What are your Skills?

I can make 30-minute brownies in 10 minutes.

I'm in business intelligence, so I might be able to calculate the best caliber to use against zombies through statistical analysis. That, and I can throw old boxes of SQL Server software really far and with extreme accuracy.

Oh my....... this is some really funny stuff![rolleyes]
I am a Theatrical Technichian. While this doesn't sound like much, it is. I have a wide variety of knowledge and basic skills in electricity, rigging, carpentry, and first aid. Additionaly I have worked as a dept. head for the last 7 years. I also am a pretty good shot with pistol and shotgun with my rifle skills to be built up after the ar is built.

Most of my friends are similarly equiped and we have had many a conversation about the pending "zombie invasion". I am interested to see how we would do in such a situation, and why I was interested in survival shows and such. Our/my weakness is in the metal Fab area.
I have prior military experience, and all that entails. Can fix cars and light trucks, build houses, plumb some and do most electrical work. Teach non-gun people the basics and perhaps teach a trick or two to experienced shooters to include rifle and pistol. Operate excaivation equipment, if there is any left to run. I'm not much of a cook and don't usually do windows. Oh, and I've hurt peoples feelings before.
Animal husbandry.
Metal work/welding.
Flint knapping.
Tanning skins and furs.
Horse shoeing.
Sheep shearing.
Well digging.
Small engine repair.
Boat building.
Stone masonry.
First aid.
Dog training.
Minor electrical repairs.
Beer and wine making.
Operate heavy equipment.
Food preservation.

I also know how to sew, knit and crochet.[thinking]
Animal husbandry.
Metal work/welding.
Flint knapping.
Tanning skins and furs.
Horse shoeing.
Sheep shearing.
Well digging.
Small engine repair.
Boat building.
Stone masonry.
First aid.
Dog training.
Minor electrical repairs.
Beer and wine making.
Operate heavy equipment.
Food preservation.

I also know how to sew, knit and crochet.[thinking]

You're hired.
I can supervise really well[smile]

Really though I'm not sure I have a specific skill set but I am really good at figuring things out so I think I'd be ok.
Realizing there has been a lot of focus on equiptment discussions, and the desire for new topics from some of the regulars here.

What skills do you have that you could barter with in the event of a serious economic collapse.
Do you have skills (not dependent on "Hi-Tech" or maybee even a stable power grid) you could trade for items or other services in an economic catastrophy scenerio?

For me I have masonry skills (installations & repairs) aswell as fishing skills (ability to harvest seafood).

So whats your skill(s)?

Nice thread with interesting thoughts. Money may be either NFG or unavailable so bartering may be the only way to get anything done. First and foremost folks have to eat, drink, and have a warm and dry shelter. Skills in those three areas seem like they'd be critical.

Skills for whatever they're worth
Survival..Learned from living with native Alaskans (married to one)
Former AK registered guide where survival was required to obtain your license.
Limited trapping skills
Fishing..gillnetting, seining, longlining, crabbing, sportfishing.
Electrician (outside panel)
Plummer..Nope and THAT'S why TSHTF!
Telephone Tech..All aspects installation, repair, fiber optics, and high cap.
Leadership comes from 10 yrs in USCG along with many supervisory posistions.

I realize many of my skills are catered for living outside the burbs and asphalt, but if I need to barter I'll find a way. It may come down to simplicity. If you have land with a natural spring you can barter water. A wood lot then firewood and so on. It may not be skills at all but needed items may become more valuable to barter. Hope we really don't have to go beyond discussion here but reality is this topic is viewed far more frequently than ever.
I've had the benefit of working on an old summer cottage with my grandfather (RIP) and dad over the years. From that, I learned:

Basic Carpentry
Basic Electrical Work
Basic Mansonry
Basic Plumbing

I've also done some vehicle repair, but haven't practiced that in years.
I've built several pieces of 2x4 furniture (Furniture made from standard dimention commerical lumber)

I done milling and lathe work with manual lathes and mills, but those require electricity to be useful.

I work as an electrical engineer and do alot of my own tech work (soldering, trouble shooting, component identification and replacement) so I can do electronics repair. I've built a small hand generator and can build a regulator that I could build a hand-crank charging unit.

Hunt, Fish, Clean, Prep and Cook, as well as sew, clean laundry (in a tub and washboard)

I'm working in increasing the number of handtools I have so I can be better prepared.
licensed mass general contractor, own a small portable mig welder if anyone needs something. just let me know, borrow it as long as needed.
I can build damn near anything with just hand tools.
Basic plumbing
Basic electrical
Can Hunt and Fish
Can operate most heavy equipment

And I speak fluent A$$hole so I could act as an interperter for Scrivener if necessary.
Animal husbandry.
Metal work/welding.
Flint knapping.
Tanning skins and furs.
Horse shoeing.
Sheep shearing.
Well digging.
Small engine repair.
Boat building.
Stone masonry.
First aid.
Dog training.
Minor electrical repairs.
Beer and wine making.
Operate heavy equipment.
Food preservation.

I also know how to sew, knit and crochet.[thinking]

Holy Crap...you have the skills of an entire town!

OK, real world skills:
  • I was a baker for 10 years so I guess I can do something with flour and make it edible. And I'm not a bad cook either.
  • I can brew my own beer.
  • Fish.
  • Jimmyrig things and make 'em go.
  • I've have basic+ plumbing and HVAC skills.
  • I have some electric and carpentry skills.
  • And I'm posting in this forum so I labor under the delusion that I have some shooting skills.
  • I've been known to organize a group of people with skills but have their heads up their own @$$es and push out a final product that didn't explode or fall apart.
  • By this time next year I should know how to keep bees (or get stung by them).

I am a Tech Writer, but I don't think that will come in handy if the SHTF other than keeping a good diary of what happened each day...and write a manual that includes all the stuff that PoM can do.
Animal husbandry.
Metal work/welding.
Flint knapping.
Tanning skins and furs.
Horse shoeing.
Sheep shearing.
Well digging.
Small engine repair.
Boat building.
Stone masonry.
First aid.
Dog training.
Minor electrical repairs.
Beer and wine making.
Operate heavy equipment.
Food preservation.

I also know how to sew, knit and crochet.[thinking]

If we are pickin' WTSHTF teams, I "Call" PoM.
Well let's see...

01) I can farm
02) I can tend farm animals
03) butcher
04) hunt
05) fish
06) I know about explosives and how to make gunpowder
07) I can reload and am a pretty decent gunsmith
08) I know things hi-tech and low-tech
09) I can pan for precious metals ( and have a little laid back when the dollar goes south)
10) I'm handy with a chain saw
11) If all else fails, I'm a good lay (or so the wife says)
Fixed it for you.

Animal husbandry.
Metal work/welding.
Flint knapping.
Tanning skins and furs.
Horse shoeing.
Sheep shearing.
Well digging.
Small engine repair.
Boat building.
Stone masonry.
First aid.
Dog training.
Minor electrical repairs.
Beer and wine making.
Operate heavy equipment.
Food preservation.
I can take a bullet in the head and live to tell the tale.

I also know how to sew, knit and crochet.[thinking]
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