What is the difference between FID and LTC?

Jul 29, 2010
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Sorry, I know that this question must have been answered many times already. A link to the thread or threads would be appreciated. Thanks.
That link has good information. I'll summarize. Each permit allows you to own certain types/classes of guns. Starting with FID (the lowest):

FID: non-large capacity long guns. Cannot own handguns. (This is okay for many whose only goal is hunting)
LTC-B: large capacity long guns and non-large capacity handguns. (You'll be very restricted when it comes to choices of handguns)
LTC-A: large capacity long guns and large capacity handguns. LTC-A is the only permit that lets you carry concealed, if you don't get restrictions on it. (This is what most of us have and what you should go for).

The basic definition of "large capacity" is that it's capable of taking a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. Even if you don't own any of the large capacity magazines, if they exist, it's a large capacity gun.

There's a lot more to gun laws in MA, but that should get you started. Check out the forum dedicated to MA laws here. Feel free to ask anything that you can't find, but almost everything has been covered somewhere, and you can get a lot of info from the stickies at the top of that page.
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