Warren Tolman.....is he nuts?

Latest I read in the Herald is that he is leading in the polls, but with a lot of undecided voters.

That's only because tolman was the first one running ads on tv. Healey is running them now. I think she'll win.

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Definitely vote against Coakly by voting for Grossman. Don't know if you're a Charlie Baker fan or not but he, without a doubt, will be the republican candidate in the run-off - no need to waste a primary vote on him...

So, who's the lesser of two evils and why, Coakly or Grossman?

Grossman is just as bad as Coakley. The other one who polls at 5% is terrible too. There is no lesser of evils for D's in the Gov race, they are far far left.
Actually, I think (had I been smart enough to go unenrolled vs. R-registered in time for the primary) I would have voted for Coakley in the primary. She's such a terrible campaigner, I expect Baker's chances to be much, much better if he ends up running against her vs. the Gross-Man.

Coakley is a terrible campaigner but grossman isn't much either. He looks like the guy on Mad magazine and he makes a dead body look like a bundle of excitement compared to him. I swear he has no pulse.
[h=2]Warren Tolman.....is he nuts?[/h]
Does a Bear shit in the woods?

These types of discussions have been going on since the dawn of time, and nobody is really certain....
I think grossman is worse than coakley. Isn't he campaigning on One gun a month as well as smart guns? prefer the devil we know...
Some good comments here,, too bad not one of you bothered to post them onto the Globe comments section. You are preaching to the choir here so nothing to gain, I put the first 2 comments in the Globe, go post a few more.
What happens to the AG seat if Marcia loses the primary?
Can she decide to run for that?

no because in the primary the D candidate for AG will be determined making it too late for her to jump in. Unless maybe she could run as an indy but I don't know if that's so.
Last time I yelled at my TV set was when Warren was running for office. I found myself raising my voice and muting the set when Tolman appeared. His second set of Ads targeting the big, bad NRA are just as bad as is condescending attitude towards women.
As an unenrolled voter, I will grab a D ballot and choose the lesser of evils for what will most likely be, my last mASS primary.

Best regards.
Some good comments here,, too bad not one of you bothered to post them onto the Globe comments section. You are preaching to the choir here so nothing to gain, I put the first 2 comments in the Globe, go post a few more.

The less hits that crappy website gets the faster it will go under.
Another_David~ Every post on twitter I see from Tolman, I do ASK, inform, and ridicule him for pushing the dream tech of smart guns and fingerprint scan locking guns.
I posted here a while ago, asking for ALL of NES to follow old warren on the twitter, and rebuke and inform others about his false, snake oily sales pitches. A couple of people have truth twitted on his feed. My thought is that if we ALL twit truth'd him, enough people would start seeing through his lies and bullshit.
Please, consider following him(Ik, Ik, it hurts to even say this) on twitter and join me in being a large caliber thorn in his side!
He's using twitter and FB for all it's worth... the sword cuts both ways, I say.
A neighbor who leaves his Christmas lights up year round has 2 Tolman signs in his yard. Just goes to show that his supporters are bat sh#t crazy also.
What's the consensus on the candidate us unenrolled voters should choose on the D ticket, this primary?
Certainly vote against the flaming nutcase Tolman in the AG race. That's a given.

The governor's race is more complicated. Marsha is horrible and corrupt but the Gross Man is much, much worse (almost as bad and anti-2A as nutcase Tolman - Could you imagine the two of them working together against us?).

Some folks are saying vote Gross Man, despite him being so miserably bad, because he will (theoretically) be easier for Baker to beat.

Others are saying vote Marsha just to guarantee that the slimy, despicable Gross Man will not be elected no matter what.

In the end, it will depend a lot on what the polls say close to election day. To hedge your bet or not... that will be the question.
AFL-CIO President Steven Tolman is his brother...

Wow! [shocked]

That's actually horrifying. AG with a built-in bias and conflict of interest, who'd a thunk it? [puke]

Justice is blind (to integrity).[puke]

Edit- Agree with others above it might be a good time to buy anything that might be targeted by the next doosh AG.
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Another_David~ Every post on twitter I see from Tolman, I do ASK, inform, and ridicule him for pushing the dream tech of smart guns and fingerprint scan locking guns.
I posted here a while ago, asking for ALL of NES to follow old warren on the twitter, and rebuke and inform others about his false, snake oily sales pitches. A couple of people have truth twitted on his feed. My thought is that if we ALL twit truth'd him, enough people would start seeing through his lies and bullshit.
Please, consider following him(Ik, Ik, it hurts to even say this) on twitter and join me in being a large caliber thorn in his side!
He's using twitter and FB for all it's worth... the sword cuts both ways, I say.

This is a great idea. I just tweeted.
Local politicians who are quoted as supporting Tolman:

Senator Linda Dorcena Forry
City Councilor Frank Baker
State Rep Dan Cullinane
State Rep Dan Hunt

After the H.4121 debacle I'm surprised that any politicians are still using gun control to drive thier campaigns. It is so passé. Especially this non-sense equating the NRA and gun industry to big tobacco.

If Tolman updates 940 CRM 16 to require any kind of 'smart' technology he's essentially mandating a ban on handgun sales. I say: "bring it". Currently it would be illegal for a dealer to sell any gun with this 'technology' because there are no 'smart' guns on the EOPSS roster. As AG, Tolman does not have the authority to add guns to the roster. Hard stop. His leading campaign issue is dead in the water.
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He is a tool bag.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Tapatalk Pro - typos are from the GD auto correct unless they are funny substitutions those I'll take credit for.
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