Warren Tolman.....is he nuts?

Sure she does - Harshberger packed the baggage for her years ago.

Politics being what they are, the AGs office will feel obligated to defend the CMR even though the EOPS list has rendered then useless for the original stated purpose.
I agree. I wouldn't hold my breath on a easing of the Marsha Rules under Moonbat Healey. They are two of a kind and the "original stated purpose" is irrelevant now. Perhaps some decisions on specific handguns may change, but the concept will be retained and used against us for as long as a Dem occupies that office.
Deval and fatboy walsh were big tolman supporters and I believe Deval's campaign guru was tolman's campaign guy. ha ha ha.

Man, Tolman was absolutely crushed by a short-statured, basket ball playing, Harvard educated lesbian despite having every supposedly politically important endorsement in the state. What does this say about the establishment's clout?
It was a smart move on Healey's part not to jump on Tolman's rabid, extreme, anti-gun bandwagon. I'm sure the pressure was there to do so after Tolman won at the convention... i.e., match him one-for-one on the issues and then rely on the woman thing and the gay thing to beat the chrome-domed maniac in the primary.

All those countless union-paid-for ads and union-owned pol support didn't matter a hoot. There is a tiny smidgen of hope left for this crazy, corrupt moonbat state after all.
I can't help but feel cautiously optimistic. Tollman really did run on a strong anti gun platform. I think he only ran 2 ads. The "This is the house my parents died in" ad, and the I will take on the NRA ad.

Even in Moonbat Mass I think we are seeing voters say " Enough" of the attacks on law abiding gun owners. Not only have there been huge increases in the number of gun owners in Mass, there seems to be a growing acceptance by non gun owners in support of our rights. More and more people are coming to understand that law abiding gun owners are not the problem.

I can't help but wonder if Scott Brown would still be running in Mass if his deciding vote for national reciprocity had been cast the other way, and I bet he wonders the same thing. It sure did cost him a lot of support.
Hopefully Healey takes note of the REAL reason she won and the reason Tolman lost and takes it easy on us when she gets into office. It's also funny that the media is reporting that she crushed Tolman because of gay rights groups. You don't get 70% of the vote from gay rights groups alone. There's nothing mentioned about gun owners coming out in force to vote against Tolman.
I agree. I wouldn't hold my breath on a easing of the Marsha Rules under Moonbat Healey. They are two of a kind and the "original stated purpose" is irrelevant now. Perhaps some decisions on specific handguns may change, but the concept will be retained and used against us for as long as a Dem occupies that office.

but Healey said she supports the RIGHTS of the people ...Hmmmmm
I pulled a Democrat ballot so I could against him. That said, Healy is now going to win. You over estimate the influence gun owners have on the election. I think Stephen Lynch lost because outside of his district he's not well known. Inside his district he is well known, but that's not necessarily a good thing.
pm me your email and I'll send it to you. In a primary election with 80,000 votes cast, a cohesive voting block can make a difference.
There isn't going to be a ton of interest in this upcoming election. Everyone running is boring and easily forgettable. So there is a chance if enough conservatives come out and vote to get this election to swing our way. Remember the Scott Brown upset?
Haha. Tollman is getting his ass handed to him. Guess hanging your hat on the NRA and smart guns gets you no where, even in Mass.

He was so out of touch.

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Well we did it and the establishment thinks Healeys message made the differance. Now lets do the same thing in November and send her packing.
I'm surprised that Tolman lost. He seemed to have the clear edge in number of lawn signs and number of idiots standing on street corners waving at traffic, at least in my part of the state.
maybe we should check out tollman's foreign policy cred--send him to negotiate with ISIS.
Man, Tolman was absolutely crushed by a short-statured, basket ball playing, Harvard educated lesbian despite having every supposedly politically important endorsement in the state. What does this say about the establishment's clout?

This is the real victory here. Exposing the myth of 'the clout'.

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I'm surprised that Tolman lost. He seemed to have the clear edge in number of lawn signs and number of idiots standing on street corners waving at traffic, at least in my part of the state.

Helps to have your brother as the president of the Mass AFL-CIO..... Unions have lots of available folks to stand on corners or outside polling places.....[thinking]

Hopefully Healey takes note of the REAL reason she won and the reason Tolman lost and takes it easy on us when she gets into office. It's also funny that the media is reporting that she crushed Tolman because of gay rights groups. You don't get 70% of the vote from gay rights groups alone. There's nothing mentioned about gun owners coming out in force to vote against Tolman.

I doubt it. Personally I didn't even know she was gay, but could care less about her sex-life anyway. Tolman came across as someone the new gun bill was designed to address . . . those that are mentally ill, while Healey came across as a politician that was just a smidgen human.
I'm surprised that Tolman lost. He seemed to have the clear edge in number of lawn signs and number of idiots standing on street corners waving at traffic, at least in my part of the state.

I'm pretty sure all those lawn signs and waving idiots were part of the reason he lost. Once people realized what an empty suit he was via his moronic ads and (the real vote-killer) the endorsement from mini-me, the real serious voters just laughed at him, and laughed even harder the more his retarded sheep tried to deliver his one-trick-pony message.

It reminded me a little of the whole "Dean Scream" episode of 2004. The more extreme, shrill and intense Howie's message became, the more doomed his campaign became. Intelligent people don't like to be preached to, even those on the wrong side of the political aisle.

Just my .02 cents.
I don't think Tolman lost because voters are fundamentally more sympathetic to gun rights and I don't think Healey won because she had such an inspiring message. Tolman had one message - challenge the NRA and that message didn't resonate with anyone. Even people who are not particularity pro-2A hear that and say to themselves: "Is this the best this guy can do?" If he so badly misjudged the power of his anti-2A position, voters are going to question his fitness for office.

Tolman committed political suicide. The only thing he can do to rehabilitate his political career is to check into rehab and claim drugs and alcohol clouded his judgement and made him delusional.
even a gun grabbing ultra leftist had to recognize that having an atty general who ignores the laws, and instead rules by proclamation is not necessarily a good thing for the citizens of MA! they listened to one too many tall tales form lord Obama by now, don't want a mini anointed one showing up at the atty gen office.
I was just happy to see him lose. As another poster had said, there are a lot more gun owners in the state. I believe our collective efforts have paid off. Also I guess a lot of dems did not care for him either. A happy surprise at that.
I was just happy to see him lose. As another poster had said, there are a lot more gun owners in the state. I believe our collective efforts have paid off. Also I guess a lot of dems did not care for him either. A happy surprise at that.

Perhaps we can become a formidable voting bloc for the November elections, especially if there is a low turn out. If three-hundred thousand plus gun owners can convince three or more other voters to vote our way, that's more than 1 million votes.
Perhaps we can become a formidable voting bloc for the November elections, especially if there is a low turn out. If three-hundred thousand plus gun owners can convince three or more other voters to vote our way, that's more than 1 million votes.
We already are, just look at Tolman's flip-flop or Natick's stand down.

Just not as formidable as we could be. Maybe if some of the keyboard warriors here stepped into the ballot box more often....It is often the case that we have to hold our noses and vote: who the hell would want to hold public office these days?
Hopefully Healey takes note of the REAL reason she won and the reason Tolman lost and takes it easy on us when she gets into office. It's also funny that the media is reporting that she crushed Tolman because of gay rights groups. You don't get 70% of the vote from gay rights groups alone. There's nothing mentioned about gun owners coming out in force to vote against Tolman.
The odd thing (to me anyway) was how Tolman's union clout and TV exposure trumped Healey's female card/LGBT rights/gay marriage clout at the Dem convention, albeit not by much. Seemed a little unusual for a Dem convention in moonbat Massachusetts. But then add all of Tolman's TV ads (paid for my union money) and Dem pol endorsements... and yet still Healey wins the Dem primary, not by a little but by a landslide. [grin]

Bottom line: I think we gun owners (and crossovers for other good reasons) did have a significant, measurable effect on that race. [thumbsup]
We already are, just look at Tolman's flip-flop or Natick's stand down.

Just not as formidable as we could be. Maybe if some of the keyboard warriors here stepped into the ballot box more often....It is often the case that we have to hold our noses and vote: who the hell would want to hold public office these days?

"...not as formidable as we "could" be." is the operative word here. The majority of gun owners lean center-right on many issues, but most of us just want to be left alone, instead of constantly being attacked by the anti-gun groups over our civil rights. Maybe we need to re-think our method of communicating by using social websites beyond NES so that we can attract more people that might be fence-sitting.

The problem is, many of us, including myself, do not use FB, so I couldn't begin to tell anyone what is on there regarding 2nd amendment issues other than what I see for FFL dealers using/referring to it. There is nothing wrong at all with using NES, but for the most part, all of us are just preaching to the choir.

I forgot to add, look at what we accomplished by being very vocal with the latest MA gun bill as it could have been much worse than it is.
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Lets put this in perspective in terms of political power. The AFL-CIO of MA has around 400,000 members. When they talk, politicians listen. We need to be at that same table.
Tollman signs were out on the lawns because the union thugs told them to. I've got friends in the trades and the union bosses basically tell them to do it, or else.

Union Ironworker here.

I didn't get the message. And my Business manager knows where I stand. Plenty of work for me.

And I voted against toolbag.
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