What is your "Ban compliant" SHTF "Battle" weapon(s)?

If the SHTF who are you planning on going to "battle" with? My SHTF plan is based on keeping a very low profile, avoiding whatever caused the STHTF, and using firearms only when necessary to protect myself and family.

If you are planning on going to battle alone against any sort of trained or even untrained group of people intent on doing you harm, you need to rethink your SHTF strategy. And you've been watching too much TV and reading too many SHTF books.

Current rifle: AR15 (.223/5.56 NATO) with 12 30 round magazines, and 4 20 round magazines (currently, planning to get some new 40 round mags).
Current shotgun: Remington 870 with pistol grip, adjustable butstock (at least 4 positions), magazine extension, and AFG1.
Current sidearm: Para P14-.45 (circa 1994), with 14 and 15 round magazines.

Since I'm in NH, IDGAF about the nanny state bans/laws.

300 Blackout pistol
.223/5.56 NATO pistol
300 Blackout rifle
AR15 with longer barrel (18-20")

IF we go SHTF time, then who gives a rats ass about bans? I want to have enough firearms that can use scavenged ammo. Some I'll need to reload, but the majority will be grab and go.
Ban compliant SHTF rifle? Are you serious? If the SHTF, the last thing I would be concerned with is a friggin ban.. Cripes, Im not concerned now, but SHTF? I assure you.. least of my concern.

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Yep, if you're worried about ban features, you'll be handing them over when asked, not even waiting to be told.
The only problem with having an AK is that you are limited by the ammo you have stored. You won't be able to scavenge as effectively for a Russki round. Best to keep a 9mm and an AR as well.
Yeah, because it's so easy to get anytging in those calibers even without SHTF.
Yeah, because it's so easy to get anytging in those calibers even without SHTF.

Army truck, SWAT vehicle, police car, police station, etc. may all have 5.56, 9mm, and probably .40. Chances of them having any 7.62x39/54, very, very, unlikely.
Army truck, SWAT vehicle, police car, police station, etc. may all have 5.56, 9mm, and probably .40. Chances of them having any 7.62x39/54, very, very, unlikely.
. Army trucks have soldiers, police cars have cops in them, as do police stations. SWAT vehicles have a mix of both (LOL). I'm sure they are all eager to share their ammo. After all, that's what they do, right? Next thing you jnow is FEMA serving 4 course dinners.
Let's face it, your chances to scavenge ammo are the same as for scavenging food. Means, next to zero. Plan accordingly with what you have, not with what you wish you can get.
Here it is. XP-100 in .221 fireball with a 10X Burris scope. Fits in a backpack. First picture has three three shot groups (0.6, 0.67, 0.67) and the second has a five shot group (0.75) at 100 yards. Not cherry picked. That is how it shoots. I had a three shot group at 200 yards (when it had a 2X Leupold) that measured 0.39 No one said that it had to be practical...
059.JPG 060.JPG
White Feather
my ban compliant SHTF battle weapon will be my Saiga 223. i get the availability of the 5.56 ammo and the reliability of an AK. ive switched out a few things on it to make it slightly more tactical than in its stock configuration , and made it 922r compliant. my friend and i go to the range together all the time and he brings his wyndham AR and at 300 yards im hitting everything he does. after that distance honestly who cares? the only difference between my gun and his is about 1000 dollars and that i can drag mine through a cow field and still know its gonna go boom not click.
. Army trucks have soldiers, police cars have cops in them, as do police stations. SWAT vehicles have a mix of both (LOL). I'm sure they are all eager to share their ammo. After all, that's what they do, right? Next thing you jnow is FEMA serving 4 course dinners.
Let's face it, your chances to scavenge ammo are the same as for scavenging food. Means, next to zero. Plan accordingly with what you have, not with what you wish you can get.

If the sh!t really hits the fan, do you think those cops and army guys will be at their posts or with their families? I'm talking a major, major disaster type situation where it's just complete destruction of services and law and order.
The only problem with having an AK is that you are limited by the ammo you have stored. You won't be able to scavenge as effectively for a Russki round. Best to keep a 9mm and an AR as well.

Where would you get 9mm in SHTF scenario? Every gun shop I have been to in the past 6 months has been out!

I can find 7.62.
When the SHTF the last thing I'm going to worry about is if my weapon is ban compliant (not that I have to worry about that).
Where would you get 9mm in SHTF scenario? Every gun shop I have been to in the past 6 months has been out!

I can find 7.62.

Ok, so maybe I'm totally tin foiled out, but imagine this scenario. Law and order has broken down, no basic services are available, the police, fire, and all other agencies have vacated their posts. What are they most likely to have in trucks, police stations, armories, etc.? I'm talking a major breakdown of humanity here. Call me crazy, but that's what I plan for.

It's probably best not to pick that 7mm mauser as your SHTF gun is really my point. An ammo stockpile is a short term plan. Hell, I'm looking into making bows and shit from scratch just so I know how to do it.
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I would suggest Plan A be to acquire ammo ahead of time.

Main rifle first and most. Sidearm second , and not nearly as much. If ya'all are talking about worst case bad times , your pistol is a backup only.
Why would you worry about having more than a couple of hundred rds for your rifle, or more than a couple of magsful for your pistol? You're going to be dead anyway, if you need more than that. You're just not being sneaky enough nor accurate enough. There won't be any practicing, once shtf, that much is certain.
10/22 takedown.

Headshots all day long at 100 yards. Common round, common rifle, low recoil, low noise, can carry a lot of ammo in a very small space. The rifle is extremely reliable, compact, and you can even carry spare parts in a very small space.

It is also very easy to clean.

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