Wanted: an image of Siamese mauser Mannlicher in 40-65

Aug 25, 2024
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Years ago, I gave a beautiful Herters Mannlicher stock blank to a friend. He was going to build a Siamese Mauser in 40-65 for uplands stalking. I gave this person the stock on the promise I would get an image of that rifle when it was completed. The rifle was completed in Idaho, no images were taken and it was sold soon after the weapon was completed. A person, who has passed on, paid so much for it his wife was very unhappy. Ultimately, she sent it to family members on the east Coast. This may sound like a story, but it is factual. I am still searching for an image of this weapon. On the one hand there are a lot of weapons in the United States. How many 40-65 Siamese Mannlichers can there be? I realize this is like hunting for the proverbial "needle in a haystack", but I have nothing to lose by writing in this forum.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.

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