What is the worst disaster New England has faced?

KING PHILLIP"S WAR (yes I'm a history buff)

The war was the single greatest calamity to occur in seventeenth-century Puritan New England. In the space of little more than a year, twelve of the region's towns were destroyed and many more damaged, the colony's economy was all but ruined, and much of its population was killed, including one-tenth of all men available for military service.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP] More than half of New England's towns were attacked by Native American warriors.[SUP][7][/SUP]
Great flu Pandemic 1918-1919

The first recorded cases of virulent influenza in the United States occured in Boston. On August 27th, 1918 several sailors at the Commonwealth Pier reported sick with influenza. By the next day, there were eight new cases. On the third day, August 29th, there were 58 cases. These men were sent to the Chelsea Naval Hospital; from this hospital, the disease spread rapidly into the city of Boston and the rest of the state...

In Boston, however, state officials were correct in assuming that the situation had begun to improve slightly. By late October, the city's death rate had probably dropped to fifty deaths from influenza per day. If true, this would have been a dramatic improvement as the PHS estimated that there had been at least 4,000 deaths from influenza between September 8th and October 25th alone.

...As ground-zero for the pandemic, Massachusett's became a focal point for post-pandemic studies. In the late 1920's, to PHS statisticians estimated that between September 1, 1918 and January 16, 1919, approximately 45,000 people died from influenza in Massachusetts alone. Horrific as these figures are, many historians believe that the number of influenza-related deaths in Massachusetts during this period was probably higher.


If this happened today they would come to your home and take away the rest of your rights so I think one of the big pandemic coming to a state near you is your gov/ state or fed
KING PHILLIP"S WAR (yes I'm a history buff)

The war was the single greatest calamity to occur in seventeenth-century Puritan New England. In the space of little more than a year, twelve of the region's towns were destroyed and many more damaged, the colony's economy was all but ruined, and much of its population was killed, including one-tenth of all men available for military service.[SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP] More than half of New England's towns were attacked by Native American warriors.[SUP][7][/SUP]

It was there land that was taken from them
Pikers! The coming financial collapse where your money is rendered worthless by inflation. War, pestilence, disease and .gov taking to their underground bunkers and saying **** you

you stupid peasants.

Preparing for that...now THAT is prepping.
How about the northeast blackout of 2003? I know that only lasted a few days, but consider one that lasted for several weeks or even months.
Here in our section of Rockport anytime 2 birds sit next to each other on wires we loose power. Sometimes for weeks.
Woodstove was an excellent investment.
The biggest approaching disaster is the communist regime initiated by our silly leaders.
Holy crap. Was there somebody in that white van? Looks like the thing was going down the road when the tree took it out.

There were two fatalities on my block one in the van and the other in the house that was flattened. The mother shielded her daughter in the bathtub. The girl survived but the mother passed a hero. I still can not believe that more people did not pass. The area was surreal

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