What to do when a police station delays your renewal LTC past your experation date?

Not on my last renewal either.

Maybe it's you who is special ;)
I guess that if you only have one working eye they need prints. Last time in Acton they did all fingers, both hands for the LTC renewal and in Littleton they did the same for the Mass dealers license renewal. Maybe due to age when the fingers smooth off. However, both towns had these new fangled print readers that report directly to MIRCS. Before that they only did the index finger with the now obsolete print readers that dealers used to report the FA10. Jack.
You must be special. I've had prints done on renewals for 60 yrs. Jack.
Must vary by town. I haven't been fully printed for an LTC renewal since 1985.

Maybe due to age when the fingers smooth off.
So you've met my wife. Last time she needed some in-state thing, they couldn't get the reader to get them. The ICE agent at Logan was able to get them for her Global Entry card, though.
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