
The end of the good o'le days..........[crying]

Just a matter of time now. [sad]

Hope it doesn't take 10-20 years to get a conservative back in..

That reminds me I've got to order a couple of more lowers.
Man business must be boomin right now.
The funny part we went up to Maine for lunch and two guys were sitting near us, and they came up there to get away from the inauguration stuff going on.[laugh] We also ran into a couple from our end of the state too while there.
All in all it was a nice day. [grin]
The funny part we went up to Maine for lunch and two guys were sitting near us, and they came up there to get away from the inauguration stuff going on.[laugh] We also ran into a couple from our end of the state too while there.
All in all it was a nice day. [grin]

I spent it listening to the radio and knitting a sweater for my beloved. I think I would rather have left the state. [wink]
Yeah it was nice. We even went through Devens again to see what else they have done with it since the last time we were down there.[laugh] We dragged Glenn's mom with us also. the last time she had been up to Maine was 20 years ago when we all went up there for smelt fishing. Well shopping for her and I, fishing for Glenn and his dad.[laugh]
She was glad we took her up there.
I had to go into Boston today. The first portent of things to come was when I discovered that, even with my Charlie Card, the T fares had gone up 36% on the 1st. (This is on top of the 25% increase last year for a total increase of 70%) I guest that's one reason why they need to increase the minimum wage, though I didn't see any people around that struck me as the minimum wage sorts there today. It seemed to be pretty much evenly split three ways between the limosine liberals, the happy valley intellectuals, and the why work when there's welfare populations. About the only thing missing were the buses of students from Amherst, paid for by student fees and probably counting for some sort of academic credit.

I had to go into Boston today. The first portent of things to come was when I discovered that, even with my Charlie Card, the T fares had gone up 36% on the 1st. (This is on top of the 25% increase last year for a total increase of 70%) I guest that's one reason why they need to increase the minimum wage, though I didn't see any people around that struck me as the minimum wage sorts there today. It seemed to be pretty much evenly split three ways between the limosine liberals, the happy valley intellectuals, and the why work when there's welfare populations. About the only thing missing were the buses of students from Amherst, paid for by student fees and probably counting for some sort of academic credit.


Today's guest acronym: BOHICA.
I had to go into Boston today. The first portent of things to come was when I discovered that, even with my Charlie Card, the T fares had gone up 36% on the 1st. (This is on top of the 25% increase last year for a total increase of 70%) I guest that's one reason why they need to increase the minimum wage, though I didn't see any people around that struck me as the minimum wage sorts there today. It seemed to be pretty much evenly split three ways between the limosine liberals, the happy valley intellectuals, and the why work when there's welfare populations. About the only thing missing were the buses of students from Amherst, paid for by student fees and probably counting for some sort of academic credit.


Time for a new calculator! [smile]
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