What is your SHTF Doomsday threat?

Supermarkets are bad enough when there’s 4” of snow in the forecast. You see people checking out with a pile of pop tarts and lunchables.

With a real SHTF disaster/war, the supermarkets will be cleaned out in a few hours and there likely won't be food for days/weeks/months, depending on what has happened.
About supermarkets, man, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a supermarket in a true SHTF scenario. People fighting to get in, people getting attacked and robbed of their food on the way out and heading home. Shelves picked clean on day one with no resupply. If you don't have at least least a few weeks of food and a clean water on- hand to at least increase your chances of making through those first few weeks, I think your timeline drops close to zero.
The real concern is that 1% of people will misread the signs, assume the collapse of civil order has come, and then won't their face be red when it turns out they attacked/robbed/ate their neighbors over a brief blip in power?

On the opposite extreme, when TEOTWAWKI actually does come, 90% of people will miss the signs, and the stores will already be stripped bare before they realize that the power isn't coming back... ever.

Better stock up on those Pizza Pockets. [laugh]
You could stock up now on dried ingredients, but unless you get some goats the limiting factor on pizza availability (pocket or pie) is going to be the cheese (1 year, longer if freeze-dried and mylar packaged).
You could feel the tension being in a supermarket the first week or so after covid blew up. In hindsight it was a good little dry run. I agree, you don't want to be in one the first few days after a panic inducing event
Someone on this forum told the story of the early days of the pandemic. He went to the supermarket with his young son and found the meat counter was bare.
The worker felt sorry for him, went out back, and got him a couple of packages of steak.
He did a little more shopping, and when he got to the checkout, the steaks were gone, someone took them out of his cart.
Someone on this forum told the story of the early days of the pandemic. He went to the supermarket with his young son and found the meat counter was bare.
The worker felt sorry for him, went out back, and got him a couple of packages of steak.
He did a little more shopping, and when he got to the checkout, the steaks were gone, someone took them out of his cart.
In a real SHTF, people will be shot in the parking lots or even the stores over those same steaks.
He went to the supermarket with his young son and found the meat counter was bare.
The worker felt sorry for him, went out back, and got him a couple of packages of steak.
He did a little more shopping, and when he got to the checkout, the steaks were gone, someone took them out of his cart.
In a real SHTF, people will be shot in the parking lots or even the stores over those same steaks.
Coming next year --his son will need to start riding shotgun inside Wegmans
You call them "used", I call them "new to me".
People laugh at buying a used fleshlight , but marry a woman that’s been with 50+ dudes. At least you can use bleach on the fleshlight.

I guess you can bleach the woman also, but they tend to complain about that.

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