Warren Tolman.....is he nuts?

It's not the general election on Sept. 9, just the democratic primary; Tolman can't be 'elected' that day, it's just to see who the 'official' democratic AG candidate will be (although whoever wins this will probably win in November, too).

If any of you guys are registered Independent or Democrat, then definitely get out and vote in the Democratic primary to keep Tolman off the ticket. Healey is definitely the lesser of two evils here (but not by much).

Yup, if you are an Independent or a Dem, vote in the primary. Please!!!

This times a thousand. These types of elections (primaries), especially for offices like AG, won't get much attention. Turnout will be light because most of the public doesn't gives a rat's ass about this stuff. A strong turnout by any pro 2A voters who can vote in the democratic primary may be enough to keep Tolman off the ballot!
Progressive liberals LOVE emotional issues: guns, immigrant children, abortion.

Tolman is banking on hitting all the emotional issues, especially with women.

Those types of issues really raise the goose bumps on moonbats.

Yes but moonbats are voting for him anyway. I'm hoping he turns off the undecided aka the uninformed aka low information voters.
I can't understand why people think tolman and coakley are better than maura healey and grossman. They are all very similar, there is no significant difference between them.

How bad are Grossman and healey? The globe endorsed both in the dem primary.
MA AGs have a long history of hating on privately owned firearms. Remember Scott Harshbarger?

Must be a job requirement.

I think harshbarger was DA of middlesex county, Reilly was from there and coakley too. So harshbarger hired reilly and coakley, etc. They come from the same place.
I can't understand why people think tolman and coakley are better than maura healey and grossman. They are all very similar, there is no significant difference between them.

How bad are Grossman and healey? The globe endorsed both in the dem primary.

Welcome to Massachusetts...
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They are the same, so why would you waste time in voting in the D primary. Just stay home and worry about the general. If there were a better D than another, ok go vote. But there isn't, they are all the same level of suck.

Ummm, is there ANYONE but D's running for the AG this year?
Ummm, is there ANYONE but D's running for the AG this year?

Yes there is an R, but he has no exposure and no chance. He visited us at Braintree R&P meeting last month. Seems like a decent guy (businessman) who has a LTC and owns guns, says he believes in the 2nd A as intended.

I spoke with him but can't even remember his name right now . . . that's what I mean about no exposure.
They are the same, so why would you waste time in voting in the D primary. Just stay home and worry about the general. If there were a better D than another, ok go vote. But there isn't, they are all the same level of suck.

The difference is one (Tolman) wants to bypass the Legislature to mandate smart guns via essentially executive order, while the other (Healey) thinks it's outside the power of the AG's office to mandate without the approval of Legislature.

I'd say that's a fairly big difference.

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The difference is one (Tolman) wants to bypass the Legislature to mandate smart guns via essentially executive order, while the other (Healey) thinks it's outside the power of the AG's office to mandate without the approval of Legislature.

I'd say that's a fairly big difference.

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True, the Glob's endorsement of Healey includes this distinction:

"She (Healey), too, favors the adoption of so-called smart gun technology but believes, quite plausibly, that legislation is needed to mandate it. The AG, she says, lacks the authority to do so unilaterally. Indeed, Healey shows a refreshing willingness to acknowledge some limits to the power of the position she’s seeking."

If Tolman really plans to keep his campaign pledge on this it's conceivable that it will be shot down, and he'll have alienated the Legislature to some degree. I think Healey is playing it safe by "favoring adoption," when in reality the office will have a dozen other more pressing issues in 2015.
The difference is one (Tolman) wants to bypass the Legislature to mandate smart guns via essentially executive order, while the other (Healey) thinks it's outside the power of the AG's office to mandate without the approval of Legislature.

I'd say that's a fairly big difference.
Correct. Healey is just another useless liberal DemocRAT (think: Marsha Part II). Tolman is an out and out mental case... a very dangerous, out-of-control leftist lunatic with Hitler-like dreams of power and unlimited access to union money to get himself elected via his corrupt union thug brother.

One is just useless. The other is legitimately dangerous. I'd say that's a pretty big difference.
Question: if Tolaman becomes AG could he possibly restrict long guns and shotguns as well?

I'm doing my best to make him look like a fool on his facebook page since I cant vote in the primary as I am a registered R
They are the same, so why would you waste time in voting in the D primary. Just stay home and worry about the general. If there were a better D than another, ok go vote. But there isn't, they are all the same level of suck.

Totally disagree. Martha has a proven track record against 2A, and Tolman is making it extremely obvious that he intends to go after gun rights in a way that would make her look like a centrist. There are definitely different sized shit sandwiches available here. This approach to voting might offer us a choice of which one we're stuck eating.
Lets prove how good it works. Make all the police in MA use it. If its such a great idea they will be eager to be so safe.

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Lets prove how good it works. Make all the police in MA use it. If its such a great idea they will be eager to be so safe.
The problem isn't that he's willing to do it, it's that people will vote for him despite it or even because of it.

I love/hate the way he says something about how the current AG says it can't be done legally but he'll do it anyway. vote for me as top lawyer so I can break the law and use your tax dollars defending myself for my own political gain.

And taking on the NRA in DC as Mass AG? When was the last time the NRA did anything in Mass? Yet, you're going to spend Mass tax dollars on what exactly, suing the NRA for federal lobbying?

Stupid sound bites
Is this a trick question?

I am disgusted by what I've been forced to endure on TV for what passes for political advertising. As far as I'm concerned, politics in Massachusetts attracts either aspiring tyrants or absolute liars or both.

The worst part is that this B.S. is considered protected political speech by our country's Constitution, a document that these hypocrites, based on their actions, hold in disregard and contempt.

In answer to your question, yes Warren Tolman is nuts. Actually, I consider him a danger to our freedoms, our state and our Constitution.
Question: if Tolman becomes AG could he possibly restrict long guns and shotguns as well?
He certainly says he wants to. His stated approach to "the gun problem" is very complete, very extreme and all encompassing. I guess you'd have to go back to the enabling legislation that gave the AG its anti-2A "consumer protection" powers to figure out just how much of his insane plan he could get away with.

But also remember that he has said that he doesn't see himself (as AG) as being limited by existing laws. His stated approach will be to do what he wants to do first and to Hell with whether it's legal or not.

Some say he is not really that serious or dangerous and that Comm2A will have a field day if he goes forward with his plans. I say NEVER underestimate a psychopathic megalomaniac. It might takes years for Comm2A to undo Tolman's damage... and that's only if they can find a favorable pro-2A judge in this crazy one-party-controlled moonbat state.

Tolman *is* the danger. Vote against him next Tuesday or get yourself prepared for the battle of a lifetime.
my favorite line is when he says something like "the supreme court ruled against women's safety." hahaha awesome.

that's no different than when mom gives boy a spanking and he yells "you're a meanie".

how the **** can the supreme court "rule against women"....Tollman clearly prefers to just portray himself as savior and all-knowing. honestly i'm kinda interested to see how much backlash this idiot generates once he is our AG.

one of his ads also says something about how his parents died in "this home in Watertown from cigarette smoking" and how the tobacco companies are directly responsible.....um last time I checked the days of big tobacco companies hiding the data about negative health effects....yeah those days are over.

i could make a long list about how cigs will kill you, but for Tollman the issue is still ripe because it's got $$$ written all over it for little Warren.

between apache Granny "dances with ignorance" Warren and Warren "I squint and look angry" Tollman......I no longer like the name Warren. before I moved to this god forsaken state I thought warren was a nice sounding name.


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Originally Posted by nhams
If you're registered as unenrolled, you can vote against Tolman by voting for Healy in the primary, limiting Tolman's chances of being in the run-off election.
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