What in THE HELL happened to Riley's????

OK, things make sense to me now. I drove past Riley's on my way to and from Laconia a couple of weeks ago and I didn't even think they were open. The big signs were gone, there wasn't a single car in the parking lot, and it didn't even look like the lights were on. It obviously wasn't a place I frequented since I hadn't noticed sooner (I'm in the camp of folks fed up with the shitty service long ago), but it's still a shame when the competitive market dwindles.
I was in the area last week and went into Shooters then Rileys and it was just depressing. There was so little selection that I was in and out in about five minutes.

Meanwhile Shooters, starting at the display case next to the door with a Glock, a suppressor and an AR, was like a giant middle finger pointed at Massachusetts.
I drove past rileys last saturday with a friend and the parking lot was like 1/3rd full and they had some promotional shooting range trailer or something in the lot there. Didn't seem like a lot of people for that
store, though. Shooters lot on the other hand was easily about half full.

Loosen the tinfoil bud, I think it's cutting off circulation to your brain

P. S. Nonexistence proofs are difficult.
I drove past rileys last saturday with a friend and the parking lot was like 1/3rd full and they had some promotional shooting range trailer or something in the lot there. Didn't seem like a lot of people for that
store, though. Shooters lot on the other hand was easily about half full.

Puts one in the mind of:

The Great Wall of Orlando​

Resorts south of Orlando complained that once Disney World was built and other major attractions started accreting to it, the tourists stopped and never went beyond it. Almost as if tourists were running up against a giant wall.
Riley's parking lot, like the store itself, was looking really sparse and unpopulated. I then stopped in at Shooter's -- parking lot was packed.

This photo was taken today, Saturday 11-24-18, on our way by from Shooter's. We didn't even bother to go in. Sad.


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Does rileys even do stiff discounts on case lots anymore? (they used to drop 500 round loaves of XM193 for at or cheaper than a typical online price)
That stuff and the reloading section was really the only reason I would stop in there. Plus their junk area would occasionally have hidden treasures in it.

Riley's was dead to me when they charged me a transfer fee for a group buy upper (The infamous Quentin Defense group buy). Told me they would just keep the upper if I didn't pay. f*** them, their store circling the drain makes me happy. LMAO. I went in there one day not too long ago because my BiL insisted we stop there, and it still sucks.
I choose not to buy most common stuff from Shooters because of their retarded requirements for ID AND to RECORD your ID in their computer in order to purchase stuff that the law doesnt require ID for.......

I've been carded at SO but never seen anyone type stuff into a computer etc. FWIW federal law pretty much implies that any FFL can ping for ID that's selling
ammo (there are sales restrictions although it's not very aggressive about enforcing that requirement, so as a result, most shops don't even bother unless there's a kid in there buying ammo that looks like he/she's 12 or something. )

Riley's was dead to me when they charged me a transfer fee for a group buy upper (The infamous Quentin Defense group buy). Told me they would just keep the upper if I didn't pay.

Did that fee get foisted on the group buy operator after the button got pressed? I forget the history on that deal. I stay away from group buys involving a
dealer unless its for ammo or something.

Did that fee get foisted on the group buy operator after the button got pressed? I forget the history on that deal. I stay away from group buys involving a
dealer unless its for ammo or something.

Nope. I had to pay it above the group buy cost. Cheesiest cheap skate bullshit ever.
Nope. I had to pay it above the group buy cost. Cheesiest cheap skate bullshit ever.

I guess what I was getting at, is did rileys agree to take shipment of these uppers for distribution at no cost, and then suddenly turned around and change the
terms of the "deal" ? If so, that's pretty scummy.

I guess what I was getting at, is did rileys agree to take shipment of these uppers for distribution at no cost, and then suddenly turned around and change the
terms of the "deal" ? If so, that's pretty scummy.


No idea. I showed up, said I was there to pick up my upper. They said we have to do a transfer and it is $15. I say why would I pay $15 to transfer a non regulated item that I have already paid for. They say because if you don't we're keeping it. Talk to guy running group buy afterwards, he tells me that should never have happened, there was no agreement for that, only for stripped lowers.

Put a pretty bad taste in my mouth in regards to group buys for a while....
Riley's was dead to me when they charged me a transfer fee for a group buy upper (The infamous Quentin Defense group buy). Told me they would just keep the upper if I didn't pay. f*** them, their store circling the drain makes me happy. LMAO. I went in there one day not too long ago because my BiL insisted we stop there, and it still sucks.

an upper transfer fee?? lmao, i'm glad i drive right by those two places on my way to 619DW. No bullshit there.
No idea. I showed up, said I was there to pick up my upper. They said we have to do a transfer and it is $15. I say why would I pay $15 to transfer a non regulated item that I have already paid for. They say because if you don't we're keeping it. Talk to guy running group buy afterwards, he tells me that should never have happened, there was no agreement for that, only for stripped lowers.

Put a pretty bad taste in my mouth in regards to group buys for a while....

I guess what I'm driving at is I'm trying to find out whether its a due diligence failure of the GB operator vs the shop, etc. Of course one wouldn't expect people to charge for simply handing someone an upper but as a GB operator its a question that needs to be asked- EG, "are you going to charge us admin fees for handing out uppers?" etc. I'm of the mind that you can never assume someone is going to do something for free, even if its that basic, unless you're
friends with them or something.

If this was an MJR buy then honestly I'd only half blame rileys... [rofl]

Does rileys even do stiff discounts on case lots anymore? (they used to drop 500 round loaves of XM193 for at or cheaper than a typical online price)
That stuff and the reloading section was really the only reason I would stop in there. Plus their junk area would occasionally have hidden treasures in it.


When you say "junk section", are you referring to their current gun selection, or the long gone bargain table?
If this was an MJR buy then honestly I'd only half blame rileys... [rofl]

That ass clown was posting pics of post marked envelopes as proof of payment for over a month straight meanwhile QD was sitting on boxes of product waiting for payment before shipping. The whole charade unraveled when someone actually called QD and got the straight scoop. Most ended up whole in the end (A miracle I tell ya) but I can assure you he never set up shit with Rileys. Thats why they were like FU we gots to get paid...
was in Riley's yesterday, completely cleaned up inside...handguns still to the right, but the left side stacks are gone, with new counter space. Place just looks cleaner, brighter. grabbed a new, but unpackaged Glock 27 mag for $15
When you say "junk section", are you referring to their current gun selection, or the long gone bargain table?

The junk area was near the ramp in the back, there were often boxes of shit all over the place, etc. Sometimes you could find half boxes of pistol ammo, shotgun loads, etc. I picked up a shitload of #6 dove loads there years ago, mainly because my rem 1100 tac at the time liked that stuff (it was hot enough to reliably cycle an auto really meant for 00 mag buck/slugs), and it was good for blowing things up at the range.

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