.

That's why I would not buy my guns at Wally World and why I caution others to think long and hard before they do.
FPrice said:
dwarven1 said:
No evil conspiracies here... unless it was ours.
Do you think Wally World is going to remember that Ross likes this and FPrice likes that and they would call you if they ever got a used gun in that we really wanted? Oh, wait a minute, Wally World would probably not deal in used guns, just new.

That's why I would not buy my guns at Wally World and why I caution others to think long and hard before they do.
I rest my case.

And no, Frosty, I don't expect Walmart to remember that I shoot .45, or to have a gun sale mailing every week... but if I don't buy guns there (and actually, I have), and no one else does... then I better not bitch, piss and moan when they stop selling guns. Because nobody bought them.
Wally World is no real threat to a true gun shop. So they sell 6 varieties of rifles and 6 varieties of shotguns, one type of ammo/caliber, a handful of supplies, etc.

When you need high rings or a particular scope, mags for a particular gun, specific defensive ammo, etc., Wally World is NOT the place to go and never would be.

Wally World caters to the fast-in-out pick up what they carry, don't ask for anything not on the shelf, G_d help you if you really need help! Your local gun shop is a "service provider" who stocks various items and can/will special order items for you.

Having a market economy dictates that you don't prevent one sort of business and only allow another type of competitor. There is room in the world for both Wally World and the local gun shops.

Note: I have never even looked at the guns in Wally World. I've only bought ammo there and when I want to check on "what's new" Wally World would be the last place that I'd ever think to look.
LenS said:
Wally World caters to the fast-in-out pick up what they carry, don't ask for anything not on the shelf, G_d help you if you really need help! Your local gun shop is a "service provider" who stocks various items and can/will special order items for you.

Having a market economy dictates that you don't prevent one sort of business and only allow another type of competitor. There is room in the world for both Wally World and the local gun shops.


I love the Wally World for some cheap stuff.. I buy mostly all of my ammo there now. However, like LenS said- if you need help/service you best go elsewhere. I have no problem paying a slight premium for that "service".... to a point. If Wally World sold Glocks and Sigs I'd consider... it's nice to dream.
Amherst NH still has guns and ammunition. Too bad they don't have anything like a 7.62x54R value pack, or an 8x57 value pack. If they did I might spend money there, untill then I'll just swab my bore with some windex after firing my $7 bandoleers.
I was in Hudson, NH tonight. Lots of ammo. Only two blackpowder rifles left. Clerk told me that they had to ship back all their rifles/shotguns in April.

They still plan on selling ammo, but no guns. When the two blackpowder guns are sold, that's it.
patio said:
Ammo as well?
Not sure, but I don't think so. Not a huge wall of it like the Fair used to have.

(Bring back the Fair, Zayre's, Spag's, and Mammoth Mart!)
I stopped in at the Rindge N.H. store this weekend and they still have long guns & ammo. No plane to discontinue either according the the Dept manager. Most ammo was locked up but they did have an aisle display of shotshells.
patio said:
Ammo as well?

Oxford has lots of AMMO still. They had a ton of WWB Value packs. I asked the dept. manager last Friday if they were going to still sell it going forward and she said yes. BUY UP FOLKS!
WE still have dicks

For those who live in MA go to your local Dicks sporting goods they have all the same stuff as W.W.. But the competence is no better so don't expect much! But the prices are still cheap and so are the prices on rifles. but as lens said go to your local shop if you want someone who knows anything!!![smile]
[mg] [horse]
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MrTwigg said:
I stopped in at the Rindge N.H. store this weekend and they still have long guns & ammo. No plane to discontinue either according the the Dept manager. Most ammo was locked up but they did have an aisle display of shotshells.

Good to know! They are ~2 miles from my house. Very convenient for tax free WWB value packs! I try to buy from them so that I will have some local supplier of ammo. There is nothing else around for us folks out here.
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