Warren Tolman.....is he nuts?

I know I posted this in another thread, but I did take an absentee ballot on Friday, and voted for Maura, Ives, Finegold, and the other candidate for governor. Can't wait until November, and so happy Tierney is going down after so many years. He should never have won reelection last time.
he lost something like 2:1. Just hope the douche-man goes away and never is heard of again.
Made my night - Tolman getting his butt kicked because he had nothing to run on or offer, in spite of his brother being the president of the AFL-CIO. John Tierney conceding, doesn't get much better than this!!!

The mere fact that Deval and Walsh supported him is enough to choose another direction. Mark my words, whoever gets to be the next Governor of MA will hang their hat on the screwups that Patrick has been hiding during his tenure. MA has been heading toward being bankrupt and in major debt for years over social programs and it's coming home to roost when the Sh-t bag leaves..
Maybe we should convince him to run as an independent, split the democrat vote and the republican gets in easy...

So happy he is not the nominee!
I pulled a democratic ballot just to vote against Tolman. I would be surprised if 20% of Maura's votes came for NES members
There was a Tolman supporter standing outside our polling place with a local politician (who'd also come out for him). When I walked by I said, "Heyyyy! Smart gun!" They both winced.

Now we have to make sure Healey knows she's going to lose a lot of that support in the general election.

There is a paper that went around after Rep Stephen a Lynch lost the Senate race lat year. Here's how it begins:

Q. What would you call Rep. Stephen Lynch if he hadn't come out against the NRA?
A. "Senator."
I pulled a Democrat ballot so I could against him. That said, Healy is now going to win. You over estimate the influence gun owners have on the election. I think Stephen Lynch lost because outside of his district he's not well known. Inside his district he is well known, but that's not necessarily a good thing.

Markey won because he's spent his career doing nothing, but has got his mug on camera pretending to do something. Was anyone else surprised to see that he was in a primary today? No one ran against him in the primary and I don't even know if he'll have an opponent in November. He doesn't even have to run because he knows the Republicans can't put up a credible candidate. The only thing that could end his career would be if he was found in bed with a dead hooker or a live boy.

There was a Tolman supporter standing outside our polling place with a local politician (who'd also come out for him). When I walked by I said, "Heyyyy! Smart gun!" They both winced.

Now we have to make sure Healey knows she's going to lose a lot of that support in the general election.

There is a paper that went around after Rep Stephen a Lynch lost the Senate race lat year. Here's how it begins:

Q. What would you call Rep. Stephen Lynch if he hadn't come out against the NRA?
A. "Senator."
Gotta wonder if all his anti-gun spewing didn't bury him. How many gun owners pulled a Dem ballot today to vote against the Toolbag?!

Not enough. It should be pretty easy for just GOAL members to sway things in a primary, let alone MA gun owners. Marsha would have gotten creamed for example and Fisher would have had a chance.

The numbers are there to make stuff like that happen but the apathy and/or stubbornness make it basically impossible to formulate a plan.
I thought that he could have been instrumental in the downfall of the cmrs if he was elected and "mandated" smartguns and trigger locks.

A mandate via the AG regs that all new guns have a biometric trigger lock feature would have effectively banned handgun sales in Massachusetts. None of these gun are on the EOPSS list of approved handguns and the AG doesn't have authority over that list. As soon as you have one part of government mandating something and another preventing it, you've got a case. But that's dead for now. Healy has the opportunity to make a 'fresh start'. She doesn't have any baggage here, let's see what she does.......
Deval and fatboy walsh were big tolman supporters and I believe Deval's campaign guru was tolman's campaign guy. ha ha ha.
Man, Tolman was absolutely crushed by a short-statured, basket ball playing, Harvard educated lesbian despite having every supposedly politically important endorsement in the state. What does this say about the establishment's clout?
A mandate via the AG regs that all new guns have a biometric trigger lock feature would have effectively banned handgun sales in Massachusetts. None of these gun are on the EOPSS list of approved handguns and the AG doesn't have authority over that list. As soon as you have one part of government mandating something and another preventing it, you've got a case. But that's dead for now. Healy has the opportunity to make a 'fresh start'. She doesn't have any baggage here, let's see what she does.......

EDIT: the firearm I listed is a smart gun but dosnt have a biometric trigger lock

There actually is a smart gun on the list, it's the armatix IP1

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Man, Tolman was absolutely crushed by a short-statured, basket ball playing, Harvard educated lesbian despite having every supposedly politically important endorsement in the state. What does this say about the establishment's clout?
Hope and Change!
Each of us has to do what our heart and brain tell us is best. At least you thought it out and voted.

Are you kidding?[rofl] I've already taken 3 hot showers and I still feel dirty. [wink]

Actually Im out of state currently. Yeah Im a scumbag and did not vote absentee

Sent from my cell phone with a tiny keyboard and large thumbs...
I oppose online voting.

Aside from the vastly increased risk of election fraud I also believe that there should be some effort involved in a citizen casting a vote. The way I see it if a person doesn't care enough about the candidates or the issues to be willing to get their butt off the couch and troop down to the Poles then they probably haven't spent much time educating themselves to make a really informed choice. It's easy to rouse a rabble to make a few mouse clicks but it's far more difficult to get them to actually go out and do something.

Obvious exceptions are the physically infirm and someone whose job or service has sent them out of the state on election day. Everyone else should be made to present themselves down at the local polling station in order to cast a vote.
Gonna send out the infirmity and inspectors and the train ticket inspectors are ya? How much of an effort is OK with you, do I have to jog backwards into the polls, or is rolling up with a walker enough, or would I get a pass if I have to start my dirve to Connecticut at 6AM?

Bring on electronic voting. Good enough to buy/sell a gun, good enough to vote.

Gotta wonder if all his anti-gun spewing didn't bury him. How many gun owners pulled a Dem ballot today to vote against the Toolbag?!
This x1000. The opposite side of the coin is ... I wonder how many votes did Fisher lose because Toolman got gun owners all riled up?

Maybe we should convince him to run as an independent, split the democrat vote and the republican gets in easy...

So happy he is not the nominee!
THAT is a solid idea. Time to put that bug in his ear NOW! lol

Man, Tolman was absolutely crushed by a short-statured, basket ball playing, Harvard educated lesbian despite having every supposedly politically important endorsement in the state. What does this say about the establishment's clout?
Maybe it says: "Don't be a tool, man."
Or maybe it says: "You don't need a tool, man if you're running against a Tool man." Or some similarly bad attempt at a pun.
She doesn't have any baggage here, let's see what she does.......
Sure she does - Harshberger packed the baggage for her years ago.

Politics being what they are, the AGs office will feel obligated to defend the CMR even though the EOPS list has rendered then useless for the original stated purpose.
Glad he got crushed, but I don't think it was the gun thing alone, His ads on TV were a joke, that he personally made this happen and that, I said to my wife, this guy sure thinks a lot about himself, does he think that people are that stupid to believe that he alone did all these things? That he alone can take on the NRA? What a joke. Yeah, people are stupid, but not THAT stupid, and they are getting pissed off at these guys and I think this election is going to show that.
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